Quotes by Jeremy Bentham
1748 – 1832
Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) trained as a lawyer and founded the early 19th century school of political thought known as “Benthamism” later called utilitarianism - based on the idea that governments should act so as to promote “the greatest good of the greatest number” of people.
He spent much of his life attempting to drawn up an ideal Constitutional Code, but he was also active in parliamentary reform, education, and prison reform. He influenced the thinking of James Mill and his son John Stuart Mill. [The image comes from “The Warren J. Samuels Portrait Collection at Duke University.”]
Bentham featured as the February 2021 OLL Birthday. Read it here
Colonies, Slavery & Abolition
Jeremy Bentham relates a number of “abominations” to the French National Convention urging them to emancipate their colonies (1793)
Bentham on the proper role of government: “Be Quiet” and “Stand out of my sunshine” (1843)
Bentham on how “the ins” and “the outs” lie to the people in order to get into power (1843)
Bentham on the liberty of contracts and lending money at interest (1787)
Jeremy Bentham argued that the ruling elite benefits from corruption, waste, and war (1827)
Jeremy Bentham on how the interests of the many (the people) are always sacrificed to the interests of the few (the sinister interests) (1823)
Natural Rights
Jeremy Bentham on rights as a creation of the state alone (1831)
Jeremy Bentham on the Utility Principle