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The Complaint of Peace

Desiderius Erasmus (author)

The Reformation scholar Desiderius Erasmus portrays Peace visiting to earth to deliver her verdict on the human race. She chastises kings and princes, church leaders, noblemen and ordinary soldiers alike for betraying their Christian…

The Early Christian Attitude to War

John Cecil Cadoux (author)

Published shortly after the First World War, this book is an examination of Christian ethics regarding war and peace which begins with the teachings of Jesus and continues through the first 2 centuries of the Christian era.

A Lasting Peace through the Federation of Europe and The State of War

Jean-Jacques Rousseau (author)

Two essays by Rousseau on the issue of war written during the mid 1750s. The first is a critique of the Abbé Saint-Pierre’s ideas on the prospects of a European Federation to reduce the likelihood of war. The second is his attempt to…

Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Essay (1917 ed.)

Immanuel Kant (author)

During the wars of the French Revolution Kant was inspired by the Treaty of Basel to contemplate how both self-interest and international cooperation might bring an end to war. This edition is interesting because it was published…
