Richard Cobden: A Bibliography
- Richard Cobden
- Collections: The Manchester School
- Collections: Political Theory
a bibliography of richard cobden, based on the british museum catalogue
The Political Writings of Richard Cobden. 2 vols. London, 1867 8vo. 8008. ee.
—Second edition. 2 vols. London [printed], New York, 1868 [1867]. 8vo. 8008. ee. 3.
—[Another edition.] With an introductory essay by Sir L. Mallet, etc. (Notes by F. W. Chesson.) London, 1878. 8vo. 2238. a. 14.
—[Another edition.] Pp. vii.-704. Cassell & Co.: London, 1886. 8vo. 8139. aaa. 22.
Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and J. E. Thorold Rogers. 2 vols. London, Oxford [printed], 1870. 8vo. 2238. f. 2.
England, Ireland, and America. By a Manchester Manufacturer [Richard Cobden]. 1835. 8vo. T. 1918. (4.)
—1836. 8vo. 8135. i.
Russia. By a Manchester Manufacturer [Richard Cobden]. 1836. 8vo. 8093. f.
—Facts for the Present Crisis. Richard Cobden on Russia. Reprinted from the original pamphlet published in 1836 under the name of “A Manchester Manufacturer.” Third edition. Manchester, 1876. 8vo. 8094. g. 6. (9.)
Corn Laws. Extracts from the Works of Thomas Perronet Thompson, selected and classified by Richard Cobden. Manchester, [1841?]. 8vo. 8245. c. 79. (4.)
The Corn Laws. Speech of Richard Cobden in the House of Commons on February 24, 1842. Sixteenth Thousand. Revised. Manchester, [1842]. 12mo. 8244. a. 10.
The Land-Tax Fraud. Speech of Richard Cobden in the House of Commons, March 14, 1842. Manchester, [1842]. 12mo. 8223. a. 12.
Tenant Farmers and Farm Labourers. Speech on the 12th March, 1844, on moving for a Select Committee “to inquire into the effects of protective duties on imports upon the interests of tenant farmers and farm labourers.” Pp. 23. J. Gadsby: Manchester, [1844?]. 8vo. 8135. dd. 9. (11.)
—Corrected report of the speech of Richard Cobden in the House of Commons, 12th of March, 1844, on his motion for a Select Committee to inquire into the effects of protective duties on imports upon the interests of the tenant farmers and farm labourers in this country. Second edition. 1844. 8vo. 1391. f. 43.
On the effects of Protection on the agricultural interests of the country. House of Commons, March 13, 1845. Adams (C. K.), Representative British Orations, etc. Vol. iii. 1884. 16mo. 12301. cc. 3.
Speech of Richard Cobden in the House of Commons February 18, 1848. Pp. 8. A. Heywood: Manchester, [1848]. 12mo. 8135. a. 5. (2.)
National Defences. Speech of Richard Cobden. London, 1848. 8vo. 1398. f.
Speech on the Russian Loan, delivered at the London Tavern, January 18th. London, 1850. 8vo. 8223. a. 13.
England. National Parliamentary and National Reform Association. National Reform Tracts Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24. Proceedings at the fourth monthly soirée of National Reform Association with the speeches of Sir J. Walmsley, and Richard Cobden. London, [1851]. 8vo. 8138 df. 5. (1.)
1793 and 1853, in three letters. Second edition. London, 1853. 8vo. 8138. c.
—New edition revised, with a preface. London, Farringdon [printed], 1853. 8vo. 8138. c.
—Fourth edition. London, 1853. 8vo. 8026. ee. 8. (3.)
Report of the Proceedings of the Peace Conference at Edinburgh, October, 1853. With the speeches of Richard Cobden. Reports of the Peace Congresses at Brussels, etc. 1861. 8vo. 8425. c. 52.
How Wars are got up in India. The origin of the Burmese War. Fourth edition. London, 1853. 8vo. 8022. c. 15
Address to the Mechanics' Institution at Barnsley, on the re-opening of the New Lecture Hall. See British Eloquence of the Nineteenth Century. Literary Addresses. Second series. 1855 [1854]. 8vo. 1205. b. 12.
What Next and Next? London, 1856. 8vo. 8028. b.
—Fifth edition. Pp. 50. J. Ridgway: London, 1856. 8vo. 8026. d. 12. (4.)
