Roscoe Pound’s Bibliography on Law
- Roscoe Pound
- Collections: Law
Source: Roscoe Pound, The Ideal Element in Law, ed. Stephen Presser (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund 2002). Chapter: Bibliography of Works Cited
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Bibliography of Works Cited
- Abbot, Justice and the Modern Law, (1913) / 197
- Acton, Lord, Lectures on Modern History, (1906) / 187
- Adams, The Origin of the English Constitution, (1905) / 174
- Adams, Brooks, Law Under Inequality, Monopoly, (Lecture 2 in Centralization and the Law, 1906) / 119, 214, 263, 264
- ——. The Modern Conception of Animus, (1906) 19 Green Bag, 12 / 263
- ——. Nature of Law, (Lecture 1 in Centralization and the Law, 1906) / 119, 214, 263, 264
- ——. Theory of Social Revolutions, (1913) / 216
- Adler, The Conception of Social Welfare, Proceedings of the Conference on Legal and Social Philosophy, (1913) / 217, 241
- Affolter, Das römische Institutionen-system, (1897) / 161
- Ahrens, Cours de droit naturel, (1837, 8 ed. 1892) / 56, 76, 109, 203, 205, 236
- ——. Naturrecht oder Philosophie des Rechts und des Staats, (6 ed. 1870) / 70
- Allen, Law in the Making, (5 ed. 1951) / 16, 27
- Althusius, Johannes, Politica methodice digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata, (1603, translated with introduction by Friedrich, 1932) / 166, 169
- Ames, Cases on Torts / 325
- ——. Law and Morals, (1908) 22 Harvard Law Review, 97 / 93, 116, 326
- ——. The Negotiable Instruments Law, (1902) 14 Harvard Law Review, 442 / 195
- Amos, S., Science of Law, (2 ed. 1874) / 5, 81, 95, 128
- ——. Systematic View of the Science of Jurisprudence, (1871) / 19, 258
- Amos and Walton, Introduction to French Law, (1935) / 130
- Andreas ab Exea, (16th century jurist), De pactis (6 Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 2, fol. 9) / 48
- Andrews, American Law, (1900) / 359
- ——. The Colonial Period of American History, (1938) / 354, 355
- ——. Minimum Wage Legislation, (1914) / 220
- Anselm, St., (d. 1109), Cur Deus homo / 45, 172
- Antonius Corsetus Siculus, (15th century canonist), De iuramento et eius privilegiis, no. 76 (4 Tractatus Universi Iuris, fol. 364) / 48
- Aquinas, Thomas, Summa Theologica, (Rickaby’s transl.) / 4, 46, 64, 118, 162, 175
- Ardigo, La morale dei positivisti (1879) / 213
- Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, (transl. in McKeon, Basic Works of Aristotle, 1941) / 38, 49, 97, 156, 159
- ——. Politics / 146, 156, 158, 296
- ——. Rhetoric to Alexander / 37, 39
- Arndts, Juristische Encyklopädie und Methodologie, (1860) / 211
- Arnold, The Jurisprudence of Edward S. Robinson, (1937) 46 Yale Law Journal, 1128 / 288
- ——. The Role of Substantive Law and Procedure in the Legal Process, (1932) 45 Harvard Law Review, 617 / 300
- ——. The Symbols of Government, (1935) / 120, 288
- Atkinson, Jeremy Bentham, (1905) / 207
- Atlay, Victorian Chancellors, (1908) / 307
- Auburtin, Amerikanische Rechtsauffassung und die neueren amerikanischen Theorien der Rechtssoziologie und des Rechtsrealismus, (1933) 3 Zeitschrift fur auslandisches offentliches Recht, 529 / 300
- Aunós Pérez, Estudios de Derecho Corporativo, (1930) / 282
- ——. La Organización Corporativo y Su Posible Desenvolvimiento, (1929) / 282
- ——. Principios de Derecho Corporativo, (1929) / 282
- Austin, Jurisprudence, (3 ed. 1869, 5 ed. 1885) / 8, 41, 57, 81, 83, 84, 88, 152, 201, 209, 260, 342
- ——. The Province of Jurisprudence Determined, (1832) / 27, 41, 57, 74
- Azo, Summa institutionum / 162
- Bacon, Works, (ed. by Spedding, Ellis, and Heath) / 307
- Baldwin, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, (1901–5) / 257
- ——. Two Centuries Growth of American Law, (1901) / 189
- Ballentine, A Compensation Plan for Railway Accident Claims, (1916) 29 Harvard Law Review, 705 / 97
- Barasch, La socialisme juridique, (1923) / 217
- Barassi, Diritto Sindicale E Corporativo, (1934) / 282
- Bartolus, The Conflict of Laws, (transl. by Beale) (1914) / 24
- Baty, Vicarious Liability, (1916) / 98, 271
- Baudry-Lacantinerie, Précis de droit civil, (12 ed. 1919) / 83, 84, 326, 343
- Beale, Conflict of Laws, (1935) / 110
- ——. The Creation of the Relation of Carrier and Passenger, (1906) 39 Harvard Law Review, 250 / 243
- Bentham, Jeremy, Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, (Clarendon Press ed. 1876) / 76, 94, 118, 119
- ——. Principles of Legislation, (1865) / 128
- ——. Principles of Morals and Legislation, (1780, 1879 ed.) Works, (Bowring ed. 1843, 1898) / 1, 8, 27, 74, 130, 132, 206, 262, 290
- ——. Rationale of Judicial Evidence (1827) / 130
- ——. Theory of Legislation, Principles of the Civil Code, (transl. by Hildreth, 5 ed. 1885, new ed. 1931) / 94, 128, 152, 153, 206, 209
- Berman, Employer’s Liability, (1931) 3 Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 515 / 270
- Berolzheimer, System der Rechtsund Wirtschaftsphilosophie, (1905), (translated by Jastrow as The World’s Legal Philosophies, 1912) / 2, 156, 159, 166, 178, 187, 188, 206, 216, 264
- See 3 Archiv fur Rechts und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, 195 / 236
- Beseler, Volksrecht und Juristenrecht, (1843) / 166
- Betteridge, 28 Criminal Appeal Report, 171 (1942) / 95
- Beudant, Le droit individuel et l’état, (1 ed. 1898, 3 ed. 1926) / 78, 206
- Bible, The, Eph. / 159
- Peter / 159
- St. Paul’s Epistle to Philemon / 159
- Bierling, Juristische Prinzipienlehre, (1884) / 109
- Bigelow, Torts, (1889) / 327
- Bigelow and others—Centralization and the Law
- Lecture 1—Nature of Law by Brooks Adams / 263, 264
- Lecture 2—Law Under Inequality, Monopoly / 263, 264
- Billington, 28 Criminal Appeal Report, 180 (1942) / 95
