Quotes by Alexander Hamilton
1757 – 1804
Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was secretary and aide-de-camp to Washington in 1777-81, a member of the Continental Congress in 1782-83 and 1787-88, a representative from New York to the Annapolis Convention in 1786 and to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, first U. S. secretary of the treasury in 1789-95, and inspector general of the army, with the rank of major general, from 1798 to 1800.
His efforts to defeat Aaron Burr for the presidency in 1800-01 and for the governorship of New York in 1804 led to his fatal duel with Burr. Alexander Hamilton (1755-1804) was secretary and aide-de-camp to Washington in 1777-81, a member of the Continental Congress in 1782-83 and 1787-88, a representative from New York to the Annapolis Convention in 1786 and to the Constitutional Convention in 1787, first U. S. secretary of the treasury in 1789-95, and inspector general of the army, with the rank of major general, from 1798 to 1800. His efforts to defeat Aaron Burr for the presidency in 1800-01 and for the governorship of New York in 1804 led to his fatal duel with Burr.
Alexander Hamilton denounces the British for imposing “oppressive taxes” on the colonists which amount to tyranny, a form of slavery, and vassalage to the Empire (1774)
War & Peace
Alexander Hamilton warns of the danger to civil society and liberty from a standing army since “the military state becomes elevated above the civil” (1787)
Alexander Hamilton on the Civil Balance of Power
Money & Banking
Alexander Hamilton on the Constitutionality of a National Bank
Origin of Government
Alexander Hamilton on the Federal Army versus the Individual States