On the probable fall of the value of gold. By Michel Chevalier. Translated from the French, with preface by Richard Cobden. Manchester, 1859. 8vo. 8223. b. 53.
The Three Panics. Third edition. Pp. 152. Ward & Co.: London, 1862. 8vo. 8026. c. 23.
—Fifth edition. London, 1862. 8vo. 8138. e.
—[Another edition.] Pp. 168. Cassell & Company: London, [1884]. 8vo. 8138. aa. 7.
—Les Trois Paniques, épisodes de l'histoire contemporaine, traduit de l'Anglais par A. Raymond. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 8138. h.
Maritime Law and Belligerent Rights. Speech of Richard Cobden advocating a reform of International Maritime Law, delivered to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Oct. 25, 1862. Revised and corrected by the author. Manchester [printed], London, [1864]. 8vo. 6955. bb.
Speech of Mr. Cobden, on the “Foreign Enlistment Act,” in the House of Commons, April 24, 1863. London, 1863. 8vo. 8138. cc.
—Second edition. London, 1863. 8vo. 8138. b.
—Third edition. London, 1863. 8vo. 8138. b.
Mr. Cobden and The Times Correspondence between Mr. Cobden, ... and Mr. Delane, editor of The Times; with a supplementary correspondence between Mr. Cobden, and [Thornton Hunt, writing on behalf of] the Editor of the Daily Telegraph. Manchester, 1864. 8vo. 8138. cc.
Mr. Cobden on the Land Question. London, 1873. 8vo. C. T. 355. (7.) [Written by Mr. Cobden, Jan. 22, 1864, and published in the Morning Star under the signature of R. S. T.]
Government Manufacturing Establishments. Speech of Richard Cobden in the House of Commons, July 22, 1864, etc. London, 1869. 8vo. 8246. ee. 4.
Solution. Une solution prompte! Congrès ou Guerre: précédé d'une lettre de Richard Cobden. Paris, 1868. 8vo. 8026. g.
Biography, Criticism, Etc.
Apjohn, L. Richard Cobden and the Free Traders. [By L. Apjohn.] [1881.] “Memorable Men of the Nineteenth Century.” Vol. iv. [1881, etc.] 8vo. 10601. bbb.
Ashworth (H.). Recollections of Richard Cobden ... and the Anti-Corn Law League. London, Manchester [printed], 1877. 8vo. 8138. aa. 5.
—[Second edition.] London, [1878]. 8vo. 8138. de. 1.
Bastiat (Frédéric). Cobden et le Ligue, ou l'agitation Anglaise pour la liberté du commerce, etc. Paris, Senlis [printed], 1845. 8vo. 1391. g. 14.
Blackman, E. L. Our Relations with America. A reply to the arguments of Mr. Cobden ... as to the supply of ammunition of war to the belligerents. Manchester, [1863]. 8vo. 8175. e. 1. (1.)
Brett (J.). Calculator. Free Trade. Cobden, Bright, Gladstone, ... Fawcett, collated and examined. Pp. 63. Effingham Wilson: London, 1886. 8vo. 8229. i. 18. (4.)
Brewster, D. The Radical Party; its Principles, Objects, and Leaders —Cobden, etc. Manchester, 1867. 8vo. 8138. cc. 10. (10.)
Bright (Right Hon. J.). Speeches delivered in Bradford on the occasion of the inauguration of the Cobden Memorial, ... with a sketch of the history of Cobden, the Anti-Corn Law League. Revised by Mr. Bright. London, Bradford [printed, 1877]. 8vo. 8138. df. 5. (11.)
Bullock (Thomas Austin). Richard Cobden. (A study for young men.) London, [1866]. 8vo. 10817. cc. 21. (8.)
Cashin (T. F.). Free Trade Fallacies; or Cobden confuted. An exposition on the existing phase of progress and poverty, etc. Pp. xvi.-69. Wyman & Sons: London, 1886. 8vo. 8229. bbb. 53. (12.)
Chevalier (Michel). Free Trade in Gold, being a reply to the Cobden-Chevalier treatise, “on the probable decline in the value of gold,” also an exposition of the French schemes on the currency now maturing.” London, 1861. 12mo. 8223. a. 49.
Cobden, Richard. Analysis of Mr. Cobden's “Cure for the Russo-Phobia” [in his pamphlet entitled “Russia.” By a Manchester Manufacturer.] Pp. 33. [J. Ridgway & Sons: London, 1836.] 8vo. 8028. e. 36. (1.)
