The Philosophy of Law
- Immanuel Kant (author)
- William Hastie (translator)
This 1887 translation contains Kant’s General Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals and both parts of The Science of Right.
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Critical Responses

Kant’s Doctrine of Right: A CommentaryB. Sharon Byrd and Joachim Hruschka
This commentary provides a detailed analysis and interpretation of Kant’s “Doctrine of Right,” with particular focus on his concepts of right, justice, and legal obligations.
Philosophy of RightGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Hegel famously critiques Kant’s ethics as being overly universalistic. He asserts how the moral imperative was nothing more than a principal of non-contradiction.

Kant’s Concept of LawPatrick Capps and Julian Rivers
This article re-articulates Kant’s Doctrine of Right and seeks to correct a misreading of Kant which infer that legal obligation in the instrumental benefits conferred by law. Instead they argue that Kant’s Right cannot be secured unilaterally but is rather connected to a constitution which then…
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