- Binder, Philosophie des Rechts, (1 ed. 1925) / 140, 240
- Bingham, What Is Law? (1912) 11 Michigan Law Review, 1 / 299
- Birkenhead, Fourteen English Judges / 53
- Bishop, Criminal Law, (9 ed. 1923) / 91
- ——. Marriage, Divorce and Separation, (1891) / 137
- Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, (1765) / 5, 11, 12, 40, 50, 51, 91, 100, 168, 189, 195, 203, 210, 285, 325
- Bluntschli, Allgemeine Staatslehre, (6 ed. 1886) / 369
- ——. Geschichte der neuren Staatswissenschaft, (1881) / 166
- Bohlen, The Moral Duty to Aid Others as a Basis of Tort Liability, (1908) 56 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 217 / 93
- ——. Old Phrases and New Facts, (1935) 83 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 305 / / 264, 315
- ——. The Rule in Rylands v. Fletcher, (1911) 59 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 292 / 275
- Boistel, Cours de philosophie du droit, (1870, new ed. 1899) / 56, 203
- Bonnard, L’Origine de l’ordonnancement juridique, in (1929) Melanges Maurice Hauriou, 31 / 61
- Bonnecase, La notion de droit en France au dix-neuvième siècle / 56
- Borchard, Convicting the Innocent, (1932) / 130
- Boutmy, La déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen de Mr. Jellinek, Etudes politiques, (1907) / 188
- Bower, Code of Actionable Defamation, (1908) / 153
- Boyd, Workmen’s Compensation, (1913) / 204
- Bracton, De legibus et consuetudinibus Angliae / 121, 173
- Brannan, Negotiable Instruments Law, (ed. by Beutel, 1948) / 28
- Brissaud, History of French Public Law, (transl. by Garner, 1915) / 173
- Brougham, Speeches, (1838) / 192
- Brown, Judicial Recall—A Fallacy Repugnant to Constitutional Government, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (Philadelphia) also published as Senate Document No. 892, (1912) / 225
- ——. The Underlying Principles of Modern Legislation, (1912) (Prologue—The Challenge of Anarchy) / 190, 216
- Bruce, Humanity and the Law, 73 Central Law Journal, 335 / 93
- Brunner, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte, (2 ed. 1906) / 144, 146
- Bruns, Fontes Iuris Romani Antiqui, (7 ed. 1909) / 83, 144, 145, 146, 324
- Bryce, Studies in History and Jurisprudence, (American ed.) / 56
- Buckland, More Wardour Street Roman Law, (1915) 31 Law Quarterly Review, 193 / 27
- ——. Text-Book of Roman Law, (2 ed. 1932) / 45, 129
- ——. Wardour Street Roman Law, (1901) 17 Law Quarterly Review, 179 / 27
- Burdick, Torts, (1905, 2 ed. 1908) / 276, 328
- Burlamaqui, Principes du droit naturel, (1747) (de la nature et des gens, 1791) / 28, 50, 150, 188, 189, 194, 200
- ——. Principes du droit politique, (1757) / 200
- Burle, Essai historique sur le développement de la notion de droit naturel dans l’antiquité grecque, (1908) / 38
- Burton, 28 Criminal Appeal Report, 89 (1941) / 95
- Caballero, La Legislación Vigente Sobre Organización Corporativo Nacional, (1929) / 282
- Caccialupi, De pactis, xi, 7, 6, (6 Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 1, fol. 13) / 48
- Caird, The Critical Philosophy of Kant, (1889) / 203, 204
- Cairns, Legal Philosophy from Plato to Hegel, (1949) / 156, 307, 308, 309
- Calhoun, Disquisition on Government, (1848–49) (in 1 Works, New York ed. 1854) / 369
- Campbell, Lord, Lives of the Chief Justices, (1 ed. 1857, 3 ed. 1874) / 53, 131, 307
- Cardozo, Address Before the New York State Bar Association, (1932) 55 Rep. N.Y. State Bar Association, 263 / 300
- ——. The Growth of the Law, (1924) / 6
- ——. The Nature of the Judicial Process, (1921) / 3, 104, 307–8
- ——. Paradoxes of Legal Science, (1928) / 234
- Carlo, Il diritto naturale nell’ attuale fase del pensiero Italiano, (1932) / 63
- Carlyle, History of Medieval Political Theory, (1903) / 162, 163, 165
- Carter, Law: Its Origin, Growth and Function, (1907) / 195, 206, 211, 224
- Carver, Social Justice, (1915) / 225
- Cesarini Sforza, Curso di Diritto Corporativo, (4 ed. 1935) / 282
- Chadbourne, Lynching and the Law, (1933) / 132
- Chafee and Simpson, Cases on Equity, (3 ed.) / 90
- ——. Note, (1920) 33 Harvard Law Review, 956 / 135
- Chafee, Pollak, and Stern, The Third Degree, (1931) / 135
- Charmont, L’abus du droit, (1901) 1 Revue Trimestrielle de droit civil / 248
- ——. La renaissance du droit naturel, (1910) / 216
- ——. La socialisation du droit, (1903) / 154
- Chase, Lemuel Shaw, (1918) / 268
- Chiarelli, Il Diritto Corporativo e le Sue Fonti, (1930) / 282
- ——. Lo Stato Corporativo, (1936) / 282
- Chorley, The Conflict of Law and Commerce, (1932) 48 Law Quarterly Review, 51 / 279
- Cicero, De haruspicum responsis / 42
- ——. De inuentione / 44
- ——. De legibus / 5, 42, 44, 159, 160
- ——. De officiis / 42, 64, 72, 86, 87, 159, 160
- ——. De republica / 42, 159, 160
- ——. Partitiones oratoriae / 42
- ——. Tusculan disputations / 42
- Cioffi, Istituzioni di Diritto Corporativo, (1935) / 282
- Clark, Australian Constitutional Law, (1901) / 83
- ——. Constitution of Brazil / 83
- ——. Practical Jurisprudence, (1883) / 9, 35, 84
- Cohen and Cohen, Readings in Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy (extract from: Morris R. Cohen, Law and Social Order, 1933) / 306
- Cohen, F., Positivism and the Limits of Idealism in the Law, (1927) 27 Columbia Law Review, 237 / 132
- ——. Transcendental Nonsense and the Functional Approach, (1935) 35 Columbia Law Review, 809 / 300
- Cohen, Morris R., On Absolutism in Legal Thought, (1936) 84 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 681 / 300
- ——. Law and the Social Order, (1933) / 63, 300, 306
- Coke, Commentary on Littleton, (1628) (Hargrave and Butler’s 18th ed.) / 25, 51, 191
- ——. Commenting on Magna Carta and on the great Statutes of Edward I / 51
