Freedom of Speech

About this Collection

Debates over free speech are a near-constant feature of human history. They form a key part of the religion and politics of England in the 17th century. English subjects demanded the right to debate opinions freely in both speech and print, to assemble in order discuss these opinions, to engage in public debate, and to petition the king and parliament. The American colonies carried these issues over the ocean, with free speech becoming a key point in the 18th century struggle against the Crown.

Key People

Titles & Essays


A Dirty, Filthy, Book Review
Book review: A Dirty, Filthy Book: Sex, Scandal, and One Woman's Fight in the Victorian Trial of the Century, by Michael Meyer, Penguin UK
Publication date: February 8 2024
The American Republic: Primary Sources

Bruce Frohnen (editor)

The American Republic is an excellent textbook for classroom use which provides, in a single volume, critical, original documents revealing the character of American discourse on the nature and importance of local government, the…

Areopagitica (1644) (Jebb ed.)

John Milton (author)

This is Milton’s famous defense of freedom of speech and the press, in an edition based upon Sir Richard Jebb’s lectures at Cambridge in 1872, with extensive notes and commentaries. Mlton’s work was a protest against Parliament’s…


Areopagitica: Milton on the Tyranny of Licensing Books
In 1638, John Milton left England for a Grand Tour of Europe, traveling through cities such as Paris, Nice, and Genoa. In Florence, he writes, "I found and visited the famous Galileo grown old, a prisoner to the Inquisition, for…


Beyond the Hate: George Orwell’s 1984
Readers across the political spectrum love George Orwell's 1984His concepts of the "Ministry of Truth" and "Newspeak" permeate discussions about political rhetoric, while "the Hate" is a ritual that viewers of news programs might…
BOLL 63: John Milton, “For the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing” (1664)

John Milton (author)

This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. A thematic list…

BOLL 64: James Mill, “Liberty of the Press” (1825)

James Mill (author)

This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. A thematic list…

The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, Volume XVIII - Essays on Politics and Society Part I

John Stuart Mill (author)

Vol. 18 of the 33 vol. Collected Works contains a number of Mill’s essays on politics, including his reviews of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America and his book On Liberty.


Culture Wars, Obscenity, and Censorship: Benjamin Tucker Today
In recent years, conservative lawmakers across the country have increasingly followed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in censoring or attempting to restrict race- or gender-related content in schools and public libraries.
What would…
An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, Vol. I.

William Godwin (author)

Godwin’s best known work of political theory. Written in the early years of the French Revolution before the Terror had begun, Godwin provides a devastating critique of unjust government institutions and optimistically proposes that…

In Defense of the Constitution

George W. Carey (author)

In Defense of the Constitution refutes modern critics of the Constitution who assail it as “reactionary” or “undemocratic.” The author argues that modern disciples of Progressivism are determined to centralize political control in…

Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (LF ed.)

Albert Venn Dicey (author)

Liberty Fund’s edition of Dicey’s most famous work on English constitutional law in which he defended the idea of the sovereignty of parliament under an independent judiciary and the rule of law.

Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public Opinion (2nd ed. 1919)

Albert Venn Dicey (author)

A series of lectures Dicey gave at Harvard Law School on the rise of collectivism in England during the 19th century and its impact on legislation.

Liberty and Order: The First American Party Struggle

Lance Banning (editor)

An anthology of primary sources which documents the first great party struggle in American history between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists over the proper construction of the new Constitution, political economy, the…

Liberty of the Press (1825)

James Mill (author)

One of the articles James Mill wrote for the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Liberty, Order, and Justice

James McClellan (author)

Liberty, Order, and Justice seeks to familiarize students with the basic principles of the Constitution, and to explain their origin, meaning, and purpose. Particular emphasis is placed on federalism and the separation of powers.…

Milton, John (1608-1674)

Related Links:

Works by John Milton

Source: Areopagitica, with a Commentary by Sir Richard C. Jebb and with Supplementary Material (Cambridge at the University Press, 1918).


Milton’s life falls into these…

On Liberty and The Subjection of Women (1879 ed.)

John Stuart Mill (author)

Mill had been somewhat coy about publishing The Subjection of Women during his lifetime because he feared the condemnation of his peers for daring to apply the general notions of individual liberty which he had clearly spelled out in…

The Principles of Ethics, vol. 2 (LF ed.)

Herbert Spencer (author)

Spencer considered The Principles of Ethics to be his finest work. In the second volume he covers the ethics of social life (or justice), negative beneficence, positive beneficence, and a number of topics in several appendices (such…


Review: Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media by Jacob Mchangama (Basic Books, 2022)
If you tell people you’re working on some project involving free speech, odds are good they will reply with something about how timely that is, since, regardless of whether they identify as liberal or conservative, they likely think…
Social Statics (1851)

Herbert Spencer (author)

Spencer’s first major work of political philosophy in which he attempts to lay the basis for a limited state on a rigorous development of a doctrine of natural rights. He begins with a defense of his “first principle” ’that every…


The Bill of Rights
The ink was barely dry on the Bill of Rights when the U.S. Congress began attempting to restrict speech it might disagree with.
View of the Constitution of the United States with Selected Writings

St. George Tucker (author)

View of the Constitutionwas the first extended, systematic commentary on the United States Constitution after its ratification and later its amendment by the Bill of Rights. As Clyde N. Wilson notes, “Tucker is the exponent of…



Freedom of Speech

Benjamin Constant and the Freedom of the Press (1815)

Benjamin Constant

Freedom of Speech

Jefferson’s preference for “newspapers without government” over “government without newspapers” (1787)

Thomas Jefferson

Freedom of Speech

John Milton defends the right of freedom of the press and likens government censors to an “oligarchy” and a free press to a “flowery crop of knowledge” (1644)

John Milton

Freedom of Speech

John Milton on the tyranny of government licensed printing (1644)

John Milton

Freedom of Speech

John Milton opposed censorship for many reasons but one thought sticks in the mind, that “he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself” (1644)

John Milton

Freedom of Speech

Shaftesbury on the True Test of Bravery

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury

War & Peace

The Duke of Burgundy asks the Kings of France and England why “gentle peace” should not be allowed to return France to its former prosperity (1599)

William Shakespeare

Freedom of Speech

The Earl of Shaftesbury on the value of good conversations for questioning everything (1709)

Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury