Johannes Althusius: A Bibliography

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Source: In Althusius's Politica. An Abridged Translation of Politics Methodically Set Forth and Illustrated with Sacred and Profane Examples, ed. and Trans. Frederick S. Carney. Foreword by Daniel J. Elazar (Indianapolis: 1995 Liberty Fund).

The Writings of Johannes Althusius

Jurisprudentia Romana

Juris Romani Libri duo: Ad Leges Methodi Rameae conformati: Et Tabulâ illustrati. Basle: Waldkirch’s, 1586.

[ Two volumes on Roman law: Corresponding to the laws of the Ramean method: Illustrated by a table.]

Jurisprudentia Romana, vel potius, Juris Romani ars; Duobus Libris comprehensa, et ad Leges Methodi Rameae conformata, Studio Johannis Althusii. Editio altera, aucta et correcta. Herborn: From the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1588.

[ Roman jurisprudence, or the art of Roman Law; comprehended in two volumes, and corresponding to the laws of the Ramean method. By Johannes Althusius. Second edition, augmented and corrected.]

Jurisprudentiae Romanae Libri Duo. Ad Leges Methodi Rameae conformati; Et Tabulis illustrati. Editio altera, aucta et correcta. Accessit Cynosura Reidiniana Juris Civilis: Quâ Tum prima totius Juris Principia, Titulorum propria; generaliora, notabiliora, necessariora: tum frequentiora rariora, obsoletiora, perpetuis numeris monstrantur. Basle: From the press of Conrad Valdkirch, 1589.

[ Two volumes on Roman jurisprudence. Corresponding to the laws of the Ramean method; and illustrated by tables. Second edition, augmented and corrected. Reidanus’ Guide to Civil Law has been added: in which the first principles of the whole law, the particular, the more general, more remarkable, and more necessary points of the headings: then the more frequent, more rare, and more obsolete points are shown in continuous numbers.]

Jurisprudentiae Romanae methodice digestae Libri Duo. Editio altera correcta et epitome ac brevi anacephalaeosi Dicaeologicae aucta. Herborn: From the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1592.

[ Two volumes on Roman Jurisprudence methodically set forth. Second edition, corrected and augmented by an extract and a short summary of the main points of a Theory of Justice.]

Jurisprudentiae Romanae methodice digestae Libri Duo. Editio tertia correcta et epitome ac brevi anacephalaeosi Dicaeologicae aucta. Accessit Cynosura Reidiniana Juris Civilis: qua turn prima Juris Principia, Titulorum propria, generaliora, notabiliora, necessariora: tum frequentiora, rariora, obsoletiora, perpetuis numeris monstrantur. Herborn in Nassovia: At the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1599.

[ Two volumes on Roman Jurisprudence, methodically set forth. Third edition, corrected and augmented by an extract and short summary of the main points of a Theory of Justice. Reidanus’ Guide to Civil Law has been added: in which the first principles of law, the particular, the more general, more remarkable, and more necessary points of the headings; the more frequent, more rare, and more obsolete points are shown in continuous numbers.]

Jurisprudentiae Romanae methodice digestae Libri Duo. Editio quarta, correcta et epitome ac brevi anacephalaeosi Dicaeologicae aucta. Herborn: From the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1607.

[ Two volumes on Roman Jurisprudence, methodically set forth. Fourth edition, corrected and augmented by an extract and a short summary of the main points of a Theory of Justice.]

Editio quinta, correcta et epitome ac brevi anacephalaeosi Dicaeologicae aucta. Herborn: From the press of the heirs of Christophorus Corvinus, 1623.

[Fifth edition, corrected and augmented by an extract and a short summary of the main points of a Theory of Justice.]

Civilis Conversationis Libri Duo

Civilis conversationis Libri Duo: Methodicé digesti et exemplis sacris et profanis passim illustrati. Editi á Philippo Althusio. Hanau in Hesse: From the press of Guilielmus Antonius, 1601.

[ Two volumes on civil intercourse: Methodically set forth and illustrated throughout by sacred and profane examples. Edited by Philippus Althusius.]