- ——. Institute of the Lawes of England, Part II, containing the exposition of Many Ancient and Other Statutes, (1642) / 51
- ——. Prohibitions del Roy, 12 Co. 63 (1612) / 46, 121, 173, 191
- Coniglio, Lezioni di Diritto Corporativo, (2 ed. 1934) / 282
- Conradus Brunus, (Braun, 16th century jurist), Tractatus de seditionibus, ix, 15, (11 Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 1, fol. 132) / 48
- Conring, De Origine Iuris Germanici, (1643) / 50Continental Legal History Series:
- General Survey, Vol. 1 (1913) / 25, 175
- Great Jurists of the World, Vol. 2 / 52
- Progress of Continental Law in the Nineteenth Century, Vol. 11 (1918) / 152
- Cook, The Logical and Legal Bases of the Conflict of Laws, (1942) / 313
- ——. The Possibilities of Social Studies as a Science, in Swann and others, Essays in Research in the Social Sciences, (1931) / 313
- ——. A Scientific Approach to the Study of Law, in Essays in Honor of W. W. Willoughby, (1937) / 313
- ——. Scientific Method and the Law, (1927) 13 Am. Bar Assn. Journal, 303 / 313
- Cooke, Adam Smith and Analytical Jurisprudence, (1935) 51 Law Quarterly Review, 326 / 203
- Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, (1 ed. 1869) / 30, 197, 221, 360
- ——. Torts, (1 ed. 1879) / 328
- Corbin, Contracts, (1951) / 346
- Corwin, A Constitution of Powers in a Secular State, (1951) / 361
- Cosack, Lehrbuch des bürgenlichen Rechts, (8 ed. 1927) / 326
- Courcelle-Seneuil, Préparation à l’étude du droit, (1887) / 160, 205
- Coxe, Essay on Judicial Power and Unconstitutional Legislation, (1893) / 47
- Crawford, Reflections and Recollections, (1936) / 129–30
- Croce, Ce qui est vivant et ce qui est mort de la philosophie de Hegel, (1910) / 205
- ——. The Philosophy of Giambattista Vico (transl. by Collingwood, 1913) / 168
- Dareste, Le droit des représailles, Nouvelles études d’histoire du droit, (1902) / 144
- Delos, La théorie de l’institution, (1931) in Archives de philosophie du droit et de sociologie juridique, 96 / 61
- Del Vecchio, Formal Bases of Law, (1914) (transl. by Lisle) / 216
- ——. Justice, (1952) (transl. by Lady Guthrie, ed. by Campbell) / 140
- Demogue, Fault, Risk and Apportionment of Risk in Responsibility, (1921) 15 Illinois Law Review, 369 / 326
- ——. Les notions fondamentales du droit privé, (1911) / 78, 153
- Demosthenes, Oration Against Aristogeiton, / 37, 146
- Dernburg, Das bürgerliche Recht der deutschen Reichs und Preussens, (1903) / 2
- ——. Pandekten, (7 ed. 1902) / 285
- Dewey, Logic, (1938) / 309
- Dewey and Tufts, Ethics, (1908, rev. ed. 1938) / 80, 140, 225
- Dicey, Law and Public Opinion in England in the Nineteenth Century, (1905, 2 ed. 1914) / 119, 123, 206, 208
- Dickinson, Legal Rules: Their Function in the Process of Decision, Their Elaboration and Application, (1931) 79 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 832 / 300
- Dillon, Laws and Jurisprudence of England and America, (1894) / 86, 90, 195, 290
- ——. Municipal Corporations, (1872) / 30
- Dimock, Le Professeur W. W. Cook et le relativisme juridique, (1932) Archives de philosophie du droit et de sociologie juridique, 575 / 313
- Diogenes Laertius / 37, 39, 157
- Dobrin, Soviet Jurisprudence and Socialism, (1936) 52 Law Quarterly Review, 402 / 281
- Dodd, The Recall and the Political Responsibility of Judges, (1911) 10 Michigan Law Review, 79 / 225
- Donati, Il primo precetto del diritto “vivere con honesta,” (1926) / 161
- Douglas, Vicarious Liability and Administration of Risk, (1929) 38 Yale Law Journal, 584 / 331
- Duarenus, (François Duaren, French jurist, 1509–1559), De pactis, vi, 1, (6Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 1, fol. 15) / 48
- Duerden, 28 Criminal Appeal Report, 125 (1942) / 95
- Duff, Spinoza’s Political and Ethical Philosophy, (1903) / 138, 178
- Duguit, Léon, Le droit social, le droit individuel, et la transformation de l’état, (2 ed. 1911) / 60, 231
- ——. L’état, le droit objectif, et la loi positive, (1901) / 60, 62, 231
- ——. Les transformations du droit privé depuis le Code Napoléon / 60, 62
- Dunning, Political Theory, Ancient and Medieval, (1913) / 162
- Dwarris, General Treatise on Statutes, (Potter’s ed. 1875) / 16
- Ebersole, The Iowa People’s Law Book, (1900) / 28
- Edlin, Rechtsphilosophische Scheinprobleme, (1932) II, 2, Das Problem der Sozialen Gesetzmassigkeit / 132
- Egger, Kommentar zum schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch, (1916) / 326
- Ehrenberg, Die Rechtsidee im früheren Griechentum, (1921) / 38
- Ehrlich, Grundlegung der Soziologie des Rechts, (1913), English transl. by Moll as Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law, (1936) / 30, 104, 105, 106, 107, 204, 283, 369
- Elliot and others, Preliminary Report on Efficiency in the Administration of Justice, (1914) / 292
- Emery, Concerning Justice, (1914) / 205
- Engisch, Zur phänomenologischen Methode im Strafrecht, (1937) 30 Archiv fur Rechts und Sozialphilosophie, 130 / 317
- Epictetus, Diss. / 158
- Erdmann, History of Philosophy, (Hough’s transl. 1910) / 158, 162
- Erigena, Johannes Scotus, (d. 875), De divisione naturae / 45, 172
- Everett, Moral Values / 79
- Fay, Life of Mr. Justice Smith, (1939) / 137
- Fearne, Contingent Remainders, (10 ed. 1844) / 87
- Fehr, Hammurapi und das salisches Recht, (1910) / 144
- Feinsinger, Legislative Attacks on “Heart Balm,” (1933) 33 Michigan Law Review, 1030 / 131
- Ferri, L’Ordinamento Corporativo dal Punto di Vista Economico, Caratteri Generali, I Soggetti, Le Associazioni Sindicali, (1933) / 282
- Ferson, The Rational Basis of Contracts, (1949) / 184
- Fichte, Grundlage des Naturrechts, (1798), new ed. by Medicus, (2 ed. 1922), English transl. by Kroeger as Science of Rights, (1889) / 203
