b. 1945
Thomas G. West is a professor of politics at the University of Dallas.
Steve Ealy
Eric Schliesser
Gabriel Bonnot Abbé de Mably
Kirstin Anderson Birkhaug
Henry C. Clark
Kenneth Minogue
William Henry Chamberlin
Ruth Scurr
Terence Ball
Otto von Gierke
George W. Carey
Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu
Mary Charlotte Mair Simpson
David F. Forte
Lucas E. Morel
Colin Robinson
Georgios Varouxakis
Matthew J. Franck
Quentin Skinner
Mortimer J. Adler
Leo Strauss
Keith E. Whittington
Clemens Schneider
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Philip D. Bunn
William Richard Allen
Paul Carrese
Iain Hampsher-Monk
Lee Trepanier
Brandon P. Turner
Clyde N. Wilson
William Welwod