Civilis conversationis Libri Duo recogniti, et aucti. Methodicé digesti et exemplis sacris et profanis passim illustrati. Editi á Philippo Althusio. Hanau in Hesse: From the press of the heirs of Guilielmus Antonius, 1611.

[ Two volumes on civil intercourse, revised and augmented. Methodically set forth and illustrated throughout by sacred and profane examples. Edited by Philippus Althusius.]

Ethicus Althusianus, Hoc est Libri Duo De Conversatione Civili, Methodicè digesti exemplisque tam sacris quam profanis locupletissimè illustrati à Philippo Althusio. Amsterdam: From the press of Johannes Janssonius, 1650.

[ Althusian Ethics, or Two volumes on civil intercourse, methodically set forth and copiously illustrated by sacred as well as profane examples by Philippus Althusius.]


Latin Editions

Politica Methodicè digesta et exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata: Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica de utilitate, necessitate et antiquitate scholarum. Herborn in Nassovia: From the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1603.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples: At the end is added the Panegyric on the utility, necessity and antiquity of the schools.]

Politica Methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Editio nova priore auctior, et cum Indice amplissimo. Cui in fine adjuncta est, Oratio panegyric De necessitate et antiquitate scholarum. Arnheim: From the press of Johannes Janssonius, 1610.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples; new edition, with more additional material than in the earlier ones, and with a very voluminous index. At the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity and antiquity of the schools.]

Politica Methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica, De necessitate et antiquitate scholarum. Groningen: From the press of Johannes Radaeus, 1610.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples. At the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity and antiquity of the schools.]

Politica Methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica, De necessitate, utilitate et antiquitate scholarum. Editio tertia, duabus prioribus multo auctior. Herborn in Nassovia: (Corvinus), 1614.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples; at the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity, utility and antiquity of the schools. Third edition, with far more additional material than in the two former ones.]

Politica Methodice digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Editio tertia priore auctior, et cum Indice amplissimo. Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica, De necessitate et antiquitate scholarum. Arnheim: From the press of Johannes Jansonnius, 1617.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples. Third edition, with more additional material than the earlier ones, and with a very voluminous index. At the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity and antiquity of the schools.]

Politica Methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica. De necessitate, utilitate et antiquitate scholarum. Editio quarta. Herborn: From the press of Corvinus, with the costs paid by Johannes Georgius Muderspachius and Georgius Corvinus, 1625.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples. At the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity, utility and antiquity of the schools. Fourth edition.]

Editio quinta. Herborn in Nassovia, 1654.

[Fifth edition.]

Politica Methodice digesta of Johannes Althusius (Althaus). Reprinted [with minor abridgements] from the Third Edition of 1614. Augmented by the Preface of the First Edition of 1603 and by 21 hitherto Unpublished Letters of the Author. With an Introduction by Carl Joachim Friedrich. Harvard Political Classics, Vol. 2. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1932.

[ Politics methodically set forth, by Johannes Althusius.]

Politica Methodicè digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata; Cui in fine adjuncta est Oratio panegyrica, De necessitate, utilitate et antiquitate scholarum. Editio tertia, duabus prioribus multo auctior. 2nd reprint of the 3rd edition printed in Herborn in 1614. Aalen: Scientia Publisher, 1981.

[ Politics methodically set forth and illustrated by sacred and profane examples. At the end is added the Panegyric on the necessity and antiquity of the schools. Third edition, with far more additional material than in the two earlier ones.]

English Translations

The Politics of Johannes Althusius. An abridged translation of the Third Edition (1614) of Politica Methodice digesta atque exemplis saris et profanis illustrata. And including the Preface to the First and Third Editions. Translated, with an introduction by Frederick S. Carney. Preface by Carl J. Friedrich. Beacon Series in the Sociology of Politics and Religion. Boston: Beacon Press, 1964; London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1965.

German Translations

Grundbegriffe der Politik. Selections from the 1603 editon of Politica methodice digesta. Edited by Erik Wolf. Deutsches Rechtsdenken, no. 8. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1943.