- Figgis, Studies of Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius, (1907) / 167, 175, 184
- Finch, Law, (1627) / 191
- Fineux, in Anonymous, Y.B. Hil. 4 Hen. 7 (1490) / 91
- Fitzherbert, Abridgement, / 47
- Fortescue, De laudibus legum Angliae / 5
- Franciscus de Victoria, Relectiones theologicae, (1557) / 177
- Frank, Are Judges Human, (1931) 80 Univ. of Pa. Law Review 17 / 299, 301, 304
- ——. If Men Were Angels, (1942) / 288, 300
- ——. Law and the Modern Mind, (1930, Sixth printing, 1949) / 120, 288, 293, 301, 304
- ——. Mr. Justice Holmes and Non-Euclidean Legal Thinking, (1932) 17 Cornell Law Quarterly, 568 / 299–300
- ——. What Courts Do in Fact, (1932) 26 Illinois Law Rev., 645 / 299, 301
- Friedmann, Law and Social Change in Contemporary Britain, (1951) / 65, 320
- ——. Legal Theory, (1944) / 320
- Friedrich, Remarks on Llewellyn’s View of Law, Official Behavior and Political Science, (1933) 50 Political Science Quarterly, 419 / 300
- Fry, Memoir of Sir Edward Fry, (1921) / 86
- Fucile, Le mouvement corporatif en Italie, (1929) / 282
- Fuller, American Legal Realism, (1934) 82 Univ. of Pa. Law Review, 429 / 257, 300, 301
- Gaius, Institute / 42, 43, 44, 45, 73, 86, 87, 145, 149, 160, 324
- Galoanus Bononiensis, De differentiis legum et canonum, (No. 67 in 1 Tractatus Universi Iuris, 1584) / 47
- Gardner, An Inquiry into the Principles of the Law of Contracts, (1946) 46 Harvard Law Review, 1 / 344
- ——. The Massachusetts Billboard Decision, (1936) 49 Harvard Law Review, 869 / 248
- Gareis, Enzyklopädie der Rechtswissenschaft, (1887) / 2
- Gény, François, Science et technique en droit privé positif, (Vol. I, 1914; Vol. II, 1915; Vol. III, 1921; Vol. IV, 1924) / 60, 61, 62, 110
- Gierke, Althusius und die Entwick-lung der natürrechtlichen Staatstheorien / 166
- Glanvill, (1187) / 145, 191
- Goble, Law as a Science, (1934) 9 Indiana Law Review, 294 / 300
- Goodhart, Some American Interpretations of Law, in Modern Theories of Law, (1933) / 288, 290
- Goodrich, Emotional Disturbance as Legal Damage, (1922), 20 Michigan Law Review, 497 / 97
- Graham, Life and Character of Thomas Ruffin, (1871) / 269
- Grant, Personal Memoirs, (1885–86) / 280
- Grave, La société future, (7 ed. 1895) / 216, 217
- Gray, Nature and Sources of the Law, (1909, 2 ed. 1921) / 19, 26, 56, 201, 202
- ——. Restraints Upon Alienation of Property, (2 ed. 1895) / 20
- ——. Some Definitions and Questions in Jurisprudence, (1892) 6 Harvard Law Review, 21 / 6
- Green, Judge and Jury (1930) / 261
- ——. Principles of Political Obligation, (Lectures delivered 1879–80, reprinted, 1911) / 75, 128, 203, 205
- Greenidge, Infamia: Its Place in Roman Public and Private Law, (1844) / 147
- Gregorius de Megalottis, Tractatus securitatis ac salviconductis, (11 Tractatus Universi Iuris) / 47–48
- Gregory, Legislative Loss Distribution in Negligence Actions, (1936) / 136
- Grote, Plato / 158
- Grotius, De iure belli ac pacis, (1625) / 12, 28, 50, 64, 118, 150, 178, 181, 182, 184, 194
- ——. Prolegomena / 168, 180, 181
- Gsovski, Soviet Civil Law, (1948) / 23, 233, 281, 282, 330, 334, 355, 362
- ——. The Soviet Concept of Law, (1938) 7 Fordham Law Review, 1 / 121, 287
- Guarnieri-Ventimiglia, I principii Giuridici Dello Stato Corporativo, (1928) / 282
- Gulielmus Redoanus, (16th century Bishop of Nebio in Corsica), De simonia mentali, ii, 4, 15, (15 Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 2, fol. 60) / 48
- Gumplowicz, Geschichte der Staatstheorien, (1903) / 166
- ——. Grundriss der Soziologie, (1885) / 213
- ——. Soziologie und Politik, (1892) / 213
- Gurvitch, L’idée du droit social, (1932) / 104
- ——. Sociology of Law, (1942) / 104, 106, 107
- Guyot, Principles of Social Economy, (Leppington’s transl. 2 ed. 1892) / 159–60
- Hägerström, Inquiries into the Nature of Law and Morals, (transl. by C. D. Broad, ed. by Karl Olivecrona, 1953) / 318
- ——. Der römische Obligations-begriff im Lichte der allgemeinen römischen Rechtsanschauung, (1927) / 318
- Haldane, Higher Nationality: A Study in Law and Ethics, (1913) 38 Rep. Am. Bar Assn., 393 / 75
- Hanbury, The Field of Modern Equity, (1929) 45 Law Quarterly Review, 196 / 152
- Hanna and MacLachlan, Cases on Creditors’ Rights, (Consolidated 4 ed., 1951) / 266
- Hardman, The Social Interest in the Aesthetic and the Socialization of Law, 29 W.Va. Law Quarterly, 195 / 248
- Hargrave, Law Tracts / 101
- Harris, Idealism Emergent in Jurisprudence, (1936) 10 Tulane Law Review, 169 / 300
- Haynes, The Selection and Tenure of Judges, (1944) / 292
- Hazard, Soviet Law—An Introduction, (1936) 36 Columbia Law Review, 1236 / 281
- Hearn, Theory of Legal Duties and Rights, (1883) / 111
- Hecke, Van, Zoning Ordinances and Restrictions in Deeds, (1928) 37 Yale Law Journal, 407 / 73
- Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, (1821) (transl. by Knox, 1942) / 56, 75, 77, 369
- [2 ed. by Gans, 1840, new ed. by Lasson, 1911, English translation by Knox (Oxford, 1942)] / 203, 204
- ——. History of Philosophy, (transl. by Haldane, 1892) / 213
- ——. Philosophy of History, transl. by Sibree, rev. ed. (1899) / 205
- Heinze, 60 Hermes (1925) 348–66 / 166
- Hemmingsen (Hemmingius), De lege naturae apodictica methodus, (1562) / 50, 166, 169
- Henderson, The Position of Foreign Corporations in Constitutional Law, (1918) / 278
- Heraclitus, Diogenes Laertius / 157
- Herkless, Lectures on Jurisprudence (posthumous, 1901) / 203
- Heusler, Institutionen des deutschen Privatrechts, (1885) / 22, 173
- Hieronymus de Zannettinis, De differentiis inter ius canonicum et ciuile / 47
- Hildebrand, Geschichte und System der Rechts- und Staatsphilosophie, (I, Das klassische Alter-tum, 1860) / 38, 156, 159
