Carlo Lottieri
b. 1960
Carlo Lottieri is a Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Verona, after twenty years at the University of Siena. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Genoa, a M.A. from the Institut Universitaire d'Etudes Européens of Geneva, a M.A. and a Ph.D. from the Paris-Sorbonne University.
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His research interests cover Philosophy of Law, Federalism, Libertarianism, Political Theology, Elitism, Evolutionary Theory of Law, Commons and Private Property, Modern State. He edited many works by Bruno Leoni in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Czech and Georgian. His last publications include: Un'idea elvetica di libertà. Nella crisi della modernità europea (Brescia: La Scuola, 2017); Every New Right Is A Freedom Lost (Plano TX: Monolateral, 2016); Credere nello Stato? Teologia politica e dissimulazione da Filippo il Bello a WikiLeaks (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2011); and (co-authored with Jo Ann Cavallo) Speaking Truth to Power from Medieval to Modern Italy, “Annali di Italianistica”, Volume 34, October 2016.