Classics of Liberty

About this Collection

The following texts have been selected for being among the most important and influential books in the development of the idea of individual liberty, limited government, and the free market. Each author is represented by only one title in order to have as broad a range of authors as possible. Clicking on the author’s name will take you to that author’s bio page where additional works by that author are listed.

Key People

Titles & Essays

Areopagitica (1644) (Jebb ed.)

John Milton (author)

This is Milton’s famous defense of freedom of speech and the press, in an edition based upon Sir Richard Jebb’s lectures at Cambridge in 1872, with extensive notes and commentaries. Mlton’s work was a protest against Parliament’s…

Capital and Interest: A Critical History of Economic Theory

Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (author)

Ludwig von Mises described this as a “monumental work” which “is the most eminent contribution to economic theory”. He further stated that “a man not perfectly familiar with all the ideas advanced in theses three volumes has no claim…

Cato’s Letters, 4 vols. in 2 (LF ed.)

Thomas Gordon (author)

Thomas Gordon was the joint author with John Trenchard of these 4 volumes. Almost a generation before Washington, Henry, and Jefferson were even born, two Englishmen, concealing their identities with the honored ancient name of Cato,…

Complete Works, 4 vols. (1777)

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (author)

A 4 volume collection of the Works of Montesquieu.

Complete Works, vol. 1 The Spirit of Laws

Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu (author)

This is volume 1 from the Complete Works. The Spirit of Laws is Montesquieu’s best known work in which he reflects on the influence of climate on society, the separation of political powers, and the need for checks on a powerful…

Discourses Concerning Government

Algernon Sidney (author)

Written in response to Sir Robert Filmer’s Patriarcha (1680), the Discourses Concerning Government is a classic defense of republicanism and popular government. Sidney rejected Filmer’s theories of royal absolutism and divine right…

Economic Harmonies (FEE ed.)

Frédéric Bastiat (author)

This is the translation by the Foundation for Economic Education of Bastiat’s longest and best known work Economic Harmonies. A new translation of this work by Liberty Fund is in progress. See the Summary of the Bastiat Project for…

Editorials by Leonard P. Liggio

Leonard P. Liggio (author)

[Leonard P. Liggio c. 1981]

The following are the editorials written for each issue of the journal Literature of Liberty: A Review of Contemporary Liberal Thought which was published first by the Cato Institute (1978-1979) and…

An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, Vol. I.

William Godwin (author)

Godwin’s best known work of political theory. Written in the early years of the French Revolution before the Terror had begun, Godwin provides a devastating critique of unjust government institutions and optimistically proposes that…

An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, Vol. II.

William Godwin (author)

Godwin’s best known work of political theory. Written in the early years of the French Revolution before the Terror had begun, Godwin provides a devastating critique of unjust government institutions and optimistically proposes that…

An Essay on the History of Civil Society

Adam Ferguson (author)

A pioneering work of the Scottish Enlightenment in the field of “philosophical history”, or what we would today call sociology. It deals with the social, political, economic, intellectual, and legal changes which accompanied…

Essays Moral, Political, Literary (LF ed.)

David Hume (author)

This edition of Hume’s much neglected philosophical essays contains the thirty-nine essays included in Essays, Moral, and Literary, that made up Volume I of the 1777 posthumous Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects. It also…

The Federalist (Gideon ed.)

Alexander Hamilton (author)

The Federalist, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, constitutes a text central to the American political tradition. Published in newspapers in 1787 and 1788 to explain and promote ratification of the proposed…

The History of Freedom and Other Essays

John Emerich Edward Dalberg, Lord Acton (author)

Acton never completed his projected History of Liberty. The collection contains two chapters from this planned history - on liberty in antiquity and Christianity - and many book reviews where one can piece together Acton’s approach…

Magna Carta: A Commentary

John Lackland (King John) (author)

This is a detailed and meticulous edition of Magna Carta with each clause in the original Latin, followed by an English translation and heavily annotated by the editor.

The Natural and Artificial Right of Property Contrasted

Thomas Hodgskin (author)

In this series of letters to Lord Braugham, Hodgskin distinguishes between the natural right of property (based upon Lockean principles of natural law) and the artificial right of property (which is decreed by parliament). He…

On Liberty and The Subjection of Women (1879 ed.)

John Stuart Mill (author)

Mill had been somewhat coy about publishing The Subjection of Women during his lifetime because he feared the condemnation of his peers for daring to apply the general notions of individual liberty which he had clearly spelled out in…

Treatise on the Commonwealth

Marcus Tullius Cicero (author)

The Treatise on the Commonwealth is Cicero’s imitation of Plato’s dialogue The Republic where he uses Stoic philosophy to explain Roman constitutional theory. He makes a connection between moral government and individual moral…

Kant’s Principles of Politics, including his essay on Perpetual Peace

Immanuel Kant (author)

This 1891 translation includes a number of Kant’s shorter pieces on Universal History, Political Right, Principle of Progress, and Perpetual Peace.