- Hinrichs, Geschichte der Rechtsund Staatsprincipien seit der Reformation, (1848) / 166, 168, 170, 178
- Hoadley, Annual Address Before the American Bar Association, (1889) 11 Rep. Am. Bar Assn., 219 / 195
- Hobbes, De cive, (1642) / 178
- ——. Leviathan, (1651) / 4, 27, 64, 178, 186, 200
- Hobhouse, Elements of Social Justice, (1922) / 225
- Hohfeld, Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning, (1923) / 109–10
- Holdsworth, History of English Law, (3 ed. 1922) / 49, 55, 129
- ——. Sources and Literature of English Law, (1925) / 51
- Holland, Elements of Jurisprudence, (1 ed. 1880, 13 ed. 1924) / 57, 202
- Holmes, Agency, (1891) 4 Harvard Law Review, 345 / 271, 273, 274, 327
- ——. Agency, (1891) 5 Harvard Law Review, 1 / 274
- ——. Codes, and the Arrangement of the Law, See Early Writings of Mr. Justice Holmes, in 44 Harvard Law Review, 725 / 348
- ——. Collected Papers, (1921) / 120, 348
- ——. The Common Law, (1881) / 56, 87, 348
- ——. Law in Science and Science in Law, (1899) 12 Harvard Law Review, 443 / 25
- ——. The Path of the Law, (1897) 10 Harvard Law Review, 443, 457, 467 / 5, 120, 323, 348
- Holt, The Freudian Wish and Its Place in Ethics, (1915) / 289
- Hornblower, The Independence of the Judiciary the Safeguard of Free Institutions, Senate Document No. 1052, 62nd Congress, 3rd Session, (1913) / 225
- Horvath, Rechtssoziologie, (1934) / 104, 231
- ——. Social Value and Reality in Current French Legal Thought, (1952) 1 Am. Journal Comp. Law, 243 / 61
- Hotman, Anti-Tribonianus, (1567) / 50
- Hume-Williams, The World, the House, and the Bar, (1930) / 137
- Husserl, G., Der Rechtsgegenstand, (1933) / 317
- ——. Rechtskraft und Rechtsgeltung, (1925) / 317
- ——. Recht und Welt, (1930) / 317
- Hutcheson, The Judgment Intuitive—The Function of the “Hunch” in Judicial Decisions, (1928) 14 Cornell Law Quarterly, 274 / 300, 317
- Iamblichus, Vit. Pythag. / 157
- Isaacs, John Marshall on Contracts, A Study in Early American Juristic Theory, (1921) 7 Virginia Law Review, 413 / 184
- ——. The Limits of Judicial Discretion, (1923) 32 Yale Law Journal, 339 / 87
- Jaeger, Werner, The Problem of Authority and the Crisis of the Greek Spirit, in Authority and the Individual, (1937) Harvard Tercentenary Publication, 241 / 166
- James, The Will to Believe, (1897) / 123, 253
- Jellinek, Allgemeine Staatslehre, (3 ed. 1914) / 132
- ——. Die Erklärung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte, (3 ed. 1919, English transl. of 1 ed. by Farrand as The Declaration of the Rights of Men and of Citizens, 1901) / 188
- ——. Die sozialethische Bedeutung von Recht, Unrecht, und Strafe, (1878, 2 ed. 1908) / 78
- Jenks, Governmental Action for Social Welfare / 249
- ——. Law and Politics in the Middle Ages, (1898) / 147
- Jennings, The Institutional Theory, (1933, in Modern Theories of Law) / 284, 352
- Jhering, Geist des römischen Rechts, (1854, 5 ed. 1891, 7 and 8 ed. 1924) / 70, 109, 147, 148
- ——. Im juristischen Begriffshimmel, (1884, 13 ed. 1924) / 243
- ——. Der Kampf um’s Recht, (1872, 19 ed. 1919), English transl. by Lalor as The Struggle for Law, (1879, 2 ed. by Kocourek, 1915) / 139, 265
- ——. Scherz und Ernst in der Jurisprudenz, (4 ed. 1891) / 154, 243, 312
- ——. Der Zweck im Recht, (1883) / 71, 79
- ——. Zweck im Recht (3 ed. 1893–98) / 106
- Johnsen, Selected Articles on Law—Enforcement, (1930) / 128
- Joseph, Introduction to Logic / 41
- Josserand, Cours de droit civil positif français, (3 ed. 1939) / 64, 101
- Justinian, Code / 151
- ——. Digest / 149, 152, 159, 173, 279, 285
- ——. Institutes / 149, 159, 160, 162, 173, 279, 285
- Kaltenborn, Die Vorläufer des Hugo Grotius, (1848) / 50, 169
- Kant, Kritik der reinen Vernunft, (2 ed. 1787) (Smith’s transl. Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, 1932) / 204, 208
- ——. Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre, (2 ed. 1798) / 2, 55, 77, 199, 203
- ——. Philosophy of Law, (1887, English transl. by Hastie) / 140, 203
- Kantorowicz, Gnaeus Flavius, Die Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft, (1906) / 312
- ——. Some Rationalism About Realism, (1934) 43 Yale Law Journal, 240 / 300
- Kaufmann, Die Kriterien des Rechts, (1924) / 317
- ——. Logik und Rechtswissenschaft, (1922) / 317
- ——. Die philosophischen Grundprobleme der Lehre von der Strafrechtsschuld, (1929) / 317
- Kelsen, Reine Rechtslehre, (1934) / 74, 80, 88, 104, 367
- Kennedy, Functional Nonsense and the Transcendental Approach, (1936) 5 Fordham Law Review, 272 / 300
- ——. Principles or Facts, (1935) 4 Fordham Law Review, 53 / 300
- Kent, Commentaries on American Law, (1826) / 30, 51, 193
- Kimball, Morals in Politics, (in Brooklyn Ethical Society, Man and the State, 1892) / 215
- Knight, Life and Works of Hugo Grotius, (1925) / 52
- Kocourek, Jural Relations, (1927) / 109
- Kohler, Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft, (1902, 5 ed. 1919) / 2, 59, 162, 231, 235
- ——. Lehrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie, (1908, 2 ed. 1917, 3 ed. by Arthur Kohler, 1923, 1 ed. transl. by Albrecht as Kohler’s Philosophy of Law, 1914) / 59, 80, 124, 162, 231, 235, 236
- ——. Moderne Rechtsprobleme, (1907, 2 ed. 1913) / 59, 80, 235, 236
- ——. Rechtsphilosophie und Universalrechtsgeschichte, (in Holtzendorff, Enzyklopädie der Rechtswissenschaft, 6 ed. 1904, 7 ed. 1913) / 59, 80, 235
- ——. Recht und Persönlichkeit, (in Der Kultur der Gegenwart, 1914) / 235
- Korkunov, General Theory of Law, (transl. by Hastings, 1909) / 79, 128
- Kornfeld, Soziale Machtverhältnisse, (1911) / 104
- Krause, Abriss des Systemes der Philosophie des Rechtes, (1825) / 203
- Kyd, Corporations, (1793) / 278
