1866 – 1943
Scott was the Director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Law.
Richard H. Helmholz
Jonathan H. Adler
Friedrich Carl von Savigny
Committee of the Association of American Law Schools
James McClellan
Georg Jellinek
Fernando R. Tesón
Johann Gottlieb Heineccius
Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.
Ljubo Sirc
Dane Starbuck
Michael S. Greve
Francis Newton Thorpe
Boudewijn Bouckaert
Samuel von Pufendorf
David Davenport
Brandon Rudolph Davis
Cesare Bonesana di Beccaria
Sir William Blackstone
David Armitage
John Rowan
Stephen P. Halbrook
John Phillip Reid
Louis Brandeis
David Saunders
Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett
Sir Frederick Pollock
Bruno Leoni
Lysander Spooner
Michael Zigismund