Ioannis D. Evrigenis
b. ????
Ioannis D. Evrigenis is the Alice Tweed Tuohy Professor of Government and Ethics at Claremont McKenna College. His research centers on natural law and rights, psychology, rhetoric, and sovereignty in the history of political thought.
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He is the author of Images of Anarchy: The Rhetoric and Science in Hobbes’s State of Nature (2014) and of articles and chapters on a wide range of issues and thinkers in political theory, as well as co-editor of Johann Gottfried Herder’s Another Philosophy of History and Selected Political Writings (2004). Evrigenis received the Delba Winthrop Award for Excellence in Political Science for his book Fear of Enemies and Collective Action (2008), as well as the RSA/TCP Article Prize for Digital Renaissance Research, from the Renaissance Society of America, for his article “Digital Tools and the History of Political Thought: The Case of Jean Bodin.” He is currently working on a new translation of Bodin’s Six Books on the Commonwealth.