Resistance No Rebellion: An Answer To Doctor Johnson’s Taxation No Tyranny
- Anonymous Pamphleteer 1775 (author)
- Jack P. Greene (collection editor)
One of the many pamphlets in response to Johnson’s Taxation no Tyranny, Resistance no Rebellion praises the good sense and dignity of the Americans while noting the ways in which they have been insulted by the British. The author is particularly incensed by Johnson’s claims of absolute authority for the King and Parliament, writing that “Their love of power has betrayed them into an absurdity.”
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The text of these 18th century pamphlets has been converted by machine from scanned PDFs of the original microfilm copies. While the text has been machine-proofed, transcription errors may still remain. For example, the 18th-century long S, ſ, may be rendered as “f,” some words may be incorrectly transcribed, and there may be repeated words or phrases.