Petrarch’s Love Poem for Laura

Tuesday 14 February 2012 (St. Valentine's Day)

In contrast to Adam Smith, here is a poem by Petrarch about his beloved Laura. With the return of spring the memories his beloved Laura awaken a new pang in him. </quotes/54>.

Again with gladsome feet Zephyr returns
Mid grass and flowers, his goodly family
And Procne chatters, Philomela mourns,
While Spring comes forth in all her finery.
The meadows laugh; the skies are bright and fair,
And Aphrodite wins the smile of Jove,
While full of passion is the earth and air
And every creature turns his thoughts to love.
For me, alas! these vernal days are shorn
Of all delight and laden with the sighs
Which from my heart’s recesses she hath torn
Who bore its hopes and pangs to Paradise!
Till birds and flowers and woman’s graces mild
To me are but a desert, stern and wild.