Manifesto of the Communist Party
- Friedrich Engels (author)
- Karl Marx (author)
- Samuel Moore (translator)
The classic late-19th century translation of the Communist Manifesto done with the assistance of Engels. See also:
- the German original
- an HTML version of the English translation
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Key Quotes
Socialism & Interventionism
Critical Responses

Karl Marx: Perennial ProphetPedro Schwartz
It does not matter if historians have argued that his analysis of capitalism does not fit the facts and that his predictions of the inevitable evolution of society have been falsified. His theories are re-interpreted, reformulated, and transmogrified, until made immune to counterexample and…

Liberty Classic
Ludwig von Mises' Socialism: A Still Timely Case Against MarxSteven Horwitz
At the center of his criticism is Mises’s claim that rational economic calculation under socialism is impossible. Mises begins his argument by taking socialists at their word, assuming that socialism will substitute conscious planning for the “anarchy of production” (to use Karl Marx’s term) of the…
Connected Readings

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Marx and the Morality of CapitalismVirgil Henry Storr, Steven Horwitz, David L. Prychitko, David M. Hart, and Peter J. Boettke