Quotes by John Lackland (King John)
1166 – 1216
King John (1166-1216), also known as John Lackland, was King of England between 1199 and his death in 1216. Under his reign he was forced by his barons to sign a “charter of liberties” known as Magna Carta in 1215 which became a foundation stone of Anglo-American law in subsequent centuries.
Quotes from John Lackland (King John):
- John Lackland (King John) on the principle of “trial by jury”
- John Lackland (King John) on not imposing taxes without the approval of the “common counsel”
- John Lackland (King John) on the right to free trade
Titles from John Lackland (King John):
Free Trade
The right to free trade under Magna Carta (1215)
Under Magna Carta the King cannot impose taxes without the approval of the “common counsel” of the kingdom (1215)
Under Magna Carta the King cannot imprison a freeman without being convicted by a trial of his peers (1215)