[Includes the preface to the 1603 edition of Politica as well as extracts from Chapters I, II, IV, V, IX and XVIII.]

2nd Edition. Edited by Erik Wolf. Deutsches Rechtsdenken, no. 3. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1948.

In Quellenbuch zur Geschichte der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft. Edited by Erik Wolf. Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann, 1950.

“Politik als Einigung der natürlichen Lebensgemeinschaften.” In Die Politische Wissenschaft, edited by Carl Joachim Friedrich. Orbis Academicus Sec. I, Vol. 8. Freiburg and Munich: Karl Alber, 1961. [Selections following the partial translation by Erik Wolf (see his 1st edition, Grundbegriffe der Politik, above).]


Dicaeologicae Libri Tres, Totum et universum Jus, quo utimur, methodicè complectentes: Cum parallelis hujus et Judaici Juris, tabulisque insertis, atque Indice triplici; uno, auctorum; altero, capitum singulorum; et tertio, rerum et verborum locupletissimo et accuratissimo. Opus tam theoriae quàm praxeos aliarumqué Facultatum studiosis utilissimum. Herborn in Nassovia: From the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1617.

[ Three volumes of a Theory of Justice, embracing in a methodical fashion the whole and universal law that we make use of: With parallel references from Roman and Jewish law, with inserted tables and three indexes, listing, respectively, authors, the various chapters, and very copiously and precisely things and words. A work very useful in theory and practice for scholars of subjects other than law.]

Cum gratia et privilegia Caesaris Majestatis. On sale at the press of Christophorus Corvinus, 1618.

[With the gratitude and privileges of His Imperial Majesty.]

Editio secunda priori correction. On sale in Frankfurt at the press of the Heirs of Christophorus Corvinus, 1649.

[Second edition, more accurate than the former one.]

Reprint of the edition printed in Frankfurt am Main in 1649. Aalen: Scientia Publisher, 1967.

Documentary Collections Edited by Althusius

Recess und accord buch / Das ist/ Zusamen verfassung aller ordnung/ decreten/ resolution/ recessen/ accorden und verträgen/ So zwischen weilandt den wolgebornen Graffen und Herren/ Herrn Edzardten und Herrn Johan löblichen andenckens/ Herrn und Graffen zee Ost-friesslandt/ etc. Und jetzigem regierendem Graffen und Herrn/ Herrn Enno Graffen uñ Herrn und Ostfriesslandt Herrn zu Esens/ Stedessdorff und Wittmundt / etc. unserm gnedigen Herrn/ Und den dreyen Stenden/ als Ritterschaft/ Stetten uñ Haussmansstande/ uñ in specie der Stadt Embden/ der Grafschafft Oistfriesslandt/ zee underschiedlichen zeiten uffgericht und publiciret worden. Printed in Emden by Helvicus Kallenbach, official printer, 1612.

[ Book of ordinances and contracts / that is/ a compilation of all regulations, decrees, resolutions, ordinances, contracts and treaties/ between the former high-born counts and masters/ master Edzardten and in master Johan’s memory, master and count at East Frisia. And between the presently ruling Count and master, Master Enno, Count and master at East Frisia and Esens, Stedessdorff and Wittmundt, etc. our gracious Lord and three orders/ that is the knighthood, cities and citizens, especially of the city of Emden/ of the county of East Frisia/, which have been at various times enacted and published.]

Printed in Emden by Joachim Mennen, official printer, 1656.

Statuta Und Ordnungen / Eines Erbaren Raths der Stadt Embden/ Wornach sich die Partheyen so wohl/ alss die Verordnete Commissarii, Secretarii, Notarii, Procuratores, Stadtdiener/ und jedermenniglich/ in Gerichtsund Rechtssachen/ wie auch ihren respective Amptern und Diensten etc. hinführo verhalten sollen. Printed in Emden by Helwich Kallenbach, official printer, 1625.

