Gordon Bannerman
b. ????
Gordon Bannerman is a freelance writer, researcher, and tutor. He received his Ph.D. from King’s College London in 2005 having previously studied modern history at the London School of Economics and King’s College London.
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He has previously taught modern British history at the London School of Economics, Dundee University, and King’s College London. Dr. Bannerman’s research interests include the “fiscal-military State” of 18th-century Britain, political radicalism in 19th-century Britain, and 20th-century international history. He has coauthored and coedited (with Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey and Anthony Howe) two volumes of a four-volume document-based collection, Battles over Free Trade: Anglo-American Experiences with International Trade, 1776-2006, (London: Chatto & Pickering, 2008). He has also written the entry “Free Trade” for European History Online (2013; ) as well as a number of biographical entries for The Encyclopaedia of Modern Political Thought (CQ Press, 2013). His latest publication is “The Free Trade Idea” in The Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Trade, ed. Lisa Martin (Oxford University Press) to be published in March 2015. Dr. Bannerman also served as Research Officer for The Letters of Richard Cobden project at the University of East Anglia.