The Rights of War and Peace (2005 ed.) 3 vols

Hugo Grotius (author)

Grotius’s Rights of War and Peace is a classic of modern public international law which lays the foundation for a universal code of law and which strongly defends the rights of individual agents - states as well as private persons -…

The Rights of War and Peace (2005 ed.) vol. 1 (Book I)

Hugo Grotius (author)

Grotius’s Rights of War and Peace is a classic of modern public international law which lays the foundation for a universal code of law and which strongly defends the rights of individual agents - states as well as private persons -…

The Rights of War and Peace (2005 ed.) vol. 3 (Book III)

Hugo Grotius (author)

Grotius’s Rights of War and Peace is a classic of modern public international law which lays the foundation for a universal code of law and which strongly defends the rights of individual agents - states as well as private persons -…

Select Works of Edmund Burke, vol. 2

Francis Canavan (foreword)

Burke’s classic criticism of the French Revolution. It provoked many replies and Burke returned to the issue again and again.

Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke, vol. II

Steve Shepherd (editor)

Vol. 2 of a 3 vol. set of The Selected Writings. This volume contains Coke’s Speech at Norwich, excerpts from the small treatises, and excerpts from the 4 parts of the Institutes.

Social Statics (1851)

Herbert Spencer (author)

Spencer’s first major work of political philosophy in which he attempts to lay the basis for a limited state on a rigorous development of a doctrine of natural rights. He begins with a defense of his “first principle” ’that every…

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

Ludwig von Mises (author)

This is a newly annotated edition of the classic first published in German in 1922. It is the definitive refutation of nearly every type of socialism ever devised. Mises presents a wide-ranging analysis of society, comparing the…

The Society of Tomorrow

Gustave de Molinari (author)

In this vision of a future society, the Belgian laissez-faire economist Molinari suggests how many, if not most, public goods could be provided by the free market or by radically decentralized local governments.

Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Vol. 2 War, Peace, and Reform

Goldwin Smith (introduction)

Volume 2 of a two volume collection of Cobden’s speeches on Free Trade, Finance, War, Foreign Policy, and Parliamentary Reform.

The Sphere and Duties of Government (1792, 1854)

Joseph Coulthard (translator)

In The Limits of State Action Humboldt explores the role that liberty plays in individual development, discusses criteria for permitting the state to limit individual actions, and suggests ways of confining the state to its proper…

The State

Anthony de Jasay (author)

The State is a brilliant analysis of modern political arrangements that views the state as acting in its own interest contrary to the interests of individuals and even of an entire society.

Read the Liberty Classic on this title from…


Thanksgiving Greetings from the Reading Room
A menu of our traditional Thanksgiving treats for visitors to the Reading Room
A Treatise on Political Economy

Jean-Baptiste Say (author)

One of the most influential works on Political Economy in the 19thC. It set the stage for the development of the study of political economy in France and an early translation into English helped make it become the most used economics…

The Two Treatises of Civil Government (Hollis ed.)

Thomas Hollis (editor)

Locke’s most famous work of political philosophy began as a reply to Filmer’s defense of the idea of the divine right of kings and ended up becoming a defense of natural rights, especially property rights, and of government limited…

Union and Liberty: The Political Philosophy of John C. Calhoun

John C. Calhoun (author)

These writings address such issues as states’ rights and nullification, slavery, the growth of the Federal judicial power, and Calhoun’s doctrine of the “concurrent majority.” This selection presents twelve notable speeches, letters,…

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman

Mary Wollstonecraft (author)

Wollstonecraft first defended the rights of men in response to Burke’s pamphlet on the French Revolution, then turned to the rights of woman a couple of years later. It is one of the key texts of modern feminist thought.

The Works, vol. 2 (1771-1779)

Thomas Jefferson (author)

Volume 2 of the “Federal Edition” of Jefferson’s works in 12 volumes edited by Paul Leicester Ford in 1904-05. This volume contains Correspondence and Miscellaneous writings between 1771 and 1779, including the Summary View, the…

The Works of Voltaire, Vol. I (Candide)

Voltaire (author)

Taken from the 21 volume 1901 edition of the Complete Works, this is Voltaire’s most famous “philosophic tale” in which he makes fun of the idea that “this is the best of all possible worlds” by showing how much injustice and folly…

The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Vol. 1 Principles of Political Economy and Taxation

David Ricardo (author)

On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation provides analysis of the allocation of money between capitalists, landowners, and agricultural workers in Britain. Through this analysis, Ricardo came to advocate free trade and…

The Writings of Thomas Paine, Vol. II (1779-1792)

Thomas Paine (author)

Vol. 2 of a 4 vol. collection of the works of Thomas Paine. Vol. 2 (1779-1792) contains the Letter to Abbey Raynal, Dissertations on Government, The Rights of Man (1 and 2) and various articles.