- Labatt, Commentaries on the Law of Master and Servant, (2 ed. 1913) / 271
- Laertius, Diogenes / 37, 39, 157
- Langdell, Summary of Equity Pleading, (2 ed. 1883) / 129
- Lask, Rechtsphilosophie, (1905) in 1 Gesammelte Schriften, (1923) / 240
- Laski, Studies in Law and Politics, (1932) / 119
- Lassalle, Arbeiterprogramm, (1863) 1 Werke (ed. Blum) / 217
- Lasson, System der Rechtsphilosophie, (1882) / 201
- Lauterpacht, Modern Theories of Law / 2
- Lavet, La benéfice de la competence, (1927) / 343
- Lea, Superstition and Force, (4 ed. 1892) / 129
- Lee, Morals, Morality, and Ethics: Suggested Terminology, (1928) 38 International Journal of Ethics, 451 / 71
- Leflar, The Declining Defence of Contributory Negligence, (1941) 1 Arkansas Law Review, 1 / 335
- Leibholz, Les tendences actuelles du droit public en Allemagne, (1931) in Archives de philosophie du droit et de sociologie juridique, 207 / 63
- Levi, Contributi ad una teoria filosofica dell’ ordine giuridico, (1914) / 162
- ——. An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, (1949) / 320
- Lévy-Bruhl, La morale et la science des moeurs, (1903, 5 ed. 1913) / 80, 213
- Lioy, Philosophy of Right, (transl. by Hastie) (1891) / 35, 78, 206
- Lippman, The Good Society, (1931) 3 Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, 515 / 270
- Liszt, Die Deliktsobligationen im System des bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs, (1898) / 94
- Littleton, Tenures, (1481) / 191
- Livingston, Complete Works on Criminal Jurisprudence, (1873) / 94
- Llewellyn, The Bramble Bush, (1930) / 3, 289, 299, 301
- ——. Legal Tradition and Social Science Methods in Swann and others (Essays in Research in the Social Sciences, 1931) / 299
- ——. The Normative, the Legal and the Law Jobs: The Problem of Juristic Method, (1940) 49 Yale Law Journal, 1355 / 252, 293
- ——. On Using the Newer Jurisprudence, (1940) 40 Columbia Law Review, 581 / 289
- ——. Präjudizienrecht und Rechtsprechung in Amerika, (1933) / 299, 313
- ——. A Realistic Jurisprudence—The Next Step, (1930) 30 Columbia Law Review, 431 / 299, 301
- ——. Some Realism About Realism, (1931) 44 Harvard Law Review, 1222 / 299, 301, 313
- Llewellyn and Hoebel, The Cheyenne Way, (1941) / 72, 105, 106
- Lorimer, Institutes of Law, (1872, 2 ed. 1880) / 153, 201, 203, 205, 236
- Lotze, Logic, (English transl. 1884) / 213
- Lummus, The Trial Judge, (1937) / 284, 286
- Lundstedt, The General Principles of Civil Liability in Different Legal Systems, The False Idea of Right, (1934) 2 Acta Academiae Universalis Jurisprudentiae Comparativae, 371 / 113, 232
- ——. Superstition or Rationality in Action for Peace, (1925) / 300
- ——. Die Unwissenschaftlichkeit der Rechtswissenschaft, (1932–36) / 300
- Luther, Tract von weltlicher Oberkeit, / 169
- ——. Werke, (Weimar ed. 1883) / 168, 169
- ——. Werke, Kritische Gesammtausgabe, (1883) / 168
- Lysen, Hugo Grotius, (1925) / 52
- Macaulay, Notes to Draft of Indian Penal Code, (in Complete Works, ed. 1875) / 94
- Machen, Do the Incorporation Laws Allow Sufficient Freedom to Commercial Enterprise, (1909) 14 Rep. Md. State Bar Assn., 78 / 279
- Maine, Ancient Law, (1861) / 56, 105, 148, 211, 212
- ——. Early History of Institutions, (1 ed. 1875, 7 ed. 1897) / 144, 149, 201, 202, 211
- ——. Early Law and Custom, (new ed. 1891) / 144
- Maitland, Bracton’s Notebook, (1887) / 173
- ——. Collected Papers, (1911) / 216
- ——. English Law and the Renaissance, (1901) / 291
- ——. Lectures on Equity, (2 ed. 1936, revised by Brunyate, 1947) / 107, 150, 277
- ——. Selected Essays, (1936) / 107
- Malinowski, Introduction to Hogbin, Law and Order in Polynesia, (1934) / 72, 78
- Manu, (transl. by Müller, 1889) 25 Sacred Books of the East, 430 / 144
- Bühler’s transl., 25 Sacred Books of the East, (1886), 322 / 350
- Markby, Elements of Law, (6 ed. 1905) / 81, 132, 201, 210
- Marshall, Comparative Judicial Criminal Statistics: Six States, (1932) / 316–17
- ——. Unlocking the Treasuries of the Trial Courts, (1933) / 316
- Martin, Mendizábaly, El indestructibile derecho natural, (in 2 Studi filosofici giuridici dedicati a Giorgio Del Vecchio, 92) / 63
- Marx, Compulsory Compensation Insurance, 25 Columbia Law Review, 164 / 97
- ——. Critique of the Gotha Program, (English trans. 1933) / 282
- ——. Juristischer Realismus in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, (1936) 10 Revue internationale de la theorie du droit, 28 / 300
- ——. Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie, (1859) / 263
- Maschi, La concezione naturalistica del diritto, (1937) / 44
- Mazzoni, L’Ordinamento Corporativo: Contributo Alla Fondazione D’Una Teoria Generale E Alla Formulazione di Una Domestica Del Diritto Corporativo, (1934) / 282
- McDougall, Social Psychology, (1936) / 296
- McIlwain, The Growth of Political Thought in the West, (1932) / 156
- ——. The High Court of Parliament, (1910) / 173
- McLaughlin, Amendment of the Bankruptcy Act, (1927) 40 Harvard Law Review, 341 / 266
- Mechem, The Jurisprudence of Despair, (1936) 21 Iowa Law Review, 669 / 288
- Melanchthon, Opera (ed. Bret-schneider and Bindseil), (1834) / 168, 169, 170
- Menger, Das bürgerliche Recht und die besitzlosen Volksklassen, (1889, 4 ed. 1908) / 217
- ——. Ueber die sozialen Aufgaben Rechts, (1885, 3 ed. 1910) / 217
- Mill, On Liberty, (1859) / 206
- Millar, Historical View of the English Government, (1879) / 73
- Miller, Lectures on the Philosophy of Law, (1884) / 5, 75, 203, 205, 296
- Montesquieu, L’esprit des lois, (1749) / 188
- Moore and Hope, An Institutional Approach to the Law of Commercial Banking, (1938) 38 Yale Law Journal, 703 / 291, 292
- Muirhead, Historical Introduction to the Private Law of Rome, (1 ed. 1886) / 33