—A Letter from a Crow to Mr. Cobden. Translated from the original by a Northamptonshire Squire. London, 1844. 4to. 1391. g. 31.
—Banquet offert à Richard Cobden par la Société des Économistes le 18 août 1846. Extrait du No. 57 du Journal des économistes. Paris, 1846. 8vo. 1391. k. 37.
—Bordeaux. Association pour la liberté des échanges. Publications de l'Association. Banquet offert à Richard Cobden le 1er Septembre 1846. Discours de Richard Cobden. (Bordeaux) [1846]. 8vo. 8245. cc. 23. (3.)
—Discorsi pronunziati al Banchetto dato in Livorno a Richard Cobden, il 12 Maggio, 1847. Livorno, 1847. 8vo. 8245. f. 6.
—Letter to Richard Cobden on the Scotch Law of Entail. By a Scotch Landlord. Inverness, 1847. 8vo. 6583. b.
—A letter to Richard Cobden in reply to “1793 and 1853.” By a Manchester Man. Manchester, 1853. 8vo. 8138. f.
—“The Three Panics” dispelled. A reply to the historical episode of Richard Cobden. Reprinted ... from “Colburn's United Service Magazine.” London, 1862. 8vo. 8138. b.
—[Reception at the Accademia Pontaniana.] Academies. Naples.— Società Pontaniana, etc., afterwards Accademia Pontaniana. Tornato ordinaria del 21 Marzo 1847. [For the reception of Richard Cobden as a member of Academy.] [Naples, 1847.] 8vo. 8207. h. i. (6.)
Richard Cobden. Roi des, Belges. [Being a reply to Richard Cobden's letter to l'Économiste Belge on the fortifications of Antwerp.] Par un Ex-Colonel de la Garde Civique. Dédie aux blesses de Septembre. Deuxième édition. London, 1863. 8vo.
—Cobden-Delane Controversy. Opinions of the Liberal Press on the Correspondence between Mr. Cobden ... and Mr. Delane, etc. Manchester, 1864. 8vo. 8138. cc.
—In Memoriam. Richard Cobden, his Life and Times. London, [1865]. 8vo. 10817. cc.
—Cobden's Nederidge Navolgers in Indië: een beschamend woord voor alle bestrijders der liberale Koloniale politiek. (Overgedrukt uit het “Dagblad van Zuidholland en's Gravenhage” van 8–11 Augustus, 1865.) 'sGravenhage, 1865. 8vo. 8022. dd.
—Richard Cobden: sein Leben und sein Wirken. Von einem Freihändler und Friedensfreunde. Bremen, Norden [printed], 1869. 8vo. 10817. bbb.
—Richard Cobden, the Friend of the People. The story of his life told for popular reading. London, [1877?]. 8vo. 10803. b. 1. (11.)
Cooke (Frances E.). An English Hero; the story of Richard Cobden, written for young people. Pp. 130. Sonnenschein & Co.: London, 1886. 8vo. 10601. b. 35.
Day, G. G. Cobden's Contradictions. Extracted from Mr. G. G. Day's Letter to the Morning Herald of March 27, 1850. [London, 1850.] S. sh. fol. 806. k. 15. (27.)
Denman (Hon. J.). The pressing necessity for increased docks and basins at Portsmouth, with some observations on Mr. Cobden's “Three Panics,” etc. 1862. 8vo. 8806. c.
—1863. 8vo. 8806. c.
Dino Carina ( ). Riccardo Cobden. (Elogio.) Firenze, 1865. 12mo. 10817, aa. 15.
Dunckley (H.). Richard Cobden and the Jubilee of Free Trade, etc. By H. Dunckley, P. Leroy-Beaulieu, T. Barth, L. Courtney, C. P. Villiers. With preface by R. Gowing. Pp. 246. T. Fisher Unwin: London, 1896. 8vo. 08225. f. 1.
Dyer (George H.). Richard Cobden. Pp. 16. Dyer Bros.: London, [1882]. 16mo. One of the “Penny Popular Biographies.” 10803. aa. 6. (3.)
—Six Men of the People, etc. Richard Cobden ... By G. H. Dyer. Dyer Bros.: London, [1882]. 8vo. 10803. aa. 6. (2.)