[ Statutes and regulations / of an honorable counselor of the city of Emden / according to which the parties as well as the delegated commissioners, the secretaries, notaries, procurators, city servants and everyone in matters of court and law and in the various offices and services should behave henceforth.]

Select Bibliography

  • Heinz Werner Antholz. Die politische Wirksamkeit des Johannes Althusius in Emden. Abhandlungen und Vorträge zur Geschichte Ostfrieslands, no. 32. Aurich, 1955.
  • Frédéric Atger. Essai sur l’Histoire des Doctrines de Contrat Social. Paris, 1906.
  • Michael Behnen. “Herrscherbild und Herrschaftstechnik in der Politica des Johannes Althusius.” Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 11 (1984): 417–72.
  • Joseph Bischof. Die Volkssouveränitätslehre bei Johannes Althusius und Franz Suarez. Vienna, 1944.
  • Wilfried Buchholz. Rousseau und Althusius. Breslau, 1922.
  • R. W. and A. J. Carlyle. A History of Medieval Political Theory in the West. Vol. 6. Edinburgh, 1936.
  • Frederick S. Carney. “The Associational Theory of Johannes Althusius.” Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1960.
  • ——— “Associational Thought in Early Calvinism.” In Voluntary Associations: A Study of Groups in Free Societies. Edited by D. B. Robertson. Richmond, Virginia, 1966.
  • Won-hong Cho. “The Theory of State and Law of Johannes Althusius” (in Korean; summary in German). Ph.D. diss., National University of Seoul, 1992.
  • Karl-Wilhelm Dahm, Werner Krawietz, and Dieter Wyduckel, eds. Politische Theorie des Johannes Althusius. Beiträge des internationalen Symposiums vom 12–16 Juni 1984 in Herborn aus Anlass des 400-jährigen Bestehens der Hohen Schule zu Herborn. Rechtstheorie, Supplementary vol. 7. Berlin, 1987.
  • William A. Dunning. A History of Political Theories from Luther to Montesquieu. New York, 1931.
  • Hendrik Jan van Eikema Hommes. “Die Bedeutung der Staats- und Gesellschaftslehre des Johannes Althusius für unsere Zeit.” In Recht und Staat im sozialen Wandel. Festschrift für Hans Ulrich Scupin zum 80. Geburtstag. Edited by Norbert Achterberg, Werner Krawietz, and Dieter Wyduckel. Berlin, 1983.
  • Daniel J. Elazar. Exploring Federalism. Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 1987.
  • A.P. d’Entrèves. “Giovanni Althusio e il problema methodologico nella storia della filosofia Politica e giuridica.” Rivista internazionale di folosofia del dritto. XIV (1934).
  • Francesco Ercole. Da Bartolo all’ Athusio. Florence, 1932.
  • John Neville Figgis. Political Thought from Gerson to Grotius. Cambridge, England, 1956.
  • ———. “Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century.” Cambridge Modern History. Vol. 3. New York, 1905.
  • Carl Joachim Friedrich. The Age of the Baroque. New York, 1952.
  • ———. “Introduction” to the Politica methodice digesta of Johannes Althusius. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1932.
  • ———. “Johannes Althusius,” Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Vol. 2. New York, 1930.
  • ———. Johannes Althusius und sein Werk im Rahmen der Entwicklung der Theorie von der Politik. Berlin, 1975.
  • Pieter Sjverds Gerbrandy. National and International Stability: Ahhusius: Grotius: van Vollenhoven. Oxford, 1944.
  • Otto von Gierke. The Development of Political Theory. Translated by Bernard Freyd. New York, 1939. Also available as Johannes Althusius und die Entwicklung der naturrechtlichen Staatstheorien. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Rechtssystematik. 7th unaltered edition with a preface by Julius von Gierke. Aalen, 1981. (The first edition appeared in 1880 as no. 7 of Untersuchungen zur Deutschen Staatsund Rechtsgeschichte.)
