Part of: The Divine Comedy, in 3 vols. (Langdon trans.) The Divine Comedy, Vol. 1 (Inferno) (English trans.)
- Dante Alighieri (author)
- Courtney Langdon (translator)
Dante’s masterwork is a 3 volume work written in Italian rather than Latin. It embraces human individuality and happiness in a way which suggests the beginning of the Renaissance. This edition contains the English translation only. Vol. 1 (Inferno (Hell) describes what happens to the souls of the wicked who are condemned to suffer the torments of Hell.
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Critical Responses

Paradise LostJohn Milton
Milton’s poetic epic retells Adam and Eve’s fall from Eden. His reworking of biblical themes took inspiration not only from the classical epics, but also from Dante’s Divine Comedy.
Blake’s Illustrations of the Book of JobThis Romantic era response to a biblical text conveys the suffering and struggle that is such a feature of Dante’s Divine Comedy.
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The Parallel Bible. Old and New Testaments (KJV and Revised Version)Old Testament (Various Authors)