Chronology: the Life of Thomas Jefferson
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Source: The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Federal Edition, ed. Paul Leicester Ford (New York and London, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1904-5). 12 vols. Each volume in the set contains an Itinerary and Chronology of Jefferson for the period covered by that volume.
1743.—Apr. 2 [or 13] | Born at Shadwell, Albemarle Co., Va. |
1745. | Removed to Tuckahoe. |
1748. | Attends English school at Tuckahoe. |
1752. | Attends Douglas’ Latin school. |
Returns to Shadwell. | |
1757.—Aug. 17. | His father, Peter Jefferson, dies. |
At Frederickville, attending Maury’s school. | |
1759.? | At Watauga. |
Dec. 25. | “At Col. Danridge’s in Hanover.” |
1760.—Jan. 1. | At Col. Peter Randolph’s. |
14. | At Shadwell. |
Mar. 25. | At Williamsburg. |
Enters College of William and Mary. | |
1762.—April 25. | Graduates. |
Enters law office of George Wythe. | |
Forms attachment for Rebecca Burwell. | |
Dec. 25. | At Fairfield. |
29? | At Shadwell. |
1763.—Jan. 30. | At Shadwell. |
July 15. | At Shadwell. |
Sept. 25? | At Richmond. |
Oct. 7. | At Williamsburg. |
Dec. 25. | At Fairfield. |
1764.—Jan. 19–24. | At Williamsburg. |
Mar. 20. | At Williamsburg. |
Apr. 9. | At Williamsburg. |
1765.—May 23–29. | At Williamsburg. |
1766.—Mar. 30. | At Shadwell. |
May 11. | At Shadwell. |
Journeys to Annapolis, Philadelphia, and New York. | |
1767.—Jan.-Nov. | At Shadwell. |
Admitted to the Bar. | |
1768.—Feb.-Mar. | At Shadwell. |
Aug. 18. | At Staunton. |
1769.—Mar. 14. | At Shadwell. |
Elected a Burgess. | |
May 8. | At Williamsburg. |
Attends House of Burgesses. | |
9. | Drafts resolutions in reply to Botetourt. |
17. | House of Burgesses dissolved. |
Signs non-importation Association. | |
July 27. | At Shadwell. |
Nov. 16. | At Williamsburg. |
Attends House of Burgesses. | |
Dec. 21. | House of Burgesses adjourns. |
1770.—Feb. 1. | House and library at Shadwell burned. |
21. | At Charlottesville. |
Apr. | At Williamsburg. |
Argues case of Howell v. Netherland. | |
May 11. | Attends House of Burgesses. |
June 28. | House of Burgesses adjourns. |
July 11. | At Charlottesville. |
23. | At Albermarle. |
[1 ]Each volume will contain the portion of this for the period covered by the dates of its contents.

1771.—Feb. 20. | At Monticello. | |
Mar. 14-16. | At Albemarle, attending County Court. | |
19-22. | At Augusta, attending County Court. | |
Apr. 8. | At “The Forrest” (Charles City). | |
Apr. 10-May 11. | At Williamsburg, attending General Court. | |
May 17. | At “The Forrest.” | |
May 21-24. | At Augusta, attending County Court. | |
June 1. | At Monticello. | |
June 5. | At Tuckahoe. | |
June 9. | At “The Forrest.” | |
June 11-13. | At Williamsburg, attending Court of Oyer and Terminer. | |
July 11. | At “The Forrest.” | |
15-20. | At Williamsburg. | |
24. | At “The Forrest.” | |
25. | At Tuckahoe. | |
Aug. 3. | At Monticello. | |
8-10. | At Albemarle, attending County Court. | |
Aug. 20-23. | At Augusta, attending County Court. | |
Aug. 30-1. | At Tuckahoe. | |
Sept. 7. | At Monticello. | |
Oct. 2. | At Eppington. | |
8. | At “The Forrest.” | |
10. | At Williamsburg, attending General Court. | Argues case of Godwin et al. v. Lunan. |
Nov. 11. | At “The Forrest.” | |
14-16. | At Albemarle, attending County Court. | |
19-22. | At Augusta, attending County Court. | |
Dec. 10. | At Williamsburg, attending Court of Oyer and Terminer. | |
27-28. | At Eppington. | |
1772.—Jan. 1. | At “The Forrest.” | |
Marries Martha (Waylies) Skelton. | ||
25. | At Monticello. | |
Feb. 25. | At Albemarle. | |
Mar. 30. | At Shadwell. | |
May 19. | At Charlottesville. | |
28. | At Eppington. | |
June 1. | At “The Forrest.” | |
11. | At Williamsburg. | |
23. | At “The Forrest.” | |
July 15-Aug. 20. | At Monticello. | |
Sept. 27. | At Monticello. | |
His first daughter, Martha, born. | ||
Nov. 4. | At “The Forrest.” | |
12. | At Monticello. | |
Dec. 5. | At Rocky Ridge. | |
19. | At Richmond. | |
1773.—Feb. 25. | At Albemarle. | |
Mar. 4. | At Williamsburg, attending House of Burgesses. | |
12-13. | Attends Committee of Correspondence. | |
15. | House of Burgesses dissolved. | |
Apr. 6. | Attends Committee of Correspondence. | |
May 19. | At Charlottesville. | |
25-28. | At Williamsburg, attending Committee of Correspondence. | |
Oct. 14. | Appointed Surveyor of Albemarle Co. | |
1774.—Mar.-Apr. | At Monticello. | |
Apr. 3. | His second daughter, Jane Randolph, born. | |
May 9. | At Williamsburg, attending House of Burgesses. | |
24. | Petitions House of Burgesses. | |
Resolutions for Fast. | ||
26. | House of Burgesses dissolved. | |
May 27. | Signs Association. | |
30. | Attends meeting of members. | |
June. | At Monticello. | |
Recommends Fast. | ||
July. | At Monticello. | |
26. | Drafts Resolutions of Albemarle Co. | |
Writes “A Summary View.” | ||
Starts for Williamsburg, but is taken sick. | ||
Aug. 3. | At Monticello. | |
Oct.-Dec. | At Monticello. | |
1775.—Jan. 5. | At Monticello. | |
Elected member of Albemarle Committee of Safety. | ||
Feb. 27. | At Monticello. | |
Mar. 10. | At Monticello. | |
20. | At Richmond, attending Convention. | |
23. | On Committee for defence of colony. | |
24. | Makes motion relative to New York Assembly. | |
27. | Offers resolution on Crown lands. | |
On Committee on Crown lands. | ||
Elected deputy delegate to Continental Congress. | ||
27. | Convention dissolves. | |
June 1. | At Williamsburg, attending House of Burgesses. | |
2. | On Committee to draft address to governor. | |
5. | On Committee to inspect public stores. | |
10. | Drafts address to Dunmore. | |
11. | Leaves Williamsburg. | |
20. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | |
21. | Attends Continental Congress. | |
Added to Committee to draft Declaration on Arming. | ||
Prepares draft. | ||
July 21. | On Committee to report on Lord North’s motion. | |
31. | Reports draft of reply. | |
Congress adjourns. | ||
Leaves Philadelphia. | ||
Aug. 9. | At Richmond, attending Virginia Convention. | |
On Committee on Crown lands. | ||
11. | Re-elected a member of Continental Congress. | |
16. | On Committee on defence. | |
Granted leave of absence for session. | ||
17. | On Committee to examine ballots. | |
19. | At Williamsburg. | |
Sept. 25. | At Monticello. | |
Leaves Monticello. | ||
Oct. 1. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | |
Oct. 2. | Attends Continental Congress. | |
17. | On Committee on Pa.-Conn. land dispute. | |
Nov. 16. | On Committee on Massachusetts papers. | |
1775.—Nov. 23. | On Committee on Currency. | |
24. | On Committee on condition of North Carolina. | |
On Committee on Petition of Newton. | ||
Dec. 2. | Makes resolution concerning Ethan Allan. | |
8. | On Committee on Petition of Hudson. | |
11. | On Committee on Petition of Beveredge. | |
13. | On Committee on Committee of Congress. | |
15. | Prepares rules for Committee of Congress. | |
16. | On Committee on Petition of Phila. merchants. | |
18. | On Committee on Letters of Schuyler. | |
22. | On Committee on Business of Congress. | |
28. | Leaves Philadelphia for Virginia. | |
1776.—Jan. 2. | At Bushtown. | |
3. | At Baltimore. | |
4. | At Upper Marlboro. | |
5. | At Piscataway. | |
7. | At Fredericksburg. | |
9. | At Monticello. | |
Mar. 31. | Mother dies. | |
May 7. | Leaves Monticello. | |
8. | At Orange Court-House and Culpeper Court-House. | |
9. | At Fairfax Court-House and Red House. | |
10. | At Lacys, Leesburgh, and Knowlands on Potomac. | |
11. | At Fredericktown and Tawneytown. | |
