The State

About this Collection

These titles provide some general theoretical, historical, or sociological analysis of the State and how it functions.

Titles & Essays

A – Z List

Economic Theory. Demography


Industries. Land Use. Labor


Political Science


Political Theory


Social Sciences


Socialism. Communism. Anarchism




Not Categorized

The Best of Bastiat 3.2: The Broken Window

Frédéric Bastiat (author)

The Best of Bastiat (BOB) is a collection of some of the best material in Liberty Fund’s 6 volume edition of The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat (2011-). They are chapter length extracts and have been edited as pamphlets for…


BOLL 5: John Stuart Mill, “Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual” (1859)
This is part of “The Best of the Online Library of Liberty” which is a collection of some of the most important material in the OLL. This one comes from John Stuart Mill’s book On Liberty where in Chapter 4 he describes the strict…


Odds & Ends

Ambroise Clément draws the distinction between two different kinds of charity: true voluntary charity and coerced government “charity” which is really a tax (1852)

OLL Editor

The State

Anthony de Jasay asks whether states should be invented if they did not already exist (1985)

Anthony de Jasay

The State

Anthony de Jasay on the proliferation of predators and parasites in the modern state (1998)

Anthony de Jasay

Origin of Government

James Mill on Government Power

James Mill


James Mill on the “sinister interests” of those who wield political power (1825)

James Mill

Origin of Government

James Mill on the Nature of Those Who Govern

James Mill

Sport and Liberty

John Hobson argues that sport plays an important part in British imperialism for all classes and that the “spirit of adventure” is now played out in the colonies (1902)

John A. Hobson