E. (F. M.). Richard Cobden at Home. By F. M. E[dge?]. London, Manchester [printed], [1868]. 8vo. 10817. aaa. 41. (3.)
Ellis, W. A Few Questions on Secular Education—What it is, and what it ought to be; with an attempt to answer them. Preceded by an Appeal to Richard Cobden, Esq., and the members of the late Anti-Corn Law League. By the Author of “The Outlines of Social Economy” [W. Ellis]. London, 1848. 8vo. 8305. e. 82.
Garnier (C. J.). Richard Cobden, les ligueurs, et la Ligue; precis de l'histoire de la dernière révolution économique et financière en Angleterre. Paris, 1846. 12mo. 1391. a. 32.
Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.). Alarming results of the non-reciprocity system of Free Trade promoted by Messrs. Gladstone, Cobden, Bright, and their supporters. Fourth edition. London, [1865]. S. sh. fol. 1880. d. 1. (67.)
Gowing (Richard). Richard Cobden. Pp. 128. 1885. “World's Workers,” 1885, etc. 8vo. 10601. bbb.
Grandguillot, A. Pamphlets Nationaux. No. 1. Les Joujoux de M. Cobden. Par A. Grandguillot. Paris, [1868, etc.]. 8vo. 8245. ff. 3.
Hall (A. Hall). The Land and the Agricultural Population. [Being letters of A. H. Hall, W. T. White, and others, in reply to two speeches delivered at Rochdale in November, 1863, by Richard Cobden and John Bright. Reprinted from the West Sussex Gazette.] Arundel, 1864. 8vo. 7075. bb. 27.
Hobart (Vere Henry). The Mission of Richard Cobden. ... Reprinted from Macmillan's Magazine. London, [1867]. 8vo. 8139. aa.
Holdfast (Harry) pseud. A short letter to Mr. Cobden in reply to his long speech at Manchester from his quondam admirer, Harry Holdfast. London, 1849. 8vo. 8138. d.
Holtzendorff (F. von). Richard Cobden ... von F. von Holtzendorff. Virchow (R.) and Holtzendorff-Vietmansdorf (F. v.) Sammlung gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher Vorträge, herausgeben von R. v. und F. v. Holtzendorff. Berlin, 1866, etc. 8vo. Series I. Heft. 17.
Kretzschmar (Auguste). Richard Cobden, der Apostel der Handelsfreiheit und die jüngste staatsökonomische Revolution in Grossbritannien. Nach der besten englischen und franzosischen Quellen. Grimma, 1846. 12mo. 8245. a. 69. (2).
Lammer Moor. Bowring, Cobden, and China, etc. A Memoir by Lammer Moor. Pp. 32. J. Menzies, Edinburgh, 1857. 8vo. 8022. d.
Levi (L.). On Richard Cobden. An introductory lecture, delivered in King's College, London, etc. London, 1865. 8vo. 8205. bb. 10.
Lindsay (W. S.). Remarks on the law of partnership and limited liability. By W. S. Lindsay and Richard Cobden. London, 1856. 8vo. 6376. b. 15.
London. iii. Financial Reform Union. Papers on Taxation, etc. No. 3. A Budget for 1869, based upon Mr. Cobden's “National Budget,” proposed in 1849. Pp. 7. [London], 1868. 8vo. C. T. 274 (8).
MacGilchrist (John), of London. Richard Cobden, the apostle of Free Trade, his political career and public services. A biography. [Illustrated with photographs.] Pp. 294. Lockwood & Co.: London, 1865. 8vo. 10817. aa. 25.
Maitre (C.). Richard Cobden, ou l'Esprit Anglais contre l'Ésprit Français à propos de la Liberté des Echanges. Paris, 1846. 16mo. 1391. a. 35. (2.)
Mallet (Sir L.). The Political Opinions of Richard Cobden. Pp. viii.-64. Macmillan & Co.: London, 1869. 8vo. 3008. aaa.
Marsham (J. C.). How Wars arise in India. Observations on Mr. Cobden's Pamphlet entitled “The Origin of the Burmese War.” 1853. 8vo. 8022. d.
Maydwell (Isaac). Maydwell's Analysis of Cobden's Addresses, with remarks on Mr. Greg's speech at the Great League Meeting at Manchester. London, 1843. 8vo. 1391. g. 47.
Morley (John), Right Hon. The Life of Richard Cobden. 2 vols. Chapman & Hall: London, 1881. 8vo. 2406. f. 6.
— —Abridged edition. 1902. 8vo. 10816. h. 7.
