Portrait of John C. Calhoun

Quotes by John C. Calhoun

1782 – 1850

Calhoun is one of the most important American politicians and political theorists in the first half of the 19th century. He served as a member of the House of Representatives, Secretary of War, Vice-President, and Senator. In his writings he was concerned with states rights, tariff policy, limits to federal power and majority rule, and slavery.


See the Liberty Matters online discussion on John C. Calhoun, Constitutionalism, and Slavery

Read the Liberty Classic Calhoun and Constitutionalism from Law & Liberty



John C. Calhoun notes that taxation divides the community into two great antagonistic classes, those who pay the taxes and those who benefit from them (1850)

John C. Calhoun

Colonies, Slavery & Abolition

John Calhoun on Slavery as a Positive Good

John C. Calhoun

Politics & Liberty

John Calhoun on the Nature and Purpose of Constitutions

John C. Calhoun

Politics & Liberty

John Calhoun on Executive Power and Constitutional Order

John C. Calhoun

The State

John Calhoun on Unchecked Majorities

John C. Calhoun

Politics & Liberty

John Calhoun and the Unchecked Majority

John C. Calhoun

Politics & Liberty

John Calhoun on Concurrent Majorities

John C. Calhoun