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Economic Travel Literature

22 items

A number of very astute observers have written accounts of their travels during which they collected economic information, and described the political, economic, legal, and social condition of the countries through which they passed.…


852 items

Classic works in the discipline are joined by explorations of how economic reasoning applies to political science and other social sciences, as well as the relevance of economics as moral philosophy. A consistent theme is the view…

French Physiocrats

2 items

The Physiocrats were French economists who were advocates of free trade and deregulation before the French Revolution. Their name came from their belief that the economy operated according to the laws of nature which were…

General Treatises on Economics

76 items

These treatments of economics present the basic assumptions about economic life and human behaviour on which economics is based; the main principles of the discipline; how the different branches of economics are related; and the…