12. | At Rhengher and Wright’s ferriage (Susquehannah). | |
13. | At Lancaster. | |
14. | At Chester and Philadelphia. | |
Lodges at “Randolphs.” | ||
Attends Congress. | ||
On Committee on Letters. | ||
21. | Drafts report of Committee. | |
On Committee to address foreign mercenaries. | ||
23. | Takes lodgings at Mrs. Graafs. | |
28. | On Committee to prepare address. | |
June ? | Drafts Constitution for Virginia. | |
5. | On Committee for preventing news and supplies for enemy. | |
10. | On Committee to prepare rules for Congress. | |
1776.—June 11. | On Committee to prepare Declaration of Independence. | |
15. | On Committee to investigate Cedars’ cartel. | |
17. | Drafts report of Committee. | |
20. | Re-elected member of Congress. | |
Drafts report on Canada. | ||
28. | Reports draft of Declaration. | |
July 4. | Declaration adopted. | |
On Committee to plan seal of U. S. | ||
6. | On Committee on Indian affairs. | |
10. | Committee to prepare rules of Congress report. | |
11. | On Committee on Philadelphia prisoners. | |
15. | On Committee on Flying Camp. | |
17. | On Committee to revise journals. | |
18. | On Committee on Letters. | |
24. | On Committee on Gold and Silver coins. | |
25. | On Committee on Memorial of Parsons. | |
? | Moves for rotation of Congress. | |
? | Requests Virginia Convention to allow his return. | |
Aug. 9. | On Committee to encourage Hessians to desert. | |
14. | Committee reports. | |
20. | On Committee on Washington’s letter. | |
On Committee on captures. | ||
21. | On Committee to revise resolutions. | |
26. | On Committee on Wilson’s letter. | |
Drafts report. | ||
28. | Moves resolution in regard to Drummond. | |
Sept. 2. | Leaves Philadelphia. | |
4. | At Whitehouse and Lancaster. | |
5. | At Wright’s ferry and York. | |
6. | At Tawneytown and Frederic. | |
7. | At Leesburgh. | |
8. | At Red House. | |
9. | At Monticello. | |
26. | Elected Commissioner to France. | |
27. | Leaves Monticello. | |
Oct. 1. | At Williamsburg. | |
6. | At “Coles.” | |
8. | At “Bassetts.” | |
11. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
1776.—Oct. 11. | On Committee on Propositions and Grievances. | |
On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | ||
On Committee on Religion. | ||
On Committee to draft Militia bill. | ||
On Committee to draft Tobacco bill. | ||
12. | Receives thanks of Assembly. | |
On Committee to draft bill ending entails. | ||
On Committee to draft repeal of frontier ordinance. | ||
14. | On Committee to draft bill to remove seat of government. | |
On Committee to draft Naturalization bill. | ||
Entail bill introduced. | ||
15. | On Committee to draft Infantry bill. | |
16. | On Committee to draft bill dividing Fincastle Co. | |
On Committee to draft Punishment bill. | ||
Reports on Ross. | ||
18. | Leave of absence granted by Assembly. | |
Entail bill amended. | ||
19. | Reports on Corbin. | |
25. | Reports on Garland and Barber. | |
On Committee to draft Courts bill. | ||
28. | On Committee to draft bill defining treason. | |
On Committee to draft bill dividing Augusta Co. | ||
Introduces Infantry bill. | ||
Nov. 2. | Reports on Goodrich. | |
4. | On Committee to draft bill dissolving local governments. | |
5. | Bill to establish County Courts introduced. | |
On Committee to report on Va.-Pa. boundaries. | ||
Bill for trial of certain offences introduced. | ||
6. | Chosen one of five to revise laws. | |
7. | On Committee to draft Copper-coinage bill. | |
11. | Introduces bill to remove capital. | |
12. | On Committee to confer with Senate. | |
13. | On Committee to draft restraining bill. | |
1776.—Nov. 19. | On Committee to draft bill suspending tithes. | |
28. | Reports on Upshur. | |
Dec. 4. | On Committee to draft bill to punish certain offences. | |
6. | On Committee to draft bill for loan office. | |
Bill for supending debt executions introduced. | ||
14. | Leaves Williamsburg. | |
25-31. | At Monticello. | |
1777.—Jan. 1-10. | At Monticello. | |
13-16. | At Fredericksburg. | |
Attends meeting of “Revisors.” | ||
17. | At Orange Court-House. | |
Mar. 10. | At Monticello. | |
Apr. 1-19. | At Monticello. | |
May 4. | Leaves Monticello. | |
5. | Arrives at Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
9. | On Committee on Religion. | |
On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | ||
On Committee on Courts of Justice. | ||
10. | Reports bill regulating militia. | |
12. | Reports bill for electing Congress delegates. | |
20. | Granted leave of absence for session. | |
22. | At Richmond. | |
28. | At Monticello. | |
Son born. | ||
June 14. | Son dies. | |
18. | At Bedford. | |
23. | At Cumberland Court-House. | |
July 6. | At Monticello. | |
24. | At Monticello. | |
Aug. 21. | At Monticello. | |
Oct. 20. | At “Charlton’s.” | |
24. | At “Cowles.” | |
30. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
On Committee on Religion. | ||
On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | ||
On Committee of Propositions and Grievances. | ||
1777.—Oct. 30. | On Committee of Courts of Justice. | |
On Committee to draft Court of Appeals bill. | ||
On Committee to draft General Court bill | ||
On Committee to draft Chancery Court bill. | ||
Nov. 5. | Leave of Absence granted. | |
On Committee Petition of Vanbibber. | ||
On Committee on Forestalling. | ||
28. | On Committee to amend Militia bill. | |
Dec. 1. | On Committee to confer with Senate. | |
4. | Prepares reply to Senate. | |
On Committee on Army bill. | ||
5. | On Committee on Losses of Norfolk. | |
6. | At Charles City. | |
9. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
Reports answer to Senate. | ||
10. | At Cowles Ferry. | |
12. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
13. | On Committee to draft Tax bill. | |
16. | On Committee to draft Salary bill. | |
On Committee to draft bill legalizing certain acts. | ||
17. | On Committee to draft bill dividing Counties. | |
19. | On Committee to draft bill granting Letters of Marque. | |
24. | On Committee to draft County Court bill. | |
27. | On Committee to draft bill granting powers to contractors. | |
On Committee to amend Small-Pox bill. | ||
1778.—Jan. 2. | On Committee to prepare Answer to Senate. | |
3. | Granted leave of absence. | |
9. | Reports Answer to Senate. | |
12. | On Committee to confer with Senate. | |
13. | On Committee to draft Sequestration bill. | |
On Committee to report on Loyeauté. | ||
20. | On Committee to draft Chancery Court bill. | |
24. | Assembly adjourns. | |
Feb. 26-28. | At Monticello. | |
Mar. 2-14. | At Monticello. | |
1778.—Apr. 8. | At Williamsburg. | |
May 12. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
13. | On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | |
On Committee on Propositions and Grievances. | ||
Reports bill granting Pardon. | ||
14. | On Committee on Norfolk Losses. | |
15. | On Committee to draft Cavalry bill. | |
On Committee to draft Volunteer bill. | ||
16. | On Committee on Recruiting bill. | |
18. | On Committee to draft bill for Recovery of Debts. | |
On Committee to draft bill for Foreign Correspondence. | ||
19. | On Committee to draft bill giving appointing power to Chancery Court. | |
20. | On Committee to draft bill relating to Town of Bath. | |
26. | On Committee to draft bill enforcing attendance of Assemblymen. | |
28. | On Committee to consider Oyer and Terminer Court bill. | |
On Committee to draft Salt bill. | ||
Reports bill to attaint Philips. | ||
June 1. | Assembly adjourns. | |
June 10. | Leaves Williamsburg. | |
July 19. | At Monticello. | |
Aug. 1. | Third daughter born (Mary Jefferson). | |
Sept. 12. | At Monticello. | |
