ToC of Liberty Fund’s edition of Bastiat’s Works (English)
- Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850)
- School of Thought: 19thC French Classical Liberalism
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- Volume 1. The Man and the Statesman: The Correspondence and Articles on Politics - [English ToC complete]
- Volume 2. The Law, The State, and Other Political Writings, 1843-1850 - [English ToC complete]
- Volume 3. Economic Sophisms and "What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen" -[Final ToC to come]
- Volume 4. Miscellaneous Works on Economics: From Jacques Bonhomme to the Journal des Économistes - [Final ToC to come]
- Volume 5. Economic Harmonies - [Final ToC to come]
- Volume 6. The Struggle against Protectionism: The English and French Free Trade Movements - [Final ToC to come]
For the Liberty Fund translation of Bastiat's works we have organized the material differently from how it appears in the original 7-volume French edition. This is partly because in the French edition the correspondence is scattered across a number of volumes and does not include the volume of letters to the Cheuvreux family, whereas we wanted to put all Bastiat’s correspondence into one volume. We also wanted to arrange the material in a more thematic manner, for example, putting all his writings on the free-trade movement into volume 6. Another important difference between Liberty Fund’s edition and the Guillaumin edition is that we have not retranslated Bastiat’s translation of material which originally appeared in English as part of the Anti-Corn Law League's agitation in favor of free trade. Thus, only Bastiat’s own material which appeared in volume 3, “Cobden et la Ligue ou L’agitation anglaise pour la liberté des échanges,” such as his lengthy introduction, has been translated by us. We thus have three tables of contents:
- the table of contents of the original 7-volume French edition of Bastiat's works which was published 1862-1864 (at another page)
- the table of contents of Liberty Fund's 6-volume edition of Bastiat's Collected Works with the titles in French (this is available immediately at another page)
- the table of contents of Liberty Fund's 6-volume edition of Bastiat's Collected Works with the titles in English (this will be completed as the translation progresses - see below)
Volume 1. The Man and the Statesman: The Correspondence and Articles on Politics
General Editor’s Note
Note on the Translation
General Introduction, by Jacques de Guenin and Jean-Claude Paul-Dejean
Part 1: Correspondence
- Introduction to the Correspondence, by David M. Hart
- Correspondence
Part 2: Articles and Addresses
Section 1: Articles of Biographical Interest
- 1. Two Articles on the Basque Language
- 2. Reflection on the Question of Dueling
- 3. On the Bordeaux to Bayonne Railway Line
- 4. Draft Preface for the Harmonies
- 6. Proposition for the Creation of a School for Sons of Sharecroppers
Section 2: Political Manifestos
- 1. To the Electors of the Department of the Landes
- 2. To the Electors of the District of Saint-Sever
- 3. On Parliamentary Reform
- 4. To the Electors of the Landes
- 5. Letter to a Group of Supporters
- 6. Political Manifestos of April 1849
- 7. Letter on the Referendum for the Election of the President of the Republic
Section 3: Electoral Principles
- 1. Electoral Sophisms
- 2. The Elections
- 3. Fragment
- 4. Letter to a Candidate
- 5. Letter to Roger Dampierre
Section 4: Articles on Politics
- 1. On a New Secondary School to Be Founded in Bayonne
- 2. Freedom of Teaching
- 3. Freedom of Trade
- 4. The Parisian Press
- 5. Petition from an Economist
- 6. Article in La République française
- 7. The Scramble for Office
- 8. Impediments and Taxes
- 9. Freedom
- 10. Laisser Faire
- 11. Under the Republic
- 12. On Disarmament
- 13. The Kings Must Disarm
- 14. Articles in La République française on the Political Situation
- 15. To Citizens Lamartine and Ledru-Rollin
- 16. Report Presented to the 1849 Session of the General Council of the Landes, on the Question of Common Land
- 17. National Assembly
- 18. Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest
- 19. Parliamentary Reform
- 20. Letter to an Ecclesiastic
- 21. On Religion
- 22. On the Separation of the Temporal and Spiritual Domains
- 23. The Three Pieces of Advice
Glossary of Names
Glossary of Subjects
Appendix: List of the Correspondence by Recipient
Bibliography of Primary Sources
Volume 2. The Law, The State, and Other Political Writings 1843-1850General Editor’s Note
Introduction, by Pascal Salin
Note on the Translation
Note on the Editions of the Oeuvres Complètes
“The Law,” “The State,” and Other Political Writings, 1843–1850
- 1. Reflections on the Petitions from Bordeaux, Le Havre, and Lyons Relating to the Customs Service
- 2. The Tax Authorities and Wine
- 3. On the Wine-Growing Question
- 4. Property and Law
- 5. Justice and Fraternity
- 6. Individualism and Fraternity
- 7. The State
- 8. The State (draft)
- 9. The Law
- 10. Property and Plunder
- 11. Baccalaureate and Socialism
- 12. Protectionism and Communism
- 13. Plunder and Law
- 14. The War against Chairs of Political Economy
- 15. Peace and Freedom or the Republican Budget
- 16. Discourse on the Tax on Wines and Spirits
- 17. The Repression of Industrial Unions
- 18. Reflections on the Amendment of M. Mortimer-Ternaux
- 19. Parliamentary Conflicts of Interest
Bastiat’s Political Writings: Anecdotes and Reflections
- Glossary of Persons
- Glossary of Proper Names, Subjects, and Terms
Bibliographical Note on the Works Cited in This Volume
Volume 3. Economic Sophisms and "What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen"
[Final ToC to come]
Volume 4. Miscellaneous Works on Economics: From Jacques Bonhomme to the Journal des Économistes
[Final ToC to come]
Volume 5. Economic Harmonies
[Final ToC to come]
Volume 6. The Struggle against Protectionism: The English and French Free Trade Movements
[Final ToC to come]