Part of: The Chinese Classics The Chinese Classics: Vol. 2 The Life and Teachings of Mencius
- Mencius (author)
- James Legge (translator)
This volume contains a long introduction on the life and works of Mencius, following by 7 books from his writings. The 2 indexes have not been reproduced in the HTML version of the file but can be viewed in the facsimile PDF version.
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Critical Responses

The Promise of Confucian LibertyJames Dominic Rooney
The author argues that Confucian philosophy need not lead to statist authoritarianism. The piece includes a good historical overview of the development of Confucian thought.

Confucianism’s Piety ProblemDavid K. Schneider
In contrast to Response 1, this author argues that Confucianism, as developed by both Confucius and Mencius, is ultimately too hierarchical to provide the foundation for a truly liberal order.
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