Quotes by Frederick Douglass
1818 – 1895
Frederick Douglass (1817-1895) was an ex-slave who wrote three accounts of his life as a slave, runaway, and campaigner for the abolition of slavery: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845), My Bondage and My Freedom (1855) and The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881).
See the Liberty Matters online discussion on Frederick Douglass on the Right and Duty to Resist
The ex-slave Frederick Douglass reveals that reading speeches by English politicians produced in him a deep love of liberty and hatred of oppression (1882)
Colonies, Slavery & Abolition
Frederick Douglass makes a New Year’s resolution to gain his freedom from slavery (1836)
Women’s Rights
Frederick Douglass on Women’s Right to Vote
Colonies, Slavery & Abolition
Frederick Douglass on the Ballot Box, the Jury Box, and the Cartridge Box
Colonies, Slavery & Abolition
Frederick Douglass on Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation
Frederick Douglass on Religion and Slavery
Colonies, Slavery & Abolition
Frederick Douglass and his Desire to be Free
Frederick Douglass and His Secret Education