Mill and Taylor on Women
- Works by JS Mill and Women authors on Liberty
- Topic: Rights of Women
The Collected Works of John Stuart Mill, ed. J.M. Robson (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1963-1991), 33 vols. Editorial committee: J.M. Robinson, General Editor, Harold Bohme, J.C. Cairns, J.B. Conacher, D.P. Dryer, Marion Filipiuk, Frances Halpenny, Samuel Hollander, R.F. McRae, Ian Montagnes, Ann P. Robson, F.E. Sparshott.
The University of Toronto edition of the Collected Works of J.S. Mill did not gather all of Mill's writings on women into one volume (as they did with his writings on India). On this page we have done so, with links to the online edition.

From Volume XXI: Essays on Equality, Law, and Education
Essays on Equality, Law, and Education
- On Marriage (1832-33?)
- Statement on Marriage (1851)
- Remarks on Mr. Fitzroy's Bill for the More Effectual Prevention of Assaults on Women and Children (1853)
- The Subjection of Women (1869)
- The Contagious Diseases Acts (1871)
- Appendix A. On Marriage, by Harriet Taylor (1832-33?)
- Appendix B. Papers on Women's Rights, by Harriet Taylor Mill and J. S. Mill (1847-50)
- Rights of Women—and Especially with Regard to the Elective Franchise—By a Woman—Dedicated to Queen Victoria
- Women—(Rights of)
- The Rights of Women to the Elective Franchise and Its Advantages
- Why Women Are Entitled to the Suffrage
- [Reform: Ends and Means]
- Appendix C. Enfranchisement of Women, by Harriet Taylor Mill (1851)
From Volume XXII: Newspaper Writings December 1822-July 1831
December 1822 to December 1824 3
From Volume XXIII: Newspaper Writings August 1831-October 1834
September 1833 to October 1834 593
From Volume XXIV: Newspaper Writings January 1835-June 1847
Newspaper Writings: October 1846 to June 1847 879
From Volume XXV: Newspaper Writings December 1847-July 1873
Newspaper Writings: December 1847 to July 1858 1089
- 389. The Case of Mary Ann Parsons [1] 1151
- 390. The Case of Anne Bird 1153
- 392. The Case of Mary Ann Parsons [2] 1164
- 393. The Case of Susan Moir 1167
- 400. Wife Murder 1183
Newspaper Writings: March 1863 to July 1873 1201
From Volume XXVIII: Public and Parliamentary Speeches Part I
February to August 1866
February to August 1867
February to November 1868
From Volume XXIX: Public and Parliamentary Speeches Part II
Public and Parliamentary Speeches: July 1869-March 1873
- 144. Women's Suffrage [ 1 ] ( 18 July 1869)
- 146. Women's Suffrage [2] (26 Mar., 1870)
- 150. Women's Suffrage [3] (12 Jan., 1871 )
- 152. Discussion of the Contagious Diseases Acts (23 Feb., 1871)
Appendix D: Manuscript Drafts of Speech