Hobbes on Civil Association
- Michael Oakeshott (author)
- Paul Franco (foreword)
Hobbes on Civil Association consists of Oakeshott’s four principal essays on Hobbes and on the nature of civil association as civil association pertains to ordered liberty. The essays are “Introduction to Leviathan” (1946); “The Moral Life in the Writings of Thomas Hobbes” (1960); “Dr. Leo Strauss on Hobbes” (1937); and, “Leviathan : A Myth” (1947). The foreword remarks the place of these essays within Oakeshott’s entire corpus.
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Key Quotes
Between birth and death, the self as imagination and will is an indestructible unit, whose relations with other individuals are purely external. Individuals may be collected together, may be added, may be substituted for one another, or made to represent one another, but can never modify one…
Critical Responses
Proud Men/Just Men: An Analysis of Michael Oakeshott’s Account of Hobbesian MoralityWilliam Mathie
This is a commentary specifically devoted to Oakeshott’s interpretations of Hobbes.