- Myers, History of Supreme Court of United States, (1912) / 264
- ——. Political Ideas of the Greeks, (1927) / 156
- Navarra, Introduzione al Diritto Corporativo—Storia e Diritto, (1929) / 282
- Nelles, Commonwealth v. Hunt, (1932) 32 Columbia Law Review, 1128 / 272
- Nicolaus Moronus, Tractatus de treuga et pace, (11 Tractatus Universi Iuris, pt. 1, fol. 420) / 48
- Nipperdey et al. Grundfragen der Reform des Schadenersatzrechts, (1940) / 330
- Odgers and others, A Century of Law Reform, (1901) / 192
- Oldendorp, Iuris naturalis gentium et ciuilis, (1539) / 166
- Oliphant, Facts, Opinions, and Value Judgments, (1932) 10 Texas Law Review, 697 / 314
- Oliphant and Hewitt, Introduction to Rueff, From the Physical to the Social Sciences, (1929), translated by Green / 260
- Olivecrona, Law as Fact, (1939) / 318
- Paley, Moral and Political Philosophy, (1782) / 261
- Palmer, George Herbert, and others, Immanuel Kant, (1925) / 234
- Panunzio, Il socialismo giuridico, (2 ed. 1911) / 217
- Parry, What the Judge Thought, (1892) / 130
- Parsons, Contracts, (1855) / 185
- Paschukanis, Allgemeine Rechtslehre und Marxismus, (1929) / 232, 233, 281, 282
- Paulsen, Ethics, (Thilly’s transl. 1899) / 101
- Pergolesi, Istituzioni di Diritto Corporativo, (2 ed. 1935) / 282
- Perry, Trusts, (7 ed. 1929) / 151
- Petrazycki, Methodologie der Theorien des Rechts und der Moral [in Opera Academiae Universalis Jurisprudentiae Comparativae, (1933) Ser. 2] / 104
- ——. Ueber die Motiven des Handelns und über das Wesen der Moral und des Rechts, transl. from the Russian by Balson, (1907) / 104
- Phelps, Methods of Legal Education, (1892) 1 Yale Law Journal, 139 / 190
- Phillipson, Three Criminal Law Reformers, (1923) / 207
- Picard, Le droit pur, (1899, reprinted 1920) / 217, 231
- Pitigliani, The Italian Corporative State, (1933) / 282
- Planiol et Ripert, Traité élémentaire de droit civil français, (11 ed. 1932, revision by Ripert and Boulanger, 4 ed. 1952) / 64, 101, 129, 342, 343
- Plato, Gorgias / 156, 157
- ——. Laws / 156, 158, 159
- ——. Minos / 37, 70
- ——. Republic / 64, 156, 157, 158
- Plucknett, Bonham’s Case and Judicial Review, (1926) 40 Harvard Law Review, 30 / 27
- Pollock, Essays in Jurisprudence and Ethics / 56
- ——. First Book of Jurisprudence, (1 ed. 1896, 6 ed. 1929) / 92, 128, 141
- ——. Law of Fraud in British India, (1894) / 328
- ——. Torts, (8 ed. 1908) / 327
- Pollock and Maitland, History of English Law, (1 ed. 1895, 2 ed. 1898) / 6, 129, 146, 201
- Pomeroy, Equity Jurisprudence, (first published in 1881–82, 3 ed. 1905, 4 ed. 1919) / 86, 280
- Post, Grundriss der ethnologischen Jurisprudenz, (1884) / 144
- Pothier, Robert Joseph, (1699–1772), Obligations, (1806) / 150
- ——. Traité des obligations, (1761) / 48, 52–53
- Pound, Roscoe, The Administration of Justice in the Modern City, (1913) 26 Harvard Law Review, 302 / 209
- ——. Administrative Application of Legal Standards, (1919) 44 Rep. Am. Bar Assn. 445 / 87, 284
- ——. Administrative Law, (1942) / 86
- ——. The Call for a Realist Jurisprudence, (1931) 44 Harvard Law Review, 597 / 257, 288, 315, 319
- ——. The Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Administration of Justice, (1906) 29 Rep. Am. Bar Assn. 395 / 101
- ——. Common Law and Legislation, (1908) 21 Harvard Law Review, 383 / 16
- ——. A Comparison of Ideals of Law, (1933) 47 Harvard Law Review, 1 / 304
- ——. The Decadence of Equity, (1905) 5 Columbia Law Review, 20 / 136
- ——. The Economic Interpretation and the Law of Torts, (1940) 53 Harvard Law Review, 365 / 275
- ——. The End of Law as Developed in Juristic Thought, (1916) 30 Harvard Law Review, 201 / 119, 156, 200
- ——. The End of Law as Developed in Legal Rules and Doctrines, (1914) 27 Harvard Law Review, 195 / 102, 154, 156, 212, 225, 351
- ——. Equitable Relief Against Defamation and Injuries to Personality, (1916) 29 Harvard Law Review, 640 / 131, 154
- ——. Fifty Years of Jurisprudence, (1938) 51 Harvard Law Review, 444 / 52, 59, 60, 119, 218, 257, 279, 281, 288, 300, 312, 364, 368
- ——. The Formative Era of American Law, (1938) / 54, 188
- ——. The Future of Law, (1937) 47 Yale Law Journal, 1 / 352
- ——. Grotius in the Science of Law, (1925) 19 American Journal of International Law, 685 / 52, 180
- ——. Hierarchy of Sources and Forms in Different Systems of Law, (1933) 7 Tulane Law Review, 473 / 304
- ——. How Far Are We Attaining a New Measure of Values in Twentieth-Century Juristic Thought, (1936) / 218
- ——. A Hundred Years of American Law, (in 1 Law: A Century of Progress, 1835–1935, 8) / 85
- ——. The Ideal Element in American Judicial Decision, (1931) 45 Harvard Law Review, 1361 / 304
- ——. Interests of Personality, (1916) 28 Harvard Law Review, 343 / 97, 130
- ——. (1915) 26 International Journal of Ethics, 92 / 110
- ——. Interpretations of Legal History, (1923) / 2, 19, 21, 40, 56, 70, 104, 112, 118, 123, 206, 212, 234, 277
- ——. Introduction to the Philosophy of Law, (1922) / 102, 104, 112, 245
- ——. Introduction to the Study of Law, (1919) / 245
- ——. Juristic Science and Law, (1918) 31 Harvard Law Review, 1047 / 284
- ——. Justice According to Law, (1951) / 140
- ——. Justice According to Law—Executive Justice, (1913) 14 Columbia Law Review, 12 / 86
- ——. Legal Interrogation of Persons Accused or Suspected of Crime, (1934) 24 Journal of the American Inst. of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1014 / 135
- ——. Liberty of Contract, (1909) 18 Yale Law Journal, 454 / 12, 64, 114
- ——. The Limits of Effective Legal Action, (1917) 3 Am. Bar Assn. Journal, 55; (1917) 27 Int. Journal of Ethics, 150 / 90, 108, 128, 356
- ——. Mechanical Jurisprudence, (1908) 8 Columbia Law Review, 605 / 312
