Frank Chodorov: A Selected Bibliography

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Source: In Fugitive Essays: Selected Writings of Frank Chodorov, Compiled, Edited, and with an Introduction by Charles H. Hamilton (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 1980).

Selected Bibliography of Chodorov 's Works


The Economics of Society, Government, and State. New York: Analysis Associates, 1946. Only a limited number of this title were distributed. It is mimeographed and is apparently an early draft of The Rise and Fall of Society but with a stronger Georgist emphasis.

One Is a Crowd: Reflections of an Individualist. New York: Devin-Adair, 1952. Introduction by John Chamberlain.

The Income Tax: Root of All Evil. New York: Devin-Adair, 1954. Foreword by J. Bracken Lee.

The Rise and Fall of Society: An Essay on the Economic Forces That Under lie Social Institutions. New York: Devin-Adair, 1959. Foreword by Frank S. Meyer.

Out of Step: The Autobiography of an Individualist. New York: Devin-Adair, 1962. Introduction by E. Victor Milione.


“From Solomon's Yoke to the Income Tax.” Chicago: Human Events Associates, 1947.

“Taxation Is Robbery.” Chicago: Human Events Associates, 1947.

“The Myth of the Post Office.” Hinsdale, III.: Henry Regnery Company, 1948.

“Private Schools: The Solution to America's Educational Problem.” New York: National Council for American Education, n.d.

“Source of Rights.” Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education, 1954.

“Flight to Russia.” Colorado Springs, Colo.: Freedom School, 1959.

“Debunking the State.” Alexandria, Va.: Audio-Forum, n.d. This is an audio cassette of a talk Chodorov gave.


(Frank Chodorov was a political journalist and wrote hundreds of editorials and articles. A full listing would be cumbersome. The following are the major periodicals he wrote for, and often edited. Those dates given indicate the length of his major involvement.)

The Freeman (monthly, November 1937-March 1942). Chodorov was initially the publisher and then the editor of the magazine of the Henry George School of Social Science.

analysis (monthly, November 1944-January 1951). Chodorov was editor and publisher.

Human Events (1947–60). Between March 1951 and June 1954 Chodorov was associate editor; thereafter he wrote less frequently as a contributing editor.

Plain Talk (1949–50).

The Freeman (1950–54). This reincarnation of the workhorse of the libertarian movement was edited by Henry Hazlitt, Suzanne La Follette, and John Chamberlain.

Faith and Freedom (1951–52).

The Freeman (1954–60). Published by the Foundation for Economic Education and edited by Chodorov from July 1954 until 1956.

National Review (1956–60). For this biweekly Chodorov wrote a number of articles and book reviews. He was listed on the masthead from the founding of National Review until his death in 1966.

Fragments (1963–66). Chodorov was an editor of this magazine started by friends. Although he did contribute a few small original pieces, his participation consisted mostly of reprints of his articles and “being there.” Fragments was largely inspired by his writings over the years.

Chodorov also wrote in a number of other periodicals, including:

  • American Mercury
  • Economic Council Review of Books
  • Ideas
  • Saturday Evening Post
  • Scribner's Commentator
  • Spotlight


Charles H. Hamilton was educated at New College and the Union Graduate School. He has done extensive research in the history of libertarian and anarchist ideas, and has written the introduction to a recent reissue of The State by Franz Oppenheimer.

This book was set in the Times Roman series of type. The face was designed to be used in the news columns of the London Times. The Times was seeking a type face that would be condensed enough to accommodate a substantial number of words per column without sacrificing readability and still have an attractive, contemporary appearance. This design was an immediate success. It is used in many periodicals throughout the world and is one of the most popular text faces presently in use for book work.

Book design by JMH Corporation, Indianapolis
Typography by Weimer Typesetting Co., Inc., Indianapolis
Printed by Worzalla Publishing Co., Stevens Point, Wisconsin

[1]Frank Chodorov, “Freedom Is Better,” p. 3%. Page citations for material reproduced here are to pages in this volume. The footnotes and the bibliography may supply additional information.

[2]Albert Jay Nock, “Isaiah's Job,” in Free Speech and Plain Language (New York: William Morrow, 1937), pp. 248–65.