The State

About this Collection

These titles provide some general theoretical, historical, or sociological analysis of the State and how it functions.

Titles & Essays

The Best of Bastiat 3.2: The Broken Window

Frédéric Bastiat (author)

The Best of Bastiat (BOB) is a collection of some of the best material in Liberty Fund’s 6 volume edition of The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat (2011-). They are chapter length extracts and have been edited as pamphlets for…

BOLL 5: John Stuart Mill, “Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual” (1859)

John Stuart Mill (author)

This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. This one comes…

BOLL 22: The Right to Ignore the State

Herbert Spencer (author)

This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. This is a…


BOLL 5: John Stuart Mill, “Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual” (1859)
This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. This one comes from John Stuart Mill’s book On Liberty where in Chapter 4 he describes the strict…

Ludwig von Mises (author)

Originally published by Yale University Press in 1944, Bureaucracy is a classic fundamental examination of the nature of bureaucracies and free markets in juxtaposition to various political systems.

The Collected Works of James M. Buchanan, vol. 7 (The Limits of Liberty)

James M. Buchanan (author)

Vol. 7 of The Collected Works. The Limits of Liberty made James Buchanan’s name more widely known than ever before among political philosophers and theorists and established Buchanan, along with John Rawls and Robert Nozick, as one…

The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat. Vol. 2: The Law, The State, and Other Political Writings, 1843-1850

Frédéric Bastiat (author)

Volume 2 of a collection of the works of the 19th century French political economist Frédéric Bastiat. This volume contains 19 essays on political theory, including “The State,” “The Law,” and “Property and Plunder.” A detailed…

Interventionism: An Economic Analysis

Ludwig von Mises (author)

Interventionism provides Mises’s analysis of the problems of government interference in business from the Austrian School perspective. Written in 1940, before the United States was officially involved in World War II, this book…

Liberty and Liberalism (1888)

Bruce Smith (author)

Smith was a follower of Herbert Spencer and the English Liberty and Property Defence League. His book is a critique of the growing intervention of the state in economic and civil matters in Australia and elsewhere in the late 19th…

The Man versus the State (1885 ed.)

Herbert Spencer (author)

A facsimile edition of the four essays that Spencer published as The Man Versus the State in 1884. Spencer develops various specific disastrous ramifications of the wholesale substitution of the principle of compulsory cooperation -…

Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War

Ludwig von Mises (author)

Published in 1944, during World War II, Omnipotent Government was written and published after Mises arrived in the United States. In this volume Mises provides in economic terms an explanation of the international conflicts that…

The Principles of Sociology, vol. 2 (1898)

Herbert Spencer (author)

This is vol. 2 of the third revised edition of Herbert Spencer’s magnum opus on sociology which was first published in 1876. Here, he covers “ceremonial” institutions and political institutions (with his famous distinction between…

Social Contract, Free Ride: A Study of the Public Goods Problem

Anthony de Jasay (author)

Jasay refutes the common idea that we need a government as a provider of public goods. He argues that without taxation voluntary contributions to provide freely accessible benefits would be made by some members of groups adjusting…

Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

Ludwig von Mises (author)

This is a newly annotated edition of the classic first published in German in 1922. It is the definitive refutation of nearly every type of socialism ever devised. Mises presents a wide-ranging analysis of society, comparing the…

The State

Franz Oppenheimer (author)

A pioneering historical analysis of the state from a sociological perspective which focuses on the changing nature of political power and the groups who wielded this power. One of his key insights is the distinction between the…

The State

Anthony de Jasay (author)

The State is a brilliant analysis of modern political arrangements that views the state as acting in its own interest contrary to the interests of individuals and even of an entire society.

Read the Liberty Classic on this title from…



Odds & Ends

Ambroise Clément draws the distinction between two different kinds of charity: true voluntary charity and coerced government “charity” which is really a tax (1852)

OLL Editor

The State

Anthony de Jasay asks whether states should be invented if they did not already exist (1985)

Anthony de Jasay

The State

Anthony de Jasay on the proliferation of predators and parasites in the modern state (1998)

Anthony de Jasay

Origin of Government

James Mill on Government Power

James Mill


James Mill on the “sinister interests” of those who wield political power (1825)

James Mill

Origin of Government

James Mill on the Nature of Those Who Govern

James Mill

Sport and Liberty

John Hobson argues that sport plays an important part in British imperialism for all classes and that the “spirit of adventure” is now played out in the colonies (1902)

John A. Hobson