Key Documents of Liberty

This is a collection of some of the most important legal documents, charters, constitutions, and declarations in the western tradition.

-1750: The Code of Hammurabi (Johns translation)

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Code of Hammurabi

Related Links:

Hammurabi Subject Area: Law Collections: Laws, Charters, Constitutions, Bills of Right

Source: Rev. Claude Hermann Walter Johns, Babylonian and…

-1750: The Code of Hammurabi (King translation)

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Hammurabi's Code

Related Links:

Hammurabi Subject Area: Law Collections: Laws, Charters, Constitutions, Bill of Rights

Source: Translated by L. W. King (1910)

Copyright: The text…

1117: Articles of the Communal Charter of Amiens

Related Links:

Augustin Thierry

Source: Augustin Thierry, The Formation and Progress of the Tiers État, or Third Estate in France, translated from the French by the Rev. Francis B. Wells, Two volumes in One (London: Henry G.…

1215: Magna Carta

Related Links:

The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen Magna Carta: A Commentary (1914) Magna Carta: Commemoration Essays (1917) Collections: Law

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Magna Carta

1215: Magna Carta (Latin and English)

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Magna Carta

Related Links:

Magna Carta: A Commentary (1914) Subject Area: Law

Source: The Roots of Liberty: Magna Carta, Ancient Constitution, and the Anglo-American Tradition of…

1602: Coke, Preface to the 2nd Part of the Reports (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Sir Edward Coke

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1619: Laws enacted by the First General Assembly of Virginia

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1620: The Mayflower Compact

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1621: Constitution for the Council and Assembly in Virginia

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1628: Petition of Right

Related Links:

Coke's Selected Writings vol. 3

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Sir Edward Coke

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

Petition of…
1629: Agreement of the Massachusetts Bay Company

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1637: Providence Agreement

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1638: Act for Church Liberties (Maryland)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1638: Act for the Liberties of the People (Maryland)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1639: Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1640/1: The Triennial Act

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas: Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections: The Levellers Collections: The English Civil War

Source: Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660,…

1641: Massachusetts Body of Liberties

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1641: The Act for the Abolition of the Court of High Commission

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections:The Levellers Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660,…

1641: The Act for the Abolition of the Court of Star Chamber

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections:The Levellers Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660,…

1641: The Tonnage and Poundage Act

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections:The Levellers Collections:The English Civil War

1642: Organization of the Government of Rhode Island

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1642: Propositions made by Parliament and Charles I’s Answer

Related Links:

Collections: The English Civil War

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1644: Williams, Bloody Tenet, of Persecution (Letter)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1647: Acts and Orders (Rhode Island)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1647: Laws and Liberties of Massachusetts

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1647: The Agreement of the People, as presented to the Council of the Army

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections:The Levellers Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660,…

1647: The Putney Debates

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Puritanism and Liberty Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Sir William Clarke, Puritanism and Liberty, being the Army Debates (1647-9) from the Clarke Manuscripts with Supplementary Documents,…

1648/9: The Agreement of the People

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Gardiner on the English Revolution Collections:The Levellers Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Samuel Rawson Gardiner, The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution, 1625-1660,…

1649: A Declaration of Parliament

Related Links:

Collections: The English Civil War

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1649: Ball, Rule of a Free-Born People (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The English Civil War

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1649: Maryland Toleration Act

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1649: Rous, Lawfulness of Obeying the Present Government (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The English Civil War

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1658: Coke, Prohibitions del Roy (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Sir Edward Coke

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 1.

1660: Milton, A Free Commonwealth (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

John Milton Collections:The English Civil War

Source: Editor's Introduction from The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty…

1661: Act of the General Court (of Mass.)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1675: Shaftesbury, Letter from a Person of Quality (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 2.

1675: Shaftesbury, Speech in Parliament (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 2.

1679: Habeas Corpus Act

Related Links:

Francis Lieber Collections:Laws, Charters, Constitutions, Bills of Right

Source: Appendix to Francis Lieber, On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, 3rd revised edition, ed. Theodore D. Woolsey (Philadelphia: J.B.…

1682: Act for Freedom of Conscience (Penn.)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution William Penn

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1682: Charter of the Liberties and Frame of Government of Pennsylvania

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution William Penn

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1683: Charter of Liberties and Privileges (New York)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1689: English Bill of Rights

Related Links:

Collections: Law Collections: The American Revolution andConstitution

Source: James McClellan's Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government (3rd ed.)…

1692: Shower, Reasons for a New Bill of Rights (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections:The English Civil War

Source: The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols, ed. Joyce Lee Malcolm (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1999). Vol. 2.