Ouvry (Henry Aimè). Stein and his reforms in Prussia, with reference to the land question in England, and an appendix containing the views of Richard Cobden, and J. S. Mill's advice to Land Reformers. London, 1873. 8vo. 8277. b. 66.
Pope (J. B.). The Curse of Cobden, or John Bull v. John Bright. [A pamphlet upon Free Trade.] W. Blackwood & Sons: Edinburgh and London, 1885. 8vo. 8228. b. 37.
Protin (P. O.). Les Économistes Apprécies, ou Nécessité de la Protection ... Cobden, Michel Chevalier—Carey—Du Mesnil —Marigny, etc. 2 pt. Paris, 1862–63. 12mo. 8206. aaa. 31.
Reybaud (M. K. L.). Economistes modernes ... Richard Cobden, M. F. Bastiat, M. M. Chevalier, M. J. S. Mill, M. L. Faucher, M. P. Rossi, etc. Paris, 1862. 8vo. 8206. f. 17.
Richards (A. B.). Cobden and his pamphlet [1793 and 1853] considered, in a letter to Richard Cobden, etc. 1853. 8vo. 8138. df.
Ritchie (J. E.). The Life of Richard Cobden [by J. E. Ritchie]: with a faithful likeness from a photograph by Eastham, etc. London, [1865]. Fol. 10816. i.
Robkin. “Robkin and Blight” [i.e., Richard Cobden and John Bright]. What unfair trade is doing for us. [Signed “Pastor Agricola.”] Pp. 23. H. T. Cooke & Son: Warwick, 1885. 8vo. 8139. b. 29. (7.)
Rogers (James Edwin Thorold). Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. Essays on certain political topics. London, 1873. 8vo. 2238. e. 12.
Russia—Appendix, History and Politics. Russia. In answer to a Manchester Manufacturer [Richard Cobden]. London, 1837. 8vo. 8026. g. 33. (I.)
Salis Schwabe (J.), Madame. Richard Cobden, Notes sur ses voyages, correspondances et souvenirs, recueillés par Mme. Salis Schwabe, avec une préface de M. G. Molinari. Pp. xvi.-384. Paris, 1879. 8vo. 10920. ee. 14.
—Reminiscences of Richard Cobden, compiled by Mrs. Salis Schwabe. With a Preface by Lord Farrer. Pp. xvi.-340. T. Fisher Unwin: London, 1895. 8vo. 10815. e. 18.
Scott (A. T.). In Memoriam. The Life and Labours of Richard Cobden ... to which is appended an account of the Funeral. London, 1865. 8vo. 10825. bb. 33. (6.)
Sibree (James). Richard Cobden: Philanthropist and Statesman. Hull: London, [1865]. 16mo. 10817. a. 49.
Simonson (F.). Richard Cobden und die antikarnzolliga, sowie ihre Bedentung für die wirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Deutschen Reiches. Pp. 64. Berlin, 1863. 8vo. 8229. de. 32. (11.)
Urquhart (D.). Answer to Mr. Cobden on the assimilation of war and peace [as proposed by Mr. Cobden in a letter to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce]. Also analysis of the correspondence [of the English Government] with the United States [May, June, 1861], showing the Declaration of Paris to have been violated by England and France. Pp. 64. Hardwick: London, 1862. 8vo. 1250. c. 38. (7.)
Walcker (Carl). Richard Cobden's Volkswirthschaftliche und politische Ausichten, auf Grund aelteren und neuerer Quellen systematisch dargestellt. Pp. vi.-91. Hamburg, Leipzig [printed], 1885. 8vo. 8229. d. 35. (7.)
Warminster Fair Trade and Home Labour Defence League. The Curse of Cobden; what it means. An address to those with brains. Issued by the Warminster Fair Trade and Home Labour Defence League. [Signed for the League by John W. Hull.] Pp. 8. Warminster, [1901.] 8vo. 08226. g. 62. (13.)
Watkin (Sir E. W.), Bart. Alderman Cobden, of Manchester. Letters and reminiscences of Richard Cobden, with portraits, illustrations, etc. L.P., pp. 218. Ward & Lock: London, [1891]. 4to. 10816. g. 10.
Woods (J. Crawford). In Memory of Richard Cobden, a sermon [on Isaiah x. 18, and Matt. xxv. 34, 35, 40] preached ... July 9, 1865. Adelaide, 1865. 8vo. 10816. bbb. 15. (3.)