Oct. 7. | Ordered into Custody of Sergeant at Arms of Assembly. | |
Oct. 12-Nov. 4. | At Monticello. | |
Nov. 22. | At Tuckahoe. | |
29. | At Cowles. | |
30. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly in custody of Sergeant at Arms. | ||
Dec. 1. | On Committee to draft bill establishing Auditors. | |
3. | On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | |
On Committee on Propositions and Grievances. | ||
5. | On Committee to draft Court of Appeals bill. | |
1778.—Dec. 8. | On Committee to draft Pay-bill of Assembly. | |
12. | Ordered into Custody of Sergeant at Arms of Assembly. | |
14. | Attends Assembly in custody of Sergeant at Arms. | |
15. | On Committee to draft bill agreeable to resolution of Assembly. | |
18. | Reports bill to prevent Forestalling. | |
19. | Assembly adjourns. | |
1779.—Jan. 22. | At Williamsburg. | |
Feb. 2. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Meeting of “Revisors.” | ||
Mar. 1. | At “The Forrest.” | |
27. | At Monticello. | |
Apr. 21-29. | At Monticello. | |
May 8. | At Williamsburg. | |
Attends Assembly. | ||
On Committee on Privileges and Elections. | ||
On Committee on Propositions and Grievances. | ||
11. | On Committee to draft Board of War bill. | |
On Committee to draft Board of Trade bill. | ||
On Committee to draft Money bill. | ||
On Committee to draft Land Office bill. | ||
13. | On Committee to draft Militia bill. | |
14. | On Committee to draft Militia Supply bill. | |
15. | On Committee to draft Congressional Delegate bill. | |
19. | On Committee to draft Foreign Exchange bill. | |
25. | On Committee to draft Spottsylvania County bill. | |
On Committee to amend Congressional Delegate bill. | ||
On Committee to draft Counterfeit bill. | ||
27. | Reports Escheat bill. | |
Ordered to draft bill for paying Members of Assembly. | ||
On Committee to draft bill for removing Capital. | ||
29. | Ordered to draft bill prescribing Oaths. | |
1779.—May. 29. | Ordered to draft bill suspending Oaths in certain cases. | |
31. | On Committee to report on Maryland’s action on Confederation. | |
June 1. | Elected Governor of Virginia. | |
13. | Bill for Religious freedom introduced in Assembly. | |
18. | “Revisors” report Code to Assembly. | |
July 1. | Issues proclamation concerning Escheats. | |
17. | At “The Forrest.” | |
25. | At Williamsburg. | |
Aug. 4. | At Monticello. | |
Sept. 25. | At Williamsburg. | |
Nov. 30. | Issues Proclamation laying Embargo. |

1On April 1st the State capital was removed to Richmond. Before that time Jefferson had been almost continuously in Williamsburg, during his administration, and from this date on he was in Richmond most of the time till May, 1781. | |
1780.—Mar. 28. | At Richmond.1 |
June 1. | Re-elected Governor of Virginia. |
Nov. 3. | Fourth daughter born. |
Dec. 31. | Receives news of Leslie’s Invasion. |
1781.—Jan. 2. | Orders out Militia. |
4. | Goes to Westham. |
Spends night at Tuckahoe. | |
5. | Goes to Westham, Manchester, Chetswood, and “Colonel Henry’s.” |
6. | At Westham and “Fine Creek.” |
7. | At Manchester. |
8. | At Richmond. |
19. | Issues Proclamation concerning Paroles. |
23. | Issues Proclamation convening Assembly. |
Feb. 5. | Issues Proclamation concerning Foreigners. |
Apr. 1. | At Richmond. |
15. | Son dies. |
May 14. | Leaves Richmond for Charlottesville. |
28. | At Charlottesville. |
June 1. | Resigns Governorship. |
3. | Escapes capture at Monticello. |
5. | Returns to Monticello. |
1781.—June 5. | Assembly orders investigation of administration. |
14. | Appointed Peace Commissioner by Continental Congress. |
30. | Declines appointment. |
? | Injured by fall from horse. |
July | At Monticello. |
? | Prepares part of Notes on Virginia. |
Sept. 16. | At Monticello. |
Oct. 28. | At Monticello. |
Nov. 5. | At Richmond. |
Attends Assembly. | |
26. | Committee appointed to state charges against Jefferson. |
30. | Elected Delegate to Continental Congress. |
Dec. 10. | Added to Committee on Finance. |
12. | Voted the thanks of the Assembly. |
14. | On Committee on County Petitions. |
18. | On Committee to prepare Bill embodying resolutions of Assembly. |
On Committee to prepare Bill for better government of Western Counties. | |
19. | Declines appointment to Congress. |
20. | On Committee to revise Pension Bill. |
On Committee to draft Naval Bill. | |
21. | Granted Leave of Absence for remainder of session. |
1782.—Mar. 24. | At Monticello. |
Apr. 13. | At Charlottesville. |
May 8. | Youngest daughter, Lucy Elizabeth, born. |
20. | At Monticello. |
Sept. 6. | Martha Wayles Jefferson, his wife, dies. |
22. | At Monticello. |
Oct. 24. | Ordered by Assembly into custody of Sergeant-at-Arms. |
Nov. 6. | At Richmond. |
Attends Assembly in custody of Sergeant-at-Arms. | |
8. | Excused from attendance by Assembly. |
12. | Appointed Peace Commissioner to Europe. |
26. | At Ampthill, Chesterfield. |
Dec. 19. | Leaves Monticello for Philadelphia. |
27. | Arrives at Philadelphia. |
1783—Jan. 22. | At Philadelphia. |
31. | At Baltimore preparing to embark for France. |
Feb. 14. | Departure suspended. |
28. | Leaves Baltimore. |
Mar. 4. | At Philadelphia. |
Apr. 1. | Congress withdraws appointment. |
11. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
23. | At Richmond for a fortnight. |
May 7. | At Tuckahoe. |
15. | Arrives at Monticello. |
June 6. | Elected Delegate to Congress. |
? | Drafts Constitution for Virginia. |
17. | At Monticello. |
July 18. | At Monticello. |
Aug. 31. | At Monticello. |
Oct. 12. | At Eppington. |
15. | Leaves Monticello. |
Nov. 3. | Arrives at Trenton. |
4. | Attends Congress. |
Congress adjourns to Annapolis. | |
11. | At Philadelphia. |
21. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
25. | At Annapolis. |
Lodges at Mrs. Gheesland’s. | |
Dec. 13. | Attends Congress. |
? | Drafts report on Unfinished Business. |
16. | Appointed on Committee to report on Minister’s letters. |
16. | Reports on definitive Treaty. |
? | Introduces resolutions relative to definitive Treaty. |
1783—Dec. 20. | Reports on Minister’s Letters. |
22. | Report read. |
Reports on ceremonial for Washington. | |
23. | Seconds motion on letters. |
24. | Makes motion for extra posts. |
On Committee on letters of Governor of Massachusetts. | |
27. | Reports on ratification of Treaty. |
1784—Jan. 2. | Makes motion on British Treaty. |
13. | On Committee on N. H. memorial. |
14. | Reports ratification of British Treaty. |
Reports Proclamation of British Treaty. | |
21. | On Committee on N. H. memorial. |
23. | Reports on Zebulon Butler. |
29. | On Committee on Carlton’s letter. |
Reports on Allan’s letter. | |
30. | Reports on Committee of the states. |
Feb. 11. | On Committee on French Minister’s letter. |
25. | Removes to “Mr. Delany’s” house. |
27. | Makes motions relating to papers. |
Mar. 1. | Drafts of Virginia cession. |
Reports on Government for Western Territory. | |
5. | Reports on reduction of Civil list. |
Reports on Indians. | |
12. | Elected Chairman of Congress. |
On Committee on Qualifications. | |
16. | On Committee on Foreign letters. |
19. | On Committee to report on Indian officers. |
22. | Reports revised Government for Western Territory. |
Reports on Cession of Western Territory. | |
23. | Reports on arrears of interest. |
24. | Congress considers report on Civil list. |
Committee on Qualifications report. | |
Moves resolutions for Commercial treaties | |
30. | Reports on circular-letter regarding Treasury. |
Elected Chairman of Congress. | |
Grand Committee reports circular-letter. | |
Report on Foreign treaties considered. | |
Apr. 5. | Report on Arrears of interest considered. |