1701: Pennsylvania Charter of Liberties

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution William Penn

Source: Colonial Origins of the American Constitution: A Documentary History, ed. Donald S. Lutz (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 1998).

1736: Brief Narrative of the Trial of Peter Zenger

"A Brief Narrative of the Case and Tryal of John Peter Zenger"
Printer of the New York Weekly Journal (New York, 1736)

Introductory Note by Eugene F. Miller

The trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New York Weekly…

1744: Williams, Rights and Liberties of Protestants (Sermon)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Elisha Williams

Source: Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805, 2 vols, Foreword by Ellis Sandoz (2nd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998).…

1763: Otis, Rights of British Colonies Asserted (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Otis

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1765: Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1766: Mayhew, The Snare Broken (Sermon)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805, 2 vols, Foreword by Ellis Sandoz (2nd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998). Vol. 1.

1774: Declaration and Resolves of the 1st Continental Congress

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1776: Declaration of Independence (various drafts)

Related Links:

Thomas Jefferson John Adams Benjamin Franklin
Carl LotusBecker The American Revolution and Constitution

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Declaration of Independence

Source:A chapter in Becker's The…

1776: Hutchinson, Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence

Related Links:

Thomas Hutchinson

Source: This document has been made available in the corrected version made by Dr. Hans Eicholz. Original pagination is given in brackets [], designating the beginning of each page. Spelling and…

1776: Paine, Common Sense (Pamphlet)

Thomas Paine (contributor)

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Paine

Source: Thomas Paine, The Writings of Thomas Paine, Collected and Edited by Moncure Daniel Conway (New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894). Vol. 1.

1776: Virginia Declaration of Rights

Related Links:

Collections: Law Collections: American Revolution & Constitution

Source: James McClellan's Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government (3rd ed.)…

1776: Witherspoon, Dominion of Providence over the Passions of Men (Sermon)

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805, 2 vols, Foreword by Ellis Sandoz (2nd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998). Vol. 1.

1778: Articles of Confederation

Related Links:

Collections:Law Collections:American Revolution & Constitution

Source: James McClellan's Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government (3rd ed.)…

1785: Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Madison

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1786: Jefferson, Virginia Bill Establishing Religious Freedom

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: Brutus, Essay II (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1787: Brutus, Essay V (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: Brutus, Letter I (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: Centinel, Letter I (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: Jay, Address to the People of N.Y. (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution John Jay

Source: Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788, edited with notes and a…

1787: Letters from the Federal Farmer, Letter No. III

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Empire and Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (John Dickinson). Letters from the Federal Farmer (Richard Henry Lee), ed. Forrest McDonald…

1787: Letters from the Federal Farmer, No. VII (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Empire and Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (John Dickinson). Letters from the Federal Farmer (Richard Henry Lee), ed. Forrest McDonald…

1787: Madison’s Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention

Related Links:

Exploring Ideas:Table of Contents to The Founders' Constitution James Madison Debates on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, ed. Jonathan Elliot The Writings of James Madison, ed. Gaillard Hunt The Records of…

1787: Mason: Objections to the Proposed Constitution (Letter)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution George Mason

Source: Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788, edited with notes and a…

1787: Northwest Ordinance

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: P. Webster, The Weakness of Brutus (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Pelatiah Webster

Source: Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788, edited with notes and a…

1787: Ramsay, Address to the Freemen of Sth. Carolina (Speech)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution David Ramsay

Source: Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788, edited with notes and a…

1787: Selections from the Federalist (Pamphlets)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Madison John Jay Alexander Hamilton

Source: James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist (The Gideon Edition), Edited with an Introduction,…

1787: US Constitution

Related Links:

The American Republic: Primary Sources Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Related Links in the Goodrich Seminar Room:

Declaration of Independence

Related External Links:

The Founders'…

1787: Virginia and New Jersey Plans

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1787: Wilson, Address to the People of Philadelphia (Speech)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Wilson

Source: Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, published during its Discussion by the People, 1787-1788, edited with notes and a…

1788: Amendments recommended by the Several State Conventions

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1789: French Declaration of the Rights of Man

Related Links:

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens Georg Jellinek

Source: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizens: A Contribution to Modern Constitutional History by Georg Jellinek, Dr. Phil. et Jur.…

1789: Madison, Speech Introducing Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Madison

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1790: Hamilton, First Report on Public Credit

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution Alexander Hamilton

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1790: Jefferson, Memorandum on the Compromise of 1790

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1790: Price, Discourse on the Love of Our Country (Sermon)

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution Richard Price

Source: Political Sermons of the American Founding Era: 1730-1805, 2 vols, Foreword by Ellis Sandoz (2nd ed. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1998).…

1791: Hamilton, Opinion as to the Constitutionality of the Bank of the US

Related Links:

Collections:The American Revolution and Constitution Alexander Hamilton

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1791: Jefferson, Opinion against the Constitutionality of a National Bank

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1791: Madison, Speech on the Bank Bill

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Madison

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1791: US Bill of Rights (1st 10 Amendments) - with commentary

Related Links:

Collections:Law Collections: The American Revolution andConstitution

Source: James McClellan's Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government (3rd ed.)…

1793: French Republic Constitution of 1793

Related Links:

Francis Lieber Collections:Laws, Charters, Constitutions, Bills of Right

Source: Appendix to Francis Lieber, On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, 3rd revised edition, ed. Theodore D. Woolsey (Philadelphia: J.B.…

1793: Helvidius (Madison), No. 1 (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution James Madison

Source: The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793-1794: Toward the Completion of the American Founding, edited with and Introduction by Morton J.…

1793: Pacificus (Hamilton), No. 1 (Pamphlet)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Alexander Hamilton

Source: The Pacificus-Helvidius Debates of 1793-1794: Toward the Completion of the American Founding, edited with and Introduction by Morton…

1796: George Washington’s “Farewell Address” (Speech)

Related Links:

George Washington Collections: The American Revolution andConstitution

Source: The Life of George Washington. Special Edition for Schools, ed. Robert Faulkner and Paul Carrese (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2000).

1798-1992: US Bill of Rights Amendments (XI-XXVII)

Related Links:

Collections: Law Collections: The American Revolution andConstitution

Source: James McClellan's Liberty, Order, and Justice: An Introduction to the Constitutional Principles of American Government (3rd ed.)…

1798: Alien and Sedition Acts

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1798: Counter-resolutions of Other States

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1798: Kentucky Resolutions

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1798: Kentucky Resolutions (Jefferson’s Draft)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution andConstitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: From Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1798: Virginia Resolutions

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1799: Report of the Virginia House of Delegates

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1801: Jefferson, 1st Annual Message

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1801: Jefferson, 1st Inaugural Address

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle, ed. and with a Preface by Lance Banning (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2004).

1802: Jefferson, Letter to the Danbury Baptist Association (Letter)

Related Links:

Collections: The American Revolution and Constitution Thomas Jefferson

Source: The American Republic: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002).

1830: French Charter of 1830

Related Links:

Francis Lieber Collections: Laws, Charters, Constitutions, Bills of Right

Source: Appendix to Francis Lieber, On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, 3rd revised edition, ed. Theodore D. Woolsey (Philadelphia: J.B.…

1863: Emancipation Proclamation

Related Links:

Collections:Abolition of Slavery Abraham Lincoln

Source:The American Nation: Primary Sources,ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008).

1863: The Gettysburg Address

Related Links:

Collections:War and Peace Abraham Lincoln

Source:The American Nation: Primary Sources,ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008).

There are five different copies of the speech, which are written in…

1865: U.S. Constitution, Thirteenth Amendment

Related Links:

Collections: Abolition of Slavery Abraham Lincoln

Source: The American Nation: Primary Sources, ed. Bruce Frohnen (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2008).

Pocket Guide to Political and Civic Rights

The Pocket Guide to Political and Civic Rights: The English, American, and French Traditions, 1215-1830. Introduction

This collection of key documents in the history of the evolution of our political and civic rights has been drawn…