Events which followed the French Revolution down to the close of the war (ii), 222, 285, 286, 290, 297, 300
Government of Great Britain (ii), 317
History of the Peninsula War, Extracts from (ii), 284
Annual Register:
Augmentation of the French Navy (ii), 572, 576
Naval Review at Spithead, 1856 (ii), 584
State Papers referring to British modern history (ii), 285
Arjwedson's Travels:
Extent of railroads in United States (i), 91 note
Army and Navy Budgets of France and England, by M. Cucheval Clarigny (ii), 602
French Revolution (ii), 292
Balance of Power definition (i), 204
Bourrienne's Memoirs:
Napoleon's war of 1807 against British commerce (i), 12 note
“Balance of Power” definition (i), 198, 199, 203, 213
Extensive and detached Empire, Difficulties of Government, etc. (i), 191 note
Reflections—French Revolution, etc. (ii), 287, 298, 336
Vindication of National Science (i), 246 note
Cabinet Cyclopædia:
History of Poland (i), 175
Encyclopædia Britannica (i), 160 note, 236, 262
Faucher, M. Leon, and M. Tengoborski:
Financial resources of Russia (ii), 477, 499, 500, 501, 506, 508, 509, 514
Ferguson's Tour in Canada and part of United States:
Extract from Preface (i), 119
Francis, Mr., on Burke (ii), 318
“Balance of Power” definition (i), 198, 199, 204, 213
Heeren's Manual:
State of Poland (i), 167, 169, 170, 172, 177 and notes
Hughes' History of England:
Franklin's letter to Lord Howe (i), 246 note
Inglis' Travels in Ireland:
Quotations from (i), 49, 56, 57
Irving, Washington:
Great Britain's propensity for foreign politics described in “John Bull” (i), 215 note; (ii), 376
Jacob's Report on Poland (i), 174, 175, 177, 178 and notes
Jefferson'sNotes on Virginia (i), 233
Journal des Débats:
Feeling in France as to invasion demonstration in England (ii) 683
Kay, Mr.:
Travelling Bachelor of Cambridge University (ii), 375
Lamartine's, M., History of Girondins (ii), 311
Letters of an Englishman on Louis Napoleon (ii), 336, 579
Letters from Constantinople and its Environs, by an American—State of Turkey (Appendix) (i), 262
Macintosh, Sir J.:
Vindiciae Galliae (ii) 298
M'Culloch's Commercial Dictionary (i), 29, 160 and note, 240
Macfarlane's Turkey:
Devastation and ruin wherever the Osmanli has trod (i), 17
Importance of rivers which fall into the Black Sea (i), 133
Relative densities of the population of European Empire (i), 135
Russian Empire, Progressive augmentation (i), 155 note
Mirror of Parliament (i), 156 note, 205 note
Mankind as Moralists (i), 201
State of Spain and Turkey (i), 252
Navies of the World, by Hans Busk (ii), 600, note
Navy Budgets of England and France (ii), 641, 633 notes
Pictorial History of England (ii), 285
Frenchmen at Ranelagh during the French Revolution incident (ii), 311
Publications on the Defences of the Country against possible French Invasion (ii), 343
Quin's Voyage down the Danube:
State of Turkey (i), 130 and note
scott's, Sir W., Life of Napoleon—History of the French War, etc. (i), 185 note; (ii), 286, 290, 314
Inaccuracies of (ii), 294, 302 notes
Second Burmese War, by Lieut. Laurie (ii), 439 note
Seymour, Mr. D.:
Russia and the Black Sea (ii), 488
Sir W. Molesworth's letter to (1848) (ii), 356 note
The Horse:
Superiority of mild treatment in breaking in of horses (i), 255
Thornton on the State of Turkey (i), 131 and note
United Service Journal (i), 224, 225 notes
United Service Magazine (i), 26:
Supply of men for the English Army (ii), 519
Urquhart's, Mr., Pamphlet on Russia and Turkey (i), 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 19, 27, 31
“Balance of Power” definition (i), 198, 199, 203
Asiatic Turkey nothing but a deserted waste (i), 16, 17
Walsh, Dr.:
Account of atrocities perpetrated by the Turks upon the unarmed Greeks at Constantinople (i), 209
Condition of Turkey (Appendix) (i), 260
Willis' Pencillings by the Way:
State of Turkey (i), 130 and note
[∗]Hansard, cxx. 1104.
[†]Ante, p. 609.