OLL Videos

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A Design for Liberty: The American Constitution

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Collections: Political Thought Collections: The American Constitution and Revolution Collections: The Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution Key Documents on…

Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations

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Adam Smith Subject Area: Economics School of Thought: Classical School of Economics Essays on Adam Smith

Hong Kong: A Story of Human Freedom and Progress

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Subject Area: History Subject Area: Economics Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Questions for further thought and conversation to complement an EconTalk podcast with…

The Industrial Revolution Part 2: Freedom Under Law

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Collections: History Collections: Economics Industrial Revolution and the Standard of Living, from the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics

Source:  Video: The The…

The Industrial Revolution Part 3: A Magnificent Century

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Collections: History Collections: Economics


Source:  Video: The The Industrial Revolution: A Program in Three Parts (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2000).

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Anthony de Jasay

Anthony de Jasay (contributor)

The relationship of the individual and the state is the central theme of Anthony de Jasay’s distinguished career. Here he discusses the concepts of power, politics, and freedom that led to such seminal works as The State.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Armen A. Alchian

Armen A. Alchian (contributor)

Armen Alchian discusses his contribution to economics as the founder of the “UCLA tradition” of economic thought with its emphasis of the rational, self-seeking behavior of individuals.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Ernest van den Haag

Dutch-born criminologist Ernest van den Haag talks about his work on criminology, criminal justice, punishment, and the foundations of a free society.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Gary S. Becker

Gary S. Becker discusses his economic ideas with Edward Glaeser, Judge Richard A. Posner, and Edward Lazear. Gary Becker is one of the most original and pathbreaking economists in recent times. When he was named the 1992 Nobel…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Harry V. Jaffa

Jaffa talks about his work on American constitutional theory and history including the nature of the American Republic and the impact of Abraham Lincoln on constitutional matters.

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Henry Manne

Fred McChesney, the James B. Haddad Professor at Northwestern University School of Law, interviews Henry Manne who founded the Center for Law and Economics, now at George Mason University, and has directed scores of law and economics…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Israel Kirzner

Israel Kirzner discusses the differences between Austrian Economics and neo-classical economics, his experiences as a student of Ludwig von Mises, and his career as a professor of economics at New York University.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Jacques Barzun

One of our most distinguished contemporary cultural historians, Jacques Barzun reflects on his long academic career and the movement of ideas he helped to shape through his seminal writings on liberal education in America.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with James M. Buchanan (Part 1)

The Nobel Prize winning economist, James M. Buchanan, discusses in part 1 of a two part conversation, the theory of public choice, his exchange theory of economics, and constitutional thought.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with James M. Buchanan (Part 2)

The Nobel Prize winning economist, James M. Buchanan, discusses in part 2 of a two part conversation, the work ethic, the logic of free markets, subjectivism, anarchy, federalism, the influence of philosophy, and the significance of…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with John Hospers

John Hospers talks about his interests in moral philosophy, aesthetics, the nature of liberty, and his activity as the first Libertarian Party candidate for President in 1972.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Leonard Liggio

John Blundell, Director of the British Institute for Economic Affairs, interviews the historian Leonard Liggio. An early leader of the classical liberalism revival movement, Leonard Liggio was one of the most ardent defenders of the…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Ljubo Sirc

Sirc draws upon his experiences of fighting in the Resistance and the Yugoslav Army, his political opposition and arrest under communism to discuss the economics of socialism and life under communism.

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Lord Peter Thomas Bauer

One of the twentieth century’s leading thinkers on the relationship between free trade and the economics of developing countries, Lord Peter Thomas Bauer discusses his clear ideas on the effectiveness of government aid and…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Lord Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon

As leaders of the Institute of Economic Affairs, or IEA, in London for many years, Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon pioneered the thoughtful application of free-market principles and greatly influenced public policy and economic…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with M. Stanton Evans

The journalist M. Stanton Evans talks about his work as a leading journalist and columnist, his founding of the National Journalism Center in Washington, D.C., and the role of the press and journalists in a free society.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Manuel Ayau

Manuel Ayau is the founder and former rector and teacher of economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquin. Begun as an alternative to the prevailing statist views of higher education in Guatemala, Francisco Marroquin is now regarded…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Max Hartwell

One of the foremost historians of the Industrial Revolution discusses what really happened to the quality of life and standard of living for those who lived through the industrialization of the West.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman discusses his economic ideas with Gary S. Becker. Recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, Milton Friedman has long been recognized as one of our most important economic thinkers, and a leader of the…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Paul W. McCracken

McCracken, the Edmund Ezra Day Distinguished University Professor of Business Administration at the University of Michigan, discusses his activities as a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors under several presidents…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Ralph McInerny

Ralph McInerny talks about his work on Thomas Aquinas, catholic political and religious thought, and his best-selling Father Dowling mystery novels.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Richard Cornuelle

Richard Cornuelle talks about the vital role voluntary institutions have played in American society and how they might be further encouraged to solve social problems without resorting to the state.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Ronald H. Coase

Ronald Coase talks about his life work, his contributions to economics, and the law and economics movement which he helped create as editor of the Journal of law of Economics from 1964 to 1982.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: A Conversation with Sir Alan Walters

Sir Alan Walters discusses his role in the transformation of the British economy during the 1980s as economic advisor to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: Profiles in Liberty - Raoul Berger

Raoul Berger, an expert in constitutional law, talks about his earliest days as a young Russian émigré in Chicago, his first career in music, and his later fascination with the legal underpinnings of a free society.

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The Intellectual Portrait Series: The Life and Thought of Friedrich A. Hayek

F. A. Hayek was one of the most important free market economists of the 20th century, winning the Nobel Prize for Economic Science in 1974. He was a member of the Austrian school of economics, taught at the London School of Economics…

The Intellectual Portrait Series: Una Conversacion con Manuel Ayau

Manuel Ayau is the founder and former rector and teacher of economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquin. Begun as an alternative to the prevailing statist views of higher education in Guatemala, Francisco Marroquin is now regarded…