Prepares Notes on a Money Unit. | |
6. | Committee reports on Greene’s letter. |
12. | Report on Arrears of interest considered. |
1784—Apr. 12. | Makes motion concerning Arrears of interest. |
13. | Drafts resolution concerning Seat of Government. |
14. | Makes motions relating to Seat of Government. |
Apr. 15. | Makes Motion concerning Steuben. |
16. | Report on French Letters considered. |
19. | Report on Western Territory considered. |
21. | Seconds motions to amend report on Western Territory. |
22. | Seconds motion to amend report on Arrears of interest. |
26. | Report on power of Committee of the States considered. |
27. | Reports on Mercer. |
30. | Reports draft of Land Ordinance. |
30. | Reports on Commercial matters. |
May 3. | Makes motion relating to secrecy of foreign papers. |
On Committee to report on letters. | |
7. | Elected Minister to France. |
Committee accepts report on Continental bills. | |
Reports Instructions to Ministers. | |
Reports Ordinance for Western Lands. | |
Reports revision of Treasury department. | |
11. | Leaves Annapolis. |
14. | Arrives at Philadelphia. |
16. | Committee reports on King of France’s letter. |
19–21. | Report on Western Territory considered. |
21. | Makes motion to amend report on Western Territory. |
22. | Report on Arrears of interest considered. |
23. | Report on Western Territory considered and adopted. |
26. | Report on committee of the States considered. |
Report on Arrears of interest considered. | |
28. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
Report of Grand Committee on Western Territory considered. | |
Congress considers report on Commercial matters. | |
1784—May 29. | Arrives at Trenton. |
30. | Arrives at New York. |
June 5. | Leaves New York. |
11. | At Hartford. |
12. | At New London. |
14. | At Newport. |
17. | At Providence. |
18. | At Boston. |
23. | At Portsmouth, N. H. |
26. | At Boston. |
July 5. | Sails from Boston on ship Ceres. |
26. | At Cowes. |
29. | At Portsmouth. |
31. | At Havre. |
Aug. 5. | At Rouen. |
6. | At Paris. |
Lodges at hotel D’Orleans, rue Richelieu. | |
10. | At Passy, conferring with Franklin. |
11. | At Paris. |
Lodges at hotel D’Orleans, rue Petits Augustins. | |
30. | Commissioners hold first conference at Passy. |
Sept. 13. | Sends Notes on Virginia to press. |
15. | At Versailles, with commissioners, to meet Vergennes. |
16. | Commissioners meet British Minister. |
Oct. 16. | Hires hotel Tête-bout, cul-de-sac Tête-bout. |
Dec. 9. | Purchases copying letter-press. |
1785—Mar. 10. | Elected by Congress French Minister. |
May 11. | Notes on Virginia completed. |
17. | Audience at French Court. |
June 20. | At Saunois. |
At Paris. | |
July 28. | Signs Prussian Treaty. |
Aug. | Negotiations with Vergennes, concerning tobacco monopoly. |
Oct. 17. | Rents hotel du Count de Langeac, Grille de Chaillot. |
Nov. | Youngest daughter, Lucy Elizabeth, dies in Virginia. |
Secures privileges for American whale oil. | |
Dec. 9. | Holds conference with Vergennes on commerce. |
1786.—Jan. 24. | At Paris. |
Prepares notes for Meusnier. | |
Feb. | Aids John Ledyard. |
Mch. 5. | Leaves Paris. |
At Calais. | |
11. | At London. |
22. | Presented to King, Windsor. |
Has interview with Tripolitan Ambassador. | |
Negotiates treaty with Portugal. | |
26. | Prepares with Adams projet of treaty with Great Britain. |
Apl. 1–9. | At Chiswick, Richmond, Twickenham, Woburn, Hampton Court, Paynes Hill, Cobham, Weybridge, Woburn, Cavorsham, Reading, Wotton, Buckingham, Banbury, Stowe, Buckingham, Stratford, Hockley, Birmingham, Stourbridge, Bromsgrove, Worcester, Winchcomb, Moreton, Eynston, Woodstock, Oxford, High Wycombe. |
10. | At London. |
Signs treaty with Portugal. | |
Portrait painted by Mather Brown. | |
26. | Leaves London. |
At Dartford, Rochester, Canterbury, Dover. | |
29. | At Calais, St. Omer, Royes, Bourgel. |
May 1. | At Paris. |
23. | Suggests treaty against Barbary states. |
June 22. | Corrects article of Meusnier. |
Sept. | Rents hotel corner Champs Élysées and rue Neuve de Berry. |
4. | Fractures wrist. |
13. | Answers queries of Soulé’s. |
1786.—Oct. 22. | Prepares map of Virginia. |
Made an LL.D. (Yale). | |
Dec. 16. | Act for Religious Freedom passed by Virginia Assembly. |
Dec. 26. | Notes on Virginia translated into French by Morellet. |
1787.—Jan. 4. | Makes proposition to British creditors. |
Feb. 27. | Attends audience of Montmorin. |
Mch. 3. | At Sens and Vermanton. |
4. | At Lucy le Bois, Cussy les Forges, Rouvray, Maisonneuve, Vitteaux, La Chalieure, Pont de Paris, and Dijon. |
7–8. | At La Boraque and Chagny. |
9. | At Chalons, Sennecy, Tournus, St. Albin, and Macon. |
At Maison blanche, St. George, Château de Laye-Epinaye, and Lyons. | |
15–18. | At St. Fond and Mornas. |
19–23. | At Pont St. Esprit, Bagnols, Connault, Valignières, Remoulins, St. Gervasy, and Nismes. |
24. | At Nismes, Arles, Terrasson, and St. Remis. |
25. | At Orgon, Portroyal, and St. Cannat. |
25–28. | At Aix. |
29. | At Marseilles. |
Apl. 6. | At Marseilles, Aubagne, Cuges, Beausset, Toulon, Hieres, Cuers, Pignans, and Luc. |
9. | At Vidauban, Muy, Frejus, Antibes, and Nice. |
13. | At Scarena and Sospello. |
14. | At Ciandola and Tende. |
15. | At Limone and Coni. |
16. | At Centale, Savigliano, Racconigi, Poerino, and Turin. |
19. | At Setimo, Chivasco, Ciliano, St. Germans, and Vercelli. |
20. | At Novara, Buffalora, Sedriano, and Milan. |
23. | At Casino, Rozzano, Binasco, and Pavia. |
24. | At Voghera, Tortona, and Nevi. |
25. | At Voltaggio, Campo-Marone, and Genoa. |
28. | At Noli. |
29. | At Albenga. |
30. | At Oneglia. |
May 1. | At Ventimiglia, Menton, Monaco, and Nice. |
3. | At Luc, Brignolles, Tourves, Poucieux, and La Galinière. |
1787.—May 8. | At Orgon, Avignon, and Vaucluse. |
10. | At Nismes and Lunel. |
11. | At Montpelier. |
12. | At Frontignan and Cette. |
13. | At Agde. |
14. | At Bézieres. |
15. | At Argilies and Saumal. |
16. | At Marseillette and Carcassone. |
18. | At Castelnaudari. |
19. | At St. Feriol, Escauraze, and Lampy. |
20. | At Narouze, Villefranche, and Baziege. |
21. | At Toulouse. |
23. | At Agen. |
24. | At Castres and Bourdeaux. |
29. | At Blaye. |
30. | At Rochefort and Le Rochex. |
31. | At St. Hermines and Nantes. |
June 2. | At L’Orient. |
3–5. | At L’Orient, Rennes, and Nantes. |
6–8. | At Ancenis, Angers, and Tours. |
9–11. | At Blois and Orleans. |
11. | At Paris. |
Sends Piedmont rice and olive tree to America. | |
Mary Jefferson arrives from America. | |
July | Conducts commercial negotiations with new ministry. |
Aug. 29. | Writes letter to Journal de Paris. |
Sept. | Map of Virginia finished. |
Oct. 1. | Sends natural-history specimens to Buffon. |
Dec. | Advises transfer of French debts. |
English edition of Notes on Virginia printed. | |
1788.—Jan. 13. | Sends Egyptian rice to America. |
Feb. 4. | Leaves Paris. |
11. | Declines membership in society for abolition of slave trade. |
13. | At Amsterdam. |
Negotiations over U. S. debt. | |
Mar. 31. | Leaves Amsterdam. |
At Utrecht and Nimeguen. | |
Apr. 1. | At Cranenburg, Cleve, Santen, Reynberg, Hoogstrakt. |
2. | At Essenberg, Duysberg, and Dusseldorf. |
3. | At Cologne. |
4. | At Bonne, Andernach, and Coblentz. |
5. | At Nassau. |
1788.—Apr. 6. | At Schwelbach, Wisbaden, Hochheim. |
7. | At Frankfort. |
8. | At Hanau. |
10. | At Hochheim and Mayence. |
11. | At Rudesheim, Johannesberg, Markebrom. |
12. | At Mayence, Oppenheim, and Dorms. |
13. | At Mannheim. |
14. | At Dossenheim, Heidelberg, and Schwetzingen Mannheim. |
15. | At Spire and Carlsruhe. |
16. | At Rastadt, Scholhoven, Bischofheim, Kehl, and Strasburg. |
17–18. | At Strasburg, Saverne, and Phalsbourg. |
19. | At Fenestrange, Moyenvic, and Nancy. |
20. | At Toule, Void, Ligney en Barrois, Bar le Duc, and St. Dizier. |
21. | At Vitry le Français, Chalons sur Marne, and Epernay. |
22. | At Aij, Auvillaij, Cumieres, and Pierrij. |
23. | At Château-Thierry, St. Jean, Meaux, Vergalant, Paris. |
June 20. | Opens negotiation for new Consular Convention. |
Made an LL.D. by Harvard. | |
July | Buys Deane’s letter books. |
Aug. 10. | At Versailles attending audience to East Indians. |
Sept. 16. | Submits draft of Consular Convention. |
Oct. 23. | Protests against French arrêt respecting whale oil. |
Nov. 14. | Signs Consular Convention. |
Writes and prints Observations on whale fisheries. | |
16. | Secures special privileges for American whale oil. |
19. | Applies to Congress for leave of absence. |
Dec. | Sickness of daughter. |
1789.—Feb. 4. | Secures recall of Moustier. |
May 8. | At Versailles attending opening of the States General. |
June 3. | Prepares Charter for France. |
12. | Visits Versailles. |
18. | President grants leave of absence. |
24. | Visits Versailles. |
July 17. | Visits ruins of Bastille. |
18. | At Versailles. |
1789.—Sept. | At Versailles. |
18. | Sends olive plants to America. |
24. | Pays parting visit to Neckar at Versailles. |
25. | Nominated for Secretary of State. |
26. | Confirmed by Senate. |
30. | At Havre. |
Oct. | Sails from Havre. |
14. | At Cowes. |
Sails for America on the Montgomery. | |
Off “The Needles.” | |
Nov. 13. | Offered Secretaryship of State. |
21. | At Lynhaven Bay. |
23. | At Norfolk. |
At Hampton. | |
At Richmond. | |
Receives address from Virginia House of Delegates. | |
Dec. 14. | At Eppington. |
15. | At Chesterfield. |
24. | At Monticello. |
1790.—Feb. 14. | Accepts Secretaryship of State. |
28. | Asks loan of Dutch bankers. |
His daughter, Martha, marries Thomas Mann Randolph. | |
Mar. 1. | Leaves Monticello. |
2. | At Tuckahoe. |
At Manchester and Fredericksburg. | |
6. | At Richmond. |
At Dumfries. | |
11–12. | At Alexandria. |
Receives address from Mayor. | |
1790.—Mar. 11–12. | At Georgetown, Baltimore, Chester. |
At Philadelphia. | |
Has interview with Franklin. | |
At Trenton and Elizabethtown. | |
22. | Arrives at New York. |
29. | Rents Robert and Peter Bruce house, Maiden Lane. |
? | Elected member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences. |
? | Opinion on Petition of Isaacs. |
? | Opinion on Woollen Manufactures in Virginia. |
April 1. | Opinion on Communications to Congress. |
15. | Reports on Copper Coinage. |
24. | Opinion on Senate’s Negative of Grade. |
May 3. | Opinion on Georgian Land Grants. |
Sick with headache. | |
June 2. | Rents No. 57 Maiden Lane. |
3. | Opinion on Soldiers’ Accounts. |
7. | Goes on sailing party with President. |
Arranges with Hamilton the Assumption and Capital Compromise. | |
July 4. | Reports on coinage, weights, and measures. |
12. | Opinion on British-Spanish War. |
15. | Opinion on Residence Bill. |
17. | Report on Expenses of Foreign Missions. |
29. | Opinion on Indian Trade Monopoly. |
Aug. 13. | Leaves New York. |
17. | At Newport. |
18. | At Providence. |
21. | At New York. |
22. | Drafts Considerations on Navigation of Mississippi. |
26. | Opinion on Foreign Debt. |
28. | Opinion on Course towards Britain and Spain. |
29. | Opinion on St. Clair expedition. |
Sept. 1. | Leaves New York. |
2. | At Trenton. |
3–6. | At Philadelphia. |
At Wilm ngton, Chester, Annapolis, Georgetown, Alexandria, Mount Vernon, Dumfries, and Fredericksburg. | |
20. | Arrives at Monticello. |
Oct. 5. | At Tuckahoe and Goochland Court House. |
7. | At Monticello. |
9. | At Eppington. |
1790.—Nov. 8. | Leaves Monticello. |
21. | Reaches Philadelphia. |
? | Resides at 274 High (now Market) Street. |
Offices of Department of State at 207 High Street. | |
29. | Opinion on Capital. |
Dec. 8. | Drafts paragraphs for President’s message. |
14. | Reports on Western lands. |
Opinion on North West Territory. | |
Opinion on Territorial Authority. | |
15. | Reports on Mission of Morris. |
18. | Reports on Tonnage Law. |
28. | Reports on Mediterranean Trade. |
1791. | Reports on Algerian Prisoners. |
Feb. 1. | Draws resolution for Senate on Algiers. |
Reports on Fisheries. | |
7. | Drafts Patent Bill. |
9. | Advertises Elkhill for sale. |
14. | Drafts President’s message on British Negotiations. |
15. | Opinion on National Bank. |
19. | Reports on Vermont. |
28. | Offers Freneau a place. |
Mar. 4. | Drafts President’s message on Vermont. |
11. | Opinion on “Ten Mile Square.” |
May | Endorses Rights of Man. |
Endeavoring to induce Freneau to start a paper. | |
16. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
19–20. | At New York. |
28. | At Saratoga. |
30. | On Lake George. |
31. | On Lake Champlain—Ticonderoga and Crown Point. |
At Saratoga, Stillwater. | |
June 5. | At Bennington. |
Prevented from travel by Sunday laws. | |
Passes through Connecticut valley. | |
8. | At Springfield and Hartford. |
16. | At New York. |
19. | Reaches Philadelphia. |
July 10. | Endeavors to have Thomas Paine appointed Postmaster. |
Aug. 13. | Converses with Hamilton about Adams. |
Nov. 8. | Reports on Indian Lands. |
10. | Reports on Mangnall. |
1791.—Nov. 14. | Reports on Howe. |
? | Frames clauses for French Treaty of Commerce. |
26. | Drafts “questions to be considered of.” |
Dec. 2. | Drafts resolutions concerning Algiers. |
6. | Note on Spanish negotiations. |
12. | Notes on British negotiations. |
16. | Drafts President’s message on Indian War. |
19. | Opinion on Lands. |
22. | Reports on Spanish negotiations. |
27. | Note on Spanish negotiations. |
1792.—Jan. 1. | Drafts President’s message on Diplomatic Nominations. |
3. | Has interview with Committee of Senate. |
10. | Reports on Commercial Restrictions of Denmark. |
15. | First suggests retirement from Cabinet. |
22. | Reports on Russell. |
25. | Drafts letter of President to Secretary of War. |
Feb. 12. | Has interview with Beckwith. |
28. | Prepares plan of posts. |
Announces to President his intention to leave office. | |
Mar. 7. | Draft of report on Spanish negotiations. |
9. | Cabinet meeting on Western questions. |
12. | Notes on Commercial Policy towards Great Britain. |
16. | Reports on Spanish negotiations. |
22. | Reports on Convention with Spain. |
Project of Convention. | |
31. | Cabinet meeting on St. Clair’s defeat. |
Apr. 1. | Draws Considerations on Algiers. |
4. | Opinion on Apportionment Bill. |
5. | Drafts Veto Message of Apportionment bill. |
10. | Drafts questions for Senate on Algiers. |
May 23. | At Philadelphia. |
Writes Washington of intended resignation. |
At Philadelphia. | |||
1792.— | May | 29. | Sends letter on Treaty to Hammond. |
June | 3. | Hammond dines with Jefferson. | |
18. | Writes Notes on Young’s Letter. | ||
July | 10. | Has interview with Washington. | |
13. | Leaves Philadelphia. | ||
22. | Arrives at Monticello. | ||
Sept. | 9. | Writes defence to President. | |
22. | Leaves Monticello. | ||
30. | At Gunston Hall. | ||
Oct. | 1. | At Mount Vernon. | |
At Georgetown and Bladensburg. | |||
2. | At Baltimore. | ||
5. | At Wilmington. | ||
At Philadelphia. | |||
Residence at 287 High (now Market) Street. | |||
Department of State office in High (now Market) Street. | |||
31. | Cabinet meeting. | ||
Nov. | Drafts paragraphs for President’s Message. | ||
? | Drafts Act concerning Public Debt. | ||
26. | Reports on Neufville. | ||
Dec. | 1. | Drafts amendment to Intercourse Bill. | |
3. | Opinion on Fugitive Slaves. | ||
7. | Drafts Message on Southern Indians. | ||
10. | Cabinet meeting. | ||
Writes Notes on Bankrupt Bill. | |||
27. | Interview with President. | ||
1793.— | Jan. | Draws instructions for Michaux. | |
Reconsiders resignation. | |||
Sells negroes. | |||
Feb. | 7. | Paper on Maladministration of Treasury. | |
Interview with President. | |||
? | Drafts Giles Resolutions. | ||
12. | Questions and notes as to France. | ||
13. | Sends circular letter on commerce. | ||
16. | Reports on Rogers. | ||
20. | Interview with President. | ||
Offered French Mission. | |||
25. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on French Application. | ||
Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Indian War. | |||
27. | Giles Resolutions moved. | ||
28. | Cabinet meeting. | ||
Mar. | 2. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on French Debt. | |
Rents house on banks of Schuylkill. | |||
10. | Reports on Indian boundaries. | ||
Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Filibusters. | |||
18. | Cabinet Council. | ||
Apr. | 8. | Genet lands at Charleston. | |
19. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Proclamation and French Minister. | ||
22. | Proclamation of Neutrality signed. | ||
Cabinet learns of Genet’s arrival. | |||
28. | Opinion on French Treaties. | ||
May | 8. | Opposes Hamilton’s circular to collectors. | |
16. | Opinion on Little Sarah. | ||
Genet arrives in Philadelphia. | |||
18. | Ternant delivers letter of recall. | ||
Genet presents letter of credence. | |||
20. | Cabinet Council. | ||
23. | Interview with President. | ||
29. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Creek Indians. | ||
June | 1. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Secret Indian Agent. | |
5. | Opinion on New Loan. | ||
12. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Polly and Catherine. | ||
17. | Second Opinion on New Loan. | ||
Drafts Cabinet Opinion on French Privateers. | |||
19. | Writes to Hammond on Treaty. | ||
20. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Spanish Affairs. | ||
July | 5. | Cabinet Meeting on Genet’s Application. | |
Receives call from Genet. | |||
7. | Has Interview with Genet Relative to Little Sarah. | ||
8. | Dissents from Cabinet Opinion on Little Sarah. | ||
1793.— | July | 10. | Drafts Cabinet of Decision. |
12. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Privateers and Prizes. | ||
15. | Cabinet Meeting in regard to Little Sarah. | ||
18. | Partly Drafts Questions for Judges. | ||
23. | Cabinet meeting on French Debt. | ||
29. | Drafts Cabinet Questions. | ||
30. | Rules concerning belligerents discussed. | ||
31. | Renews request to resign. | ||
Aug. | 2. | Recall of Genet decided on. | |
3. | Rules governing belligerents adopted. | ||
4. | Opinion on calling Congress. | ||
5. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Privateers and Prizes. | ||
6. | Interview with Washington concerning Resignation. | ||
15. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Prizes. | ||
16. | Frames Letter to Morris on recall of Genet. | ||
20. | Letter to Morris agreed upon. |
1793.— | Aug. | 23. | At Philadelphia. |
Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Genet’s Recall. | |||
Cabinet discusses Treaty with France. | |||
31. | Drafts Cabinet Opinion on Privateers and Prizes. | ||
Fever breaks out in Philadelphia. | |||
Sept. | 7. | Drafts Cabinet Decisions. | |
13. | Attempts to borrow money. | ||
15. | Informs Genet of application for his recall. | ||
17. | Leaves Philadelphia. | ||
22. | At Monticello. | ||
Oct. | 25. | Leaves Monticello. | |
Nov. | 1. | At Germantown. | |
8. | Cabinet meeting on Genet’s conduct. | ||
13. | Writes Hammond concerning Treaty. | ||
16. | Borrows money. | ||
18.-21. | Cabinet meeting on Message. | ||
23. | Drafts Cabinet Decisions. | ||
Drafts President’s Message. | |||
28. | Cabinet meeting on Genet. | ||
Dec. | 2. | Congress assembles. | |
7. | Drafts Cabinet Decisions. | ||
16. | Reports to Congress on Commerce. | ||
20. | Opinion on Neutral Trade. | ||
30. | Makes Supplementary Report on Commerce. | ||
31. | Resigns Secretaryship of State. | ||
1794.— | Jan. | 5. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
16. | Arrives at Monticello. | ||
1794.— | Sept. | Has attack of rheumatism. | |
Offered foreign mission. | |||
? | Writes Notes on a Constitution. | ||
1795. | At Monticello. | ||
Establishes nailery. | |||
July | 26? | Granddaughter Eleanor dies. | |
Dec. | ? | Writes “Notes” for Ebeling. | |
1796 | ? | Invents mould-board for plough. | |
Apr. | 24. | Writes letter to Mazzei. | |
May | 12. | Executes mortgage to Van Staphorst & Hubbard. | |
Begins remodelling house at Monticello. | |||
June | Visited by Rochefoucauld-Liancourt. | ||
Nov. | 4. | Elected Vice-President. | |
1797.— | Jan. | Elected President of Philosophical Society. | |
Refuses to serve on Boundary Commission. | |||
1. | Mazzei Letter printed in Florence. | ||
25. | Mazzei Letter printed in Paris. | ||
Feb. | 8. | Electoral Ballot counted by Congress. | |
20. | Leaves Monticello. | ||
24. | At Georgetown. | ||
Mar. | 2. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | |
3. | Calls on Adams. | ||
4. | Sworn in as Vice-President. | ||
Offered French Mission. | |||
6. | Dines with Washington. | ||
12. | Leaves Philadelphia. | ||
20. | Arrives at Monticello. | ||
May. | 5. | Leaves Monticello. | |
11. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | ||
14. | Mazzei Letter printed in America. | ||
June | Attacked by Luther Martin in Newspapers. | ||
July | 6. | Leaves Philadelphia. | |
11. | Arrives at Monticello. | ||
Aug. | Drafts Petition concerning Grand-Juries. | ||
Oct. | 13. | Maria Jefferson marries John Waylies Eppes. | |
Dec. | 4. | Leaves Monticello. | |
6. | Visits Madison at Montpelier. | ||
12. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | ||
1798.— | Feb. | 15. | Dines with Adams. |
19. | X. Y. Z. Message. | ||
Apr. | 3. | X. Y. Z. Dispatches transmitted to Congress. | |
June | 27. | Leaves Philadelphia. | |
28. | At Baltimore. | ||
1798.— | July | 1. | At Fredericksburg. |
6. | Alien Bill passed. | ||
9. | At Monticello. | ||
14. | Sedition Bill passed. | ||
Oct. | Writes Essay on Study of Anglo-Saxon. | ||
Drafts Petition on Juries. | |||
Drafts Kentucky Resolutions. | |||
Nov. | 14. | Kentucky Legislature adopts resolutions. | |
Revises Madison’s Virginian Resolutions. | |||
Dec. | 18. | Leaves Monticello. | |
25. | Arrives at Philadelphia. |

1799. | —Mar. 1. | Leaves Philadelphia. |
8. | Arrives at Monticello. | |
Sept. 6. | Orders payment to Callender of $50. | |
Dec. 21. | Leaves Monticello. | |
28. | Arrives at Philadelphia. | |
1800. | Body servant Jupiter dies. | |
Prints “Appendix” to Notes on Virginia. | ||
Jan. 18. | Plans University of Virginia. | |
Feb. | Prepares Parliamentary Manual. | |
March 11. | Has conversation with Adams. | |
May | Republican Caucus Nominates Jefferson and Burr. | |
15. | Leaves Philadelphia. | |
21. | At Montblanco. | |
26. | At Eppington. | |
29. | At Edgehill. | |
29. | Arrives at Monticello. | |
June | Capital removed to Washington. | |
Oct. 22. | Orders payment to Callender of $50. | |
Nov. 24. | Leaves Monticello. | |
29. | Arrives at Washington. | |
Dec. 14. | Offers Secretaryship of Navy to Livingston. | |
1801. | —Jan. 22. | Pays visit to Mount Vernon. |
Feb. 11. | Congress begins to ballot for President. | |
17. | Jefferson elected President. | |
18. | Offers Secretaryship of War to Dearborn. | |
1801. | —Feb. 24. | Offers French Mission to Livingston. |
28. | Farewell Speech to Senate. | |
Mar. 4. | At Washington. | |
Inaugurated as President. | ||
5. | Nominates Madison, Dearborn, and Lincoln to Cabinet. | |
Nominates R. R. Livingston Minister to France. | ||
8. | Cabinet decide on list of removals. | |
9. | Cabinet remit fines under Sedition Law. | |
18. | Offers Paine passage in public vessel. | |
Apr. 1. | Leaves Washington. | |
5. | At Monticello. | |
26. | Leaves Monticello. | |
29. | At Washington. | |
May 14. | Appoints Gallatin Secretary of Treasury. | |
15. | Gallatin arrives at Washington. | |
Cabinet discuss Barbary War. | ||
Squadron ordered to Mediterranean. | ||
16. | Netherland, Portuguese, and Prussian Missions abolished. | |
Federalist Marshals and Attorneys to be removed. | ||
June 30. | Leaves Washington. | |
July 2. | At Monticello. | |
11. | At Washington. | |
12. | Replies to New Haven remonstrance. | |
15. | Appoints Robert Smith Secretary of Navy. | |
30. | Leaves Washington. | |
Aug. 4. | At Monticello. | |
Sept. 28. | Leaves Monticello. | |
Oct. 3. | At Washington. | |
22. | Reduction of Naval officers. | |
Nov. 6. | Outlines method of conducting Executive business. | |
12. | Drafts Message on Duane, but suppresses it. | |
28. | Appoints Granger Postmaster-General. | |
Dec. 8. | Sends first Annual Message. | |
1802. | —Jan. 6. | Sends list of appointments to Senate. |
11. | Sends Message on Washington City. | |
18. | Cabinet Decision in re Tripoli. | |
27. | Sends Message on Indians. | |
Feb. 2. | Sends Message on Military Affairs. | |
Mar. 8. | Approves bill repealing Judiciary Act. | |
Apr. 6. | Approves bill to repeal Internal taxes. | |
1802. | —Apr. 26. | Approves Judiciary Bill. |
May 5. | Leaves Washington. | |
8. | At Monticello. | |
June 2. | At Washington. | |
Attacked by Callender. | ||
July 21. | Leaves Washington. | |
25. | At Monticello. | |
Oct. 7. | At Washington. | |
16. | Right of deposit suspended. | |
21. | Cabinet Decision on Tripoline War. | |
Nov. 15. | Replies to Connecticut Address. | |
Dec. 15. | Sends second Annual Message. | |
22. | Sends Special Message on proceedings at New Orleans. | |
1803. | —Jan. 11. | Nominates Monroe Joint Minister to France. |
Sends Message on Spanish Spoliations. | ||
18. | Sends secret Message on Lewis and Clark Expedition. | |
Sends Message on Indians. | ||
Mar. 17. | At Monticello. | |
Apr. | Prepares estimate of Christ. | |
9. | At Washington. | |
11. | Talleyrand offers to sell Louisiana. | |
May 2. | Louisiana Treaty signed at Paris. | |
June | Writes article signed “Fair Play.” | |
20. | Draws instruction for Lewis. | |
Writes answer to Gabriel Jones. |
1803.—July | At Washington. |
Frames Louisiana Amendment to the Constitution. | |
16. | Cabinet discuss Louisiana Treaty. |
Drafts “Queries” as to Louisiana. | |
22. | At Monticello. |
24. | Makes informal reply to Ward Committee of Philadelphia. |
Appoints Monroe Minister to Great Britain. | |
Oct. 1. | At Washington. |
17. | Sends Third Annual Message. |
20. | Louisiana Treaty ratified by Senate. |
Nov. ? | Frames rules of Public Etiquette. |
Drafts bill for government of Louisiana. | |
4. | Sends message on Barbary Powers. |
14. | Transmits information concerning Louisiana. |
30. | Transmits additional information concerning Louisiana. |
Dec. 5. | Sends message on Barbary War. |
21. | Sends message on Spanish Claims. |
24. | Replies to Address of Legislature of Tennessee. |
1804.—Jan. 8. | Offers Monroe governorship of Louisiana. |
18. | Sends message on taking possession of Louisiana. |
26. | Called on by Burr. |
Feb. 18. | Cabinet discussion of Louisiana boundaries. |
Approves act organizing Louisiana and Orleans. | |
Apr. 6. | At Monticello. |
17. | Daughter, Mary Eppes, dies. |
1804.—May 1. | At Washington. |
26. | Cabinet settle Tripoline terms. |
Offers Armstrong French mission. | |
Appoints Monroe Minister to Spain. | |
Aug. 7. | At Monticello. |
Oct. 6. | At Washington. |
8. | Cabinet discuss Spanish affairs. |
Drafts bill for Harbor Protection. | |
Nov. | Re-elected President of United States. |
8. | Sends Fourth Annual Message. |
19. | Nominates Bowdoin Minister to Spain. |
1805.—Feb. 2. | Electoral votes counted by Congress. |
Mar. 2. | Attorney-General Lincoln resigns. |
Robert Smith appointed Attorney-General. | |
Jacob Crowninshield appointed Secretary of Navy. | |
3. | Approves bill for Harbor Protection. |
4. | Inaugurated as President. |
13. | At Monticello. |
April 19. | At Washington. |
July 4. | Prepares Notes on Armed Vessels. |
8. | Cabinet discuss neutral commerce. |
20. | At Monticello. |
Aug. | Prepares Notes on Conduct in 1780–1. |
Suggests alliance with Great Britain. | |
Oct. 11. | At Washington. |
Nov. 12. | Cabinet discuss Spanish affairs. |
14. | Cabinet frame terms for Spain. |
19. | Cabinet modify Spanish terms. |
Dec. 3. | Sends Fifth Annual Message. |
4. | Drafts resolutions on Spain for Congress. |
6. | Sends confidential message on Spain. |
Drafts bill for a naval militia. | |
Drafts bill classifying militia. | |
Dec. 20. | John Breckenridge nominated Attorney-General. |
1806.—Jan. 13. | Sends message on Tripoline Affairs. |
17. | Sends message on Neutral Commerce. |
Feb. 6. | Sends confidential message on Great Britain. |
8. | Drafts resolutions concerning Spain. |
Warned by Daveiss of Burr’s plot. | |
19. | Sends message on Western Exploration. |
24. | Aids Barlow to draft bill for a National University. |
Drafts bill for settling Orleans territory. | |
28. | Nominates Bowdoin and Armstrong joint commissioners to Spain. |
1806.—Mar. 14. | Pinkney selected by Cabinet for English mission. |
15? | Has interview with Burr. |
20. | Sends special message on Spanish Boundaries. |
24. | Offers Cary commissionership to Spain. |
Sends confidential message on Great Britain. | |
25. | Cabinet decision on Spanish affairs. |
Apr. 19. | Writes letter to Alexander of Russia. |
Nominates Monroe and Pinkney joint commissioners to Great Britain. | |
May 1. | Cabinet discuss Leander incident. |
3. | Issues Leander proclamation. |
10. | At Monticello. |
June 7. | At Washington. |
July 26. | At Monticello. |
Oct. 4. | At Washington. |
22. | Cabinet discuss Burr plot. |
25. | Cabinet decision on Burr. |
Nov. 8. | Orders to Wilkinson, in re Burr. |
27. | Issues proclamation against Burr. |
Dec. 2. | Sends Sixth Annual Message. |
3. | Sends special message on Great Britain. |
15. | Message on distressed French prepared, but not sent. |
20. | Issues proclamation against Cambrian. |
1807.—Jan. 1. | Elected President of American Philosophical Society. |
6. | Burr expedition leaves Chickasaw Bluffs. |
7. | Great Britain adopts Orders in Council. |
14. | Aids Hening in preparation of Virginia statutes. |
16. | Randolph resolution in re Burr adopted. |
17. | Burr surrenders to Meade. |
20. | Appoints Rodney Attorney-General. |
22. | Sends message on Burr. |
23. | Senate passes bill to suspend Habeas Corpus. |
26. | House rejects bill to suspend Habeas Corpus. |
28. | Sends additional message on Burr. |
31. | Sends message on Cumberland Road. |
Drafts amendment to Volunteer Bill. | |
Feb. 2. | Cabinet council on British negotiations. |
3. | Notifies British negotiators of disapproval of treaty. |
10. | Sends message on Gunboats. |
14. | Sends reply to Massachusetts address. |
19. | Spain issues commercial decree. |
28. | Writes to King of Holland. |
1807.—Feb. 28. | Burr arrested. |
Mar. 2. | Signs bill to end slave trade. |
3. | British Treaty arrives. |
21. | Sends circular letter to State governors. |
30. | Burr trial begins. |
Apr. 1. | Burr released on bail. |
Leaves Washington. | |
Arrives at Monticello. | |
May 13. | Leaves Monticello. |
17. | Arrives at Washington. |
