Liberty Matters

The OLL brings people together to debate and discuss important texts and big ideas about liberty.

Henry C. Clark, “Montesquieu on Liberty and Sumptuary Law” (November 2015)

The Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755) was one of the most widely read authors before the American Revolution and had a profound impact on the formation of the American Republic. In this discussion of his economic thought, in…

Hartmut Kliemt, “Anthony de Jasay and the Political Economy of the State” (September 2015)

The Anglo-Hungarian economist Anthony de Jasay turns 90 in 2015. To celebrate this event we have organized a Liberty Matters discussion of his work as an economic and political theorist which came to public attention with the…

Steven Kates, “Reassessing the Political Economy of John Stuart Mill” (July 2015)

In this month's Liberty Matters online discussion we reassess the economic ideas of John Stuart Mill as found in his classic work Principles of Political Economy (1st ed. 1848, 7th ed. 1871) and other writings. In the Lead Essay…

Justin Champion, “Magna Carta after 800 Years: From liber homo to modern freedom” (May 2015)

In June 2015 we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the signing of one of the key legal documents in English political history, the “Great Charter” (Magna Carta). When a group of disgruntled Barons forced King John to sign a document…

Richard M. Ebeling, “Assessing Böhm-Bawerk’s Contribution to Economics after a Hundred Years” (April 2015)

2014 was the 100th anniversary of the death of the economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914). In this Liberty Matters discussion we want to evaluate his contributions as one of the founders of the Austrian school of economic theory…

David M. Hart, “On the Spread of (Classical) Liberal Ideas” (March 2015)

In this Liberty Matters online discussion forum we explore a number of issues concerning the role ideas have had in changing societies by examining several historical examples such as the anti-slavery movement in Britain and America…

Stephen Davies, “Richard Cobden: Ideas and Strategies in Organizing the Free-Trade Movement in  Britain” (January 2015)

Today it is easy to be despondent about the prospects of bringing about radical change in public policy or the political and social order. Policies that are widely recognized to be foolish and self-defeating (such as the “war on…