Portrait of James Mill

Quotes by James Mill

1773 – 1836

James Mill (1773-1836) was an early 19th century Philosophic Radical, journalist, and editor from Scotland. He was very influenced by Jeremy Bentham’s ideas about utilitarianism which he applied to the study of British India, political economy, and electoral reform.


Mill wrote on the British corn laws, free trade, comparative advantage, the history of India, and electoral reform. His son, John Stuart, after a rigorous home education, became one of the leading English classical liberals in the 19th century.

See the Liberty Matters online discussion on James Mill on Liberty and Governance


Property Rights

James Mill on the natural disposition to accumulate property (1808)

James Mill

War & Peace

James Mill likens the expence and economic stagnation brought about by war to a “pestilential wind” which ravages the country (1808)

James Mill


James Mill on the “sinister interests” of those who wield political power (1825)

James Mill


James Mill on the ruling Few and the subject Many (1835)

James Mill

Parties & Elections

James Mill on Who are to watch the watchmen? (1835)

James Mill


James Mill’s formulation of “Say’s Law” (1808)

James Mill

Origin of Government

James Mill on Government Power

James Mill

Women’s Rights

James Mill on Women and Representative Government

James Mill

Origin of Government

James Mill on the Nature of Those Who Govern

James Mill