Part of: Literature of Liberty: A Review of Contemporary Liberal Thought Literature of Liberty, January/March 1978, vol. 1, No. 1
- Leonard P. Liggio (editor)
Literature of Liberty: A Review of Contemporary Liberal Thought was published first by the Cato Institute (1978-1979) and later by the Institute for Humane Studies (1980-1982) under the editorial direction of Leonard P. Liggio. It consisted of bibliographical essays, editorials, and many shorter reviews of books and journal articles. This issue contains essays by Forrest McDonald on “A Founding Father’s Library” and Murray Rothbard on “Modern Historians Confront the American Revolution.”
Key Quotes
… despite their differences the Revolutionary generation did achieve independence, they did write a number of strikingly similar state constitutions, and they did draft and put into operation the federal Constitution. What underlay and made possible these monumental accomplishments, however, was…