Part of: A Treatise on State and Federal Control of Persons and Property in the United States 2 vols. A Treatise on State and Federal Control of Persons and Property in the United States vol. 1
- Christopher G. Tiedeman (author)
A 2 volume work which examines the power of the government over individual personal and property rights under the US constitution. It is an expansion of a 1 vol. work on Limitations of Police Power published originally in 1886. Vol. 1 deals with criminals, morality, speech, and occupations. Vol. 2 with land, husbands and wives, children, and police.
Key Quotes
The principal object of the present work is to demonstrate, by a detailed discussion of the constitutional limitations upon the police power in the United States, that under the written constitutions, Federal and State, democratic absolutism is impossible in this country, as long as the popular…
What is the tortious element in the act of vagrancy? Is it the act of listlessly wandering about the country, in America called “tramping?” Or is it idleness without visible means of support? Or is it both combined? Of course, the language of the particular statute, under which the proceeding for…