19. | Writes Short of his intention to refuse renomination. |
20. | Sends new instruction to English negotiators. |
29. | Receives French medal for design of mould-board. |
June 1. | Frames tariff on French wines. |
13. | Subpœnaed to attend Burr trial. |
22. | Chesapeake frigate captured. |
July 2. | Issues proclamation against British war-ships. |
4. | Cabinet agrees to call Congress. |
Aug. 1. | Leaves Washington. |
5. | Arrives at Monticello. |
Sept. 1. | Proposes to seize the Floridas. |
Burr acquitted. | |
9. | Leaves Monticello for Bedford. |
17. | Arrives at Monticello. |
30. | Leaves Monticello. |
Oct. 3. | Arrives at Washington. |
27. | Sends Seventh Annual Message. |
30. | Burr trial ends. |
Nov. 11. | Great Britain extends Orders in Council. |
13. | Sends reply to Society of Friends. |
18. | Sends reply to Baptists. |
23. | Sends message on Burr Trial. |
Dec. 7. | Sends confidential message on Great Britain. |
10. | Sends reply to Assembly of Vermont. |
Sends reply to Legislature of New Jersey. | |
14. | Sends reply to Washington Society of Tammany |
Non-importation Act goes into effect. | |
17. | France issues supplementary decree concerning neutral commerce. |
18. | Sends message on Commercial Depredations. |
21. | Sends reply to Baptist Association. |
22. | Embargo Act signed. |
At Washington. | |
1808.—Jan. 3. | Spain issues decree concerning neutral commerce. |
10. | Sends reply to assembly of North Carolina. |
20. | Sends message on Wilkinson. |
23. | Refuses to recommend Fast-Day. |
30. | Sends message on Choctaws. |
Sends message on Detroit and Mackinac. | |
Feb. 2. | Sends message on Neutrals. |
4. | Sends supplementary message on Wilkinson. |
9. | Sends message on Algiers. |
15. | Sends supplementary message on Algiers. |
19. | Sends message on Cumberland Road. |
25. | Sends message on Militia. |
29. | Sends reply to New York Society of St. Tammany. |
Mar. 7. | Sends Batture message. |
17. | Sends message on Commercial Decrees. |
18. | Sends message on West Point. |
22. | Sends special message on British Negotiations. |
Sends message on Public Defence. | |
30. | Drafts supplementary bill for Embargo. |
Apr. 19. | Issues proclamation on Embargo. |
1808.—May 6. | Sends circular letter to State governors. |
Leaves Washington. | |
12. | Arrives at Monticello. |
25. | Sends reply to Democrats of Philadelphia. |
Asks Dearborn to remain in office. | |
June | Leaves Monticello. |
11. | Arrives at Washington. |
18. | Sends reply to government of New Orleans. |
July | Leaves Washington. |
24. | Arrives at Monticello. |
Aug. 2. | Sends reply to Legislature of New Hampshire. |
4. | Sends reply to Legislature of South Carolina. |
29. | Writes Emperor of Russia. |
Appoints William Short Minister to Russia. | |
Oct. | Leaves Monticello. |
Arrives at Washington. | |
17. | Sends reply to Baptist Association. |
18. | Sends reply to Baptist Association. |
Nov. 8. | Sends Eighth Annual Message. |
9. | Has interview with Erskine. |
21. | Sends reply to Baptist Association. |
Sends reply to Connecticut republicans. | |
Dec. 2. | Sends reply to Pittsburg republicans. |
30. | Sends message on Alabama Tribe. |
1809.—Jan. 6. | Sends message on Defence. |
17. | Drafts circular letter on Embargo. |
Forced to borrow money. | |
Feb. 3. | Sends reply to Legislature of Georgia. |
6. | Virginia Assembly passes resolutions of thanks. |
16. | Sends reply to Assembly of Virginia. |
24. | Sends reply to Legislature of New York. |
28. | Refuses public reception by citizens of Albemarle County. |
Mar. 1. | Signs repeal of Embargo. |
4. | Sends reply to citizens of Washington. |
Retires from Presidency. | |
Issues circular letter on Public Appointments. | |
17. | Arrives at Monticello. |
1809.—Apr. 3. | Sends reply to citizens of Albemarle County. |
12. | Sends reply to Legislature of New York. |
July | Visits Poplar Forest (Bedford plantation) for a fortnight. |
Oct. 20. | At Richmond. |
30. | At Monticello. |
Nov. 30. | Has interview with Monroe. |
1810.—May 25. | Writes Madison concerning Supreme Court. |
Oct. 15. | Writes Madison concerning vacancy in Supreme Court. |
Asks Federal appointment for relative. | |
Dec. | Visits Poplar Forest. |
Returns to Monticello. | |
1811.—Jan. | Urges seizure of the Floridas. |
Becomes a great-grandfather. | |
Drafts scheme for a system of Agricultural Societies. | |
Mar. 28. | Endeavors to assist Duane. |
Aug. 14–23. | At Poplar Forest. |
25. | At Monticello. |
Dec. 5. | At Poplar Forest. |
1812.—Jan. 21. | Renews friendship with John Adams. |
Prints Batture pamphlet. | |
Apr. 12. | Sends Wirt his recollections of Patrick Henry. |
May 10–19. | At Poplar Forest. |
23. | At Monticello. |
June 18. | War declared. |
Sept. 2–12. | At Poplar Forest. |
16. | At Monticello. |
Nov. 11. | Writes observations on common law in U. S. |
Nov. 15-Dec. 14. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 17. | At Monticello. |
Writes sketch of Meriwether Lewis. | |
1813.—Apr. 30-May 10. | At Poplar Forest. |
May 15. | At Monticello. |
July | Sells Mazzei’s property in Richmond and borrows purchase money. |
Aug. 28-Sept. 11. | At Poplar Forest. |
Sept. 14. | At Monticello |
Nov. 25-Dec. 8. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 13. | At Monticello. |
1814.—May 28-June 25. | At Poplar Forest. |
June 26. | At Monticello. |
Sept. 21. | Offers library to Congress. |
Oct. | Senate debates purchase of library. |
Nov. 3–11. | At Poplar Forest. |
21. | At Monticello. |
Resigns Presidency of American Philosophical Society. | |
1815.—Jan. | Congress passes bill to purchase library. |
Outlines University of Virginia. | |
May 19-June 1. | At Poplar Forest. |
June 4. | At Monticello. |
Aug. 29-Sept. 29. | At Poplar Forest. |
Oct. 3. | At Monticello |
Nov. 2–12. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 16. | At Monticello. |
1816.—Apr. 17–30. | At Poplar Forest. |
May 3. | At Monticello. |
June 29. | At Poplar Forest. |
1816.—July 10. | At Monticello. |
Writes sketch of Peyton Randolph. | |
Sept. | Reads proof of Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry. |
25. | At Poplar Forest. |
Oct. 5. | At Monticello. |
16. | Writes inscription for National Capitol. |
24-Dec. 5. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 11. | At Monticello. |
1817.—Apr. 25–6. | At Poplar Forest. |
28. | At Monticello. |
July 1. | At Poplar Forest. |
15. | At Monticello. |
Aug. 11-Sept. 18. | At Poplar Forest. |
Sept. 21. | At Monticello. |
Nov. 22-Dec. 20. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 23. | At Monticello. |
1818.—Apr. 17-May 3. | At Poplar Forest. |
May 6. | At Monticello. |
July 3. | At Poplar Forest. |
Aug. 1–4. | At Rockfish Gap. |
7–21. | At Warm Springs. |
Sept. 1. | At Monticello. |
Writes Anecdotes of Franklin. | |
1819.—Apr. 22. | At Poplar Forest. |
May 1. | At Monticello. |
July 10-Sept. 10. | At Poplar Forest. |
Sept. 14. | At Monticello. |
Nov. | Draws Plan of circulating medium. |
1820.—Sept. 13–21. | At Poplar Forest. |
24. | At Monticello. |
Nov. 15. | At Poplar Forest. |
Dec. 19. | At Monticello. |
1821.—Oct. 20. | At Buckspring. |
27. | At Monticello. |
1822.—May | Writes answer to “A Native of Virginia.” |
21–6. | At Poplar Forest. |
30. | At Monticello. |
1823.—May 21. | At Poplar Forest. |
27. | At Monticello. |
June | At Bedford. |
July | At Monticello. |
1824.—Dec. | Visited by Daniel Webster. |
1825.—Dec. | Drafts Protest for Virginia. |
1826.—Feb. | Writes Notes on Lotteries. |
Mar. 16. | Executes Will. |
17. | Adds Codicil to Will. |
June 24. | Declines invitation to join in celebrating July 4th. |
25. | Writes last letter. |
July 4. | Dies. |