One Volume Surveys of Classical Liberalism

About this Collection

This is a list of one volume surveys of the classical liberal position which have appeared over the past two centuries. The defining characteristic is that they are an attempt to provide the reader with a survey of the basic political and economic principles behind the classical liberal tradition as well as some concrete proposals for reform in order to bring about a freer society. With the exception of Wilhelm von Humboldt’s The Limits of State Action which was written in 1792 but was not published in full until 1854, it seems that it was not until the mid-19th century before people began thinking of classical liberalism as a coherent body of thought which could be encapsulated in a one volume treatment.

Titles & Essays

Group by Category
Liberalism: The Classical Tradition (1927) (LF ed.)

Ludwig von Mises (author)

The great Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises provides a concise and tightly-argued one volume defense of classical liberalism, focusing on the core concepts of private property, limited government, peace, and the free market.

On Liberty and The Subjection of Women (1879 ed.)

John Stuart Mill (author)

Mill had been somewhat coy about publishing The Subjection of Women during his lifetime because he feared the condemnation of his peers for daring to apply the general notions of individual liberty which he had clearly spelled out in…

The Principles of Ethics, 2 vols. (1879) (LF ed.)

Herbert Spencer (author)

A two volume work which Spencer considered to be his finest work. In volume I he covers the data of ethics, the inductions of ethics, and the ethics of individual life. In the second volume he covers the ethics of social life (or…

Social Statics (1851)

Herbert Spencer (author)

Spencer’s first major work of political philosophy in which he attempts to lay the basis for a limited state on a rigorous development of a doctrine of natural rights. He begins with a defense of his “first principle” ’that every…

Les Soirées de la Rue Saint-Lazare (1849)

Gustave de Molinari (author)

Following the rise of socialism in France during the 1840s and the 1848 Revolution, Molinari wrote this fictitious “dialogue” between an economist, a conservative, and a socialist, to expose the folly of socialism, demonstrate how…

The Sphere and Duties of Government (1792, 1854)

Joseph Coulthard (translator)

In The Limits of State Action Humboldt explores the role that liberty plays in individual development, discusses criteria for permitting the state to limit individual actions, and suggests ways of confining the state to its proper…


Notes About This Collection

The list in chronological order is:

  • Wilhelm von Humboldt, The Sphere and Duties of Government (The Limits of State Action) (1792, 1854)
  • Gustave de Molinari, Les Soires de la rue Saint-Lazare (Conversations on Saint Lazarus Street) (1849)
  • Herbert Spencer, Social Statics (1851)
  • J.S. Mill, On Liberty (1859)
  • Herbert Spencer, The Principles of Ethics (1879)
  • Bruce Smith, Liberty and Liberalism (1888)
  • Ludwig von Mises, Liberalism (1927)

Other important one volume surveys which are not available at the OLL:

  • Friedrich Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (1960)
  • Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (1962)
  • Murray Rothbard, For a New Liberty (1974)