
About this Collection

The name given to an ideal political community, “Utopia,” comes from Thomas More’s work Utopia which was published in Latin in 1516. What is interesting about many conceptions of utopian communities is that the authors assumed that without free markets and private property there would be an absence of conflict and greater prosperity.

Titles & Essays

A – Z List

Philosophy, Psychology, And Religion


Political Theory


Social History And Conditions. Social Problems. Social Reform


Socialism. Communism. Anarchism


Not Categorized

The Best of Bastiat 3.3: The Utopian

Frédéric Bastiat (author)

The Best of Bastiat (BOB) is a collection of some of the best material in Liberty Fund’s edition of The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat (2011-). These extracts should be useful in the classroom, or discussion groups. This…



Socialism & Interventionism

Molinari appeals to socialists to join him in marching down “the broad, well-trodden highway of liberty” (1848)

Gustave de Molinari

Notes About This Collection

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