- ——. Natural Natural Law and Positive Natural Law, (1952) 68 Law Quarterly Review, 330 / 44, 63, 142
- ——. The New Feudalism, (1930) 16 Am. Bar Assn. Journal, 553 / 30, 231
- ——. New Paths of the Law, (1950, lectures at the University of Nebraska) / 65, 348
- ——. Organization of Courts, (1940) / 354, 355
- ——. Outlines of Lectures on Jurisprudence, (5 ed. 1943) / 102, 245
- ——. Philosophical Theory and International Law, (1923) 1 Bibliotheca Visseriana dissertationum ius internationale illustrantium, 71 / 54, 126, 177
- ——. The Philosophy of Law in America, (1913) 7 Archiv fur Rechts und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, 213 / 200
- ——. The Place of Judge Story in the Making of American Law, (1914) 48 American Law Review, 676 / 208
- ——. The Place of the Judiciary in a Democratic Polity, (1941) 27 Am. Bar Assn. Journal, 133 / 262
- ——. Public Law and Private Law, (1939) 24 Cornell Law Quarterly, 469 / 286
- ——. Recent Developments in the Law of Equity, (1933) / 136
- ——. The Relation of Statistical Quality Standards to Law and Legislation / 315
- ——. The Revival of Personal Government, (in Proceedings of New Hampshire Bar Association) / 267
- ——. The Scope and Purpose of Sociological Jurisprudence, (1911) 24 Harvard Law Review, 591, (1911) 25 Harvard Law Review, 140 / 57, 207, 212
- ——. Social Control Through Law, (1942) / 70, 104, 112, 218, 231, 245, 252
- ——. Social Justice and Legal Justice, (1912) Proc. Mo. Bar Association / 154
- ——. The Spirit of the Common Law, (1921) / 24, 30, 104, 112, 174, 182, 187, 200, 209, 212, 268
- ——. The Supreme Court and Minimum Wage Legislation, (1925) compiled by the National Consumers’ League / 220, 284
- ——. A Survey of Social Interests, (1943) 57 Harvard Law Review, 1 / 104
- ——. The Task of the Law, (1944) / 128
- ——. The Theory of Judicial Decision, (1923) 36 Harvard Law Review, 641, 940 / 90, 284, 309
- ——. Twentieth-Century Ideas as to the End of Law, (1934) Harvard Legal Essays, 357 / 156, 218
- ——. What Is Law, (1940) 47 W.Va. Law Quarterly, 1 / 70
- Pound and Plucknett, Readings on the History and System of the Common Law, (3 ed. 1927) / 196, 197, 243
- Powell, The Judiciality of Minimum Wage Legislation, (1924) 37 Harvard Law Review, 545 / 220
- Prosser, Handbook of the Law of Torts, (1941) / 328
- Proudhon, De la justice dans la révolution et dans l’église, (1858) / 216
- ——. Idée génerale de la révolution au dix-neuvième siècle, (1851) / 216
- ——. Qu’est-ce que la propriété, (1840) / 216
- Puchta, Cursus der Institutionen, (1841) (Hastie’s transl. in Outlines of Jurisprudence, 1887) / 211
- Pufendorf, De iure naturae et gentium, (1672) / 28, 50, 178, 184, 186, 194
- Pulszky, Theory of Law and Civil Society, (1888) / 205
- Purrington, The Frequency of Perjury, (1827) 8 Columbia Law Review, 399 / 129–30
- Radbruch, Gustav, Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft, (5–6 ed. 1925) / 78
- ——. Grundzüge der Rechtsphilosophie, (1914) / 59, 217, 240
- ——. Rechtsphilosophie, (3 ed. 1932) / 59, 68, 80, 103, 107, 140, 217, 231, 285, 286
- ——. Vorschule der Rechtsphilosophie, (1947) / 59, 103
- Radin, The Lawful Pursuit of Gain, (1931) / 128
- ——. Legal Realism, (1931) 31 Columbia Law Review, 829 / 300
- Rawlinson, Arrest of Major R. O. Sheppard, (1928) / 134
- Réghlade, Valeur sociale et concepts juridique, norme et technique, (1950) / 61
- Reinach, Die apriorischen Grundlagen des bürgerlichen Rechts, (1922) / 317
- Renard, La théorie de l’institution, (1930) / 61
- Reyburn, Ethical Theory of Hegel, (1921) / 77
- Ripert et Boulanger, Traité élémentaire de droit civil, (5 ed. 1950) / 248
- Ritchie, Natural Rights, (1895) / 188, 190
- Rivers, Instinct and the Unconscious, (1921) / 93
- Roberts, Memoirs of John Bannister Gibson, (1890) / 269
- Robinson, Law and the Lawyers, (1935) / 120, 288
- Robinson, Serjeant, Bench and Bar: Reminiscences of One of an Ancient Race, (3 ed. 1891) / 85
- Rodell, Woe unto You Lawyers, (1939) / 119
- Roman Law, Digest / 33–34, 42, 43, 44, 45, 100, 149
- ——. Gaius / 42, 43, 44, 45, 73, 86, 87, 145, 149, 160, 324
- ——. Institute / 44, 45, 87, 100
- ——. Institutes of Justinian / 149, 325
- ——. Twelve Tables / 144, 145, 146, 324
- Roosevelt, Theodore, The Right of the People to Rule, Senate Document No. 473, 66th Congress, 2nd Session, (1912) / 225
- Rousseau, Le contrat social, (The Social Contract) (1762) / 64, 188
- Rueff, From the Physical to the Social Sciences, (transl. by Green, 1929) / 314
- Rutherforth, Institutes of Natural Law, (1754–56) / 28, 50, 178, 182, 188, 194, 200
- Saleilles, L’école historique et droit naturel, (1901) Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, 80 / 202, 213
- ——. L’individualisation de la peine, (2 ed. 1904, English transl. as: The Individualization of Punishment) / 304
- Salemi, Lezioni di Diritto Corporativo, (1929) / 282
- ——. Studi di Diritto Corporativo, (1929) / 282
- Salmond, First Principles of Jurisprudence, (1894) 10 Law Quarterly Review, 89 / 106
- ——. Jurisprudence, (9 ed. 1937) / 132
- ——. Torts, (4 ed. 1916) / 327
- Salvioli, Storia del diritto italiano, (8 ed.) / 25
- Sauer, Rechts und Staatsphilosophie, (1936) / 317
- Sauter, Die philosophischen Grundlagen des Naturrechts, (1932) / 38, 156, 188
- Savigny, Geschichte des römischen Rechts in Mittelalter / 25
- ——. Jural Relations, (transl. by Rattigan, a transl. of book 2 of Savigny’s System, 1884) / 109
- ——. System des heutigen römischen Rechts, (1849) (English translation by Guthrie, A Treatise on the Conflict of Laws, 2 ed. 1880) / 24, 84, 109, 116, 161,
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[ ]The lists of Acts, Reports, Proceedings, etc., and Publications of Various Organizations begin on p. 412.