Obbie Tyler Todd
b. 1986
Obbie Tyler Todd is the pastor of Third Baptist Church of Marion, Illinois and serves as adjunct professor of theology at Luther Rice College & Seminary.
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Obbie is the author of three books, including The Moral Governmental Theory of Atonement (Cascade, 2021), A Baptist at the Crossroads (Pickwick, 2021), and Southern Edwardseans (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2022). Obbie has been published in a dozen academic journals, including The Journal of Church and State, The Journal of Religious History, and Baptist History and Heritage. He has also written on American history for Desiring God and The Gospel Coalition. Obbie holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Kentucky, received two masters from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and earned a PhD at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.