“The Use of Knowledge in Society” (1945)
- Friedrich August von Hayek (author)
One of Hayek’s most important contributions to economic theory is his demonstration of the part prices play in disseminating widely diffused knowledge about consumer demand and the availablility of economic resources in order to make rational economic calculation possible.
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Critical Responses

On The Economic Theory of SocialismOskar R. Lange
The impetus of Hayek’s essay was to respond to Lange’s work on centrally planned economies. In this work, Lange defends his form of “market socialism.”
Information and Economics: A Critique of HayekW. Paul Cockshott and Allin F. Cottrell
Cockshott and Cottrell wrote their academic paper as a direct response to Hayek’s criticisms of central planning, and the broader critique of socialist economies which stemmed from The Use of Knowledge in Society. They discuss the advent of information technology as a rebuttal to Hayek’s knowledge…
Connected Readings

Liberty Matters
Hayek’s Epistemic LiberalismPeter J. Boettke, Steven Horwitz, Roger Koppl, and Adam G. Martin