John Milton
1608 – 1674
John Milton (1608-1674) ranks among the greatest poets of the English language. He is best known for the epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), but he also wrote prose works on history, religion, and contemporary politics.
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Although his academic talents marked him for a career in the Anglican church, Milton turned away from the Church of England at an early age and was a consistent supporter of the Puritan cause. He spent most of his life in academia or as a civil servant working for the Puritan Commonwealth.
Read the Liberty Classics Liberty, Not Licensing: John Milton’s Areopagitica from Econlib
For additional information about John Milton see the following:
- Timeline on the Life and Work of John Milton
- the Goodrich Seminar Room entry on John Milton
- Topic on The English Revolution
Milton featured as the December 2022 OLL Birthday. Read it here