Portrait of Augustin Thierry

Quotes by Augustin Thierry

1795 – 1856

Augustin Thierry (1795-1856) was a classical liberal historian who pioneered the collection, publication, and analysis of primary sources, especially for medieval French history. One of the themes of his work was the study of ruling elites or classes who came to power often through conquest.


Politics & Liberty

Augustin Thierry laments that the steady growth of liberty in France had been disrupted by the cataclysm of the French Revolution (1859)

Augustin Thierry

Literature & Music

Augustin Thierry relates the heroic tale of the Kentishmen who defeat William the Conqueror and so are able to keep their ancient laws and liberties (1856)

Augustin Thierry

Literature & Music

Thierry on the need for songs about our lost liberties which will act as a barrier to encroaching power (1845)

Augustin Thierry