  • ———. Natural Law and the Theory of Society 1500 to 1800. Translated by Ernest Barker. Five subsections of Vol. 4 of Das deutsche Genossenschaftsrecht (Berlin, 1913). Cambridge, England, 1934; reprint, Cambridge, England, 1950.
  • G. P. Gooch. English Democratic Ideas in the Seventeenth Century. New York, 1959.
  • J. W Gough. The Social Contract. 2nd edition. Oxford, 1957.
  • Thomas O. Hueglin. “Have We Studied the Wrong Authors? On the Relevance of Johannes Althusius.” Studies in Political Thought 1, no. 1 (Winter, 1992): 75–93.
  • ———. “Johannes Althusius: Medieval Constitutionalist or Modern Federalist?” Publius 9, no. 4 (1979): 9–41.
  • ———. Sozietaler Foederalismus: Die politische Theorie Des Johannes Althusius. European University Institute Series 13. Berlin and New York, 1991.
  • Charles S. McCoy and J. Wayne Baker. Fountainhead of Federalism: Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenantal Tradition. Louisville, Kentucky, 1991.
  • Pierre Mesnard. L’Essor de la Philosophie Politique de XVIe Siècle. Paris, 1952.
  • Stanley Parry. “The Politics of Johannes Althusius.” Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1954.
  • Ernst Reibstein. Johannes Althusius als Fortsetzer der Schule von Salamanca. Freiburger Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Vol. 5. Karlsruhe, 1955.
  • Patrick Riley. “Three Seventeenth-Century German Theorists of Federalism: Althusius, Hugo and Leibniz.” Publius 6, no. 3 (1976): 7–41.
  • George H. Sabine. A History of Political Theory. London, 1951.
  • J. H. M. Salmon. The French Religious Wars in English Political Thought. Oxford, 1959.
  • Hans Ulrich Scupin. “Der Begriff der Souveränität bei Johannes Althusius und bei Jean Bodin.” Der Staat 4 (1965): 1–26.
  • ———. “Demokratische Elemente in Theorie und Praxis des Johannes Althusius.” In A Desirable World. Essays in honor of Professor Bart Landheer. Edited by A. M. C. H. Reigersman et al. The Hague, 1974.
  • ———. “Untrennbarkeit von Staat und Gesellschaft in der Frühneuzeit. Althusius und Bodin.” In Recht und Gesellschaft. Festschrift für Helmut Schelsky zum 65. Geburtstag. Edited by Friedrich Kaulbach and Werner Krawietz. Berlin, 1978.
  • Peter Jochen Winters. Die “Politik” des Johannes Althusius und ihre zeitgenössischen Quellen. Zur Grundlegung der politischen Wissenschaft im 16. und im beginnenden 17. Jahrhundert. Freiburger Studien zur Politik und Soziologie. Edited by Arnold Bergstraesser. Freiburg and Breisgau, 1963.
  • Erik Wolf. Das Problem der Naturrechtslehre. Karlsruhe, 1964.
  • ———. Grosse Rechtsdenker der Deutschen Geistesgeschichte. Tübingen, 1951, 1963 (4th ed.).
  • Kurt Wolzendorff. Staatsrecht und Naturrecht in der Lehre vom Widerstandsrecht des Volkes gegen rechtswidridge Ausübung der Staatsgewalt. Breslau, 1916.
  • Dieter Wyduckel. Althusius–Bibliographie: Bibliographie zur politischen Ideengeschichte und Staatslehre, zum Staatsrecht und zur Verfassungsgeschichte des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Edited by Hans Ulrich Scupin and Ulrich Scheuner. Berlin, 1973. 2 vols. (See especially Vol. 1, Part 2B: “Lebensabrisse und Würdigungen von Leben und Werk des Althusius” [No. 218 ff, p. 19 ff] as well as Part C5: “Herborn und seine Hohe Schule”[No. 855a ff, p. 60 ff].)
  • ———. “Johannes Althusius.” In Die Deutsche Literatur Biographisches und bibliographisches Lexikon. Series II: Die Deutsche Literatur zwischen 1450 und 1620. Edited by Hans-Gert Roloff. Vol. 1. Bern, 1991. (This article lists Althusius’ works written in Latin and identifies libraries in which the texts can be found.)