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Titles & Essays

Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences

Galileo Galilei (author)

A treatise on physics in the form of a dialogue. It deals with how solid bodies resist fracturing, the behavior of bodies in motion, the nature of acceleration, and projectile motion.

Euclid’s Elements

Euclid (author)

A late 19th century edition of Euclid’s work on geometry for use in English schools.

The Origin of Species 2 vols.

Charles Darwin (author)

This is Darwin’s most famous book. Here he puts forward the idea that all species evolve over time from common ancestors by a process which he called “natural selection.” It was based upon the evidence he had accumulated when he…

Principia mathematica (Latin ed.)

Sir Isaac Newton (author)

Newton’s most famous work Principia (1687) explains the laws governing the motion of physical objects. Principia rests on the new branch of mathematics that Newton invented simultaneously with Leibniz (1646-1716), calculus, a tool…

The Selected Works of Gordon Tullock, vol. 3 The Organization of Inquiry

Gordon Tullock (author)

In The Organization of Inquiry, Gordon Tullock sets out to answer such questions as: how do scientists engage in apparently cooperative contributions in the absence of hierarchic organization and why are scientific contributions…

The Works of Archimedes

Sir Thomas Little Heath (editor)

A collection of Archimedes major writings with a